
Pokémon: Blasting Off!

A young man floated in space, outside of time itself, as soon, a being made its way through, finding him there. The being remembered the man before he was dead, all the good deeds he did- and the bad. Due to all his choices in his young life, he was deemed a grey spirited man. This being had a good idea for the young man, and decided to grant three wishes unto him, before sending him to one of it's favorite worlds ever, which just so happened to be home to certain creatures, many different types in fact. A few of them even had powers or abilities similar to its own, though weaker in nature, it was still powerful in its own right to the humans who lived with these creatures. And so, it woke the man up from his slumber, ready to begin a new chapter for him, and itself as the viewer. (This is a purely sexual fanfiction, with a minimal story xD)

SpedaHooves_6 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Ch. 2 - Bunny Love (18+)

I leaned further up in the bed, now taking in the form of my new Scorbunny better, which was revealed to be female. The curves that went all the way to her hips, the firm leg muscles, the cute little fluff of a tail.

This little bunny was pure sex appeal, and if I was any more innocent, I would have died with a nosebleed. But, thankfully, I get to experience things better.

I gently ran my fingers over her hips, up her fluffy waist, until I grasped her small but firm breasts, which were covered by a sash, and massaged them, causing the Scorbunny to moan softly in her sleep.

Noticing on the wall were two names, Niko, and Clem. Niko was my new name, and Clem was this little Scorbunny's. I smiled, gently brushing my fingers over her crotch, as it twitched a bit, and Clem moaned a little more. I stopped though, wanting to slowly acclimate her to this, if she was going to be my future partner after all, I do not want to traumatize her.

I gently kissed her head, before pulling away, noticing a small smile began forming in Clem's sleep. I smiled in turn. So cute. I then turned, exiting the room, now realizing how short I was. I must've been only ten years old, maybe nine. But that didn't matter really, within time, I would grow into this new body.

I then noticed a faint aroma, and upon following it, I found a petite, and plump woman making breakfast.

"Hmm hm hmm~ Oh, Niko, goot morning! Happy tenth birthdey!", she stated in an odd accent, setting up three plates, though one had a side of what I could guess was Pokéfood, and a few berries. I realized that it was just me, and my new Mom, aside from Clem. And... that might be better than I thought.

"Good morning, Mom! What's for breakfast?", I asked, and she smiled, setting the food in front of me.

"Chansey boiled eggs, Moo Moo steak fingers, hash browns, and a side of Oran Berries, with orange juice to top it off, Hunny~!", she said with a smile, before doing a special knock. Immediately after, I heard some rustling, as a blur of white and red and yellow bolted in, revealing Clem, who was wide awake. And blushing slightly, at me. Oh fuck, was she awake...?

But anything that I could have thought up to explain myself was quelled when she smiled at me, and I could tell she deeply cared about me. Or, rather, the previous Niko. I don't know, but I would make sure she was loved.

"It smells delicious Mom. Thank you!", I state, before digging in, not questioning that two of these products came from pokemon themselves. Oh, gods they were delicious at that.

"Thank you, Hun, enjoy!", Mom stated with a smile. She then began eating as well, as Clem did the same. a shot thirty minutes later, we were finished, and I washed the dishes. It was 11:26 AM by the time I finished, and so, I began getting dressed, wanting to be ready when I went to the professor's.

After I undressed, I turned on the water to the shower, waiting for it to get hot, when I jumped, seeing that Clem had entered the bathroom. And she was smiling, still.

"Scor scorbun, bun bunny!", she stated, before reaching down, tugging her tights that I assume Mom got for her to conceal her private bits out in public. Was probably a good idea too, cause... she was thicc. Even at stage one, her thighs and ass were thicc, and as she took off her sash, her B-Cup breasts gently bounced.

She then began making her way over to me, as she got up close, her paw rested on my chest, pushing me into the shower. We were of similar height, at approximately 4'6", which would be impossible normally, but she was an abnormally tall Scorbunny compared to the rest of her species, looking in the memories this body had.

"Clem-", my words were cut off as she pressed her bunny lips to mine, reaching down and grabbing my eight inch monster with her paws, grinning after pulling away, stroking up and down my length. I grunted, as the realization came to me, that I was about to fuck a pokémon, and the first day wasn't even over with.

"Scor-Bun-Ny~", she whispered into my ear, before nibbling on it, lining my cock up with her white pussy. She pressed forward, and just as my cock was about to slide in, she giggled, and repositioned so my cock would slide in between her thighs. She was teasing me?!

"Oh, you tease-", my words were interrupted once again, as I gasped, since she moved herself back and forth with purpose. I moaned, when the tip would hit her anus from how hard I was, but she just kept smiling, and kept going. Finally, when I was at the edge of release, she whispered to me, and I could somehow, someway tell what she was saying.

"Scorbun-bunny~", she whispered huskily. Meaning, 'Cum for me~'. I grunted one last time, as she pulled back, letting the throbbing tip position against her pussy one more, before she slammed herself forward, and as stars appeared in my eyes, she moaned, getting filled with hot, pent up semen. She may have only seen a few movies containing sex, but she's become a skilled virgin. She was not one anymore, after this though.

As blood, and cum slowly trickled out of her stretched open cunt, her own mouth wide open from the pleasure, the water began to wash it away. She would be limping a bit for a few days, but it was totally worth it in her mind, since she loved her Master.


It was half an hour later, and the two of us were smiling bright as can be. I was ready to begin my journey, maybe 'earn' some money to give Mom a better place to live. Mom was crying as we left, But I knew she would be okay.

"Well, Clem, ready?", I asked, smiling at my partner, while grasping her ass from behind. She grinned back, letting her paw rest on my ass, nodding with determination. Oh yeah, this journey was going to be good.


(Author's Note: In terms of the Ability/Body Part Niko obtained after the event with Clem, you all will just have to find out ;3)