
Chapter no.350 A Psychotic Woman

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[ POV Change ]

[ Celadon City ]

As Officer Jenny drove through the bustling streets of Celadon City, she navigated the busy traffic with ease. And as she drove towards a remote part of town, an annoyed look formed on her face.

Just as she was about to turn a corner, the car suddenly stopped at a red light. Jenny took a deep breath and removed what appeared to be a face mask from her face. The mask was eerie in its appearance as if the actual skin of Jenny had been grafted onto it, giving the illusion of her face.

But the woman was not Jenny. She was one of the top agents of Team Rocket, known by the code name Domino. With a sly smile, she pressed a red button and the car's interior was bathed in a red glow.

Domino chuckled to herself as she reveled in the idea of getting another human face.

But now, as she sat in her car at the red light, she was about to put her plan into action. With a flick of her wrist, she activated the device she had been hiding in the car. Suddenly, a strange energy began to fill the air, and Domino's eyes sparkled with a sinister glint.

As the light turned green and she accelerated away from the intersection, she could feel the energy growing stronger. The device was working perfectly, and she knew that soon Project X would be under Team Rocket's control.

She couldn't help but let out an evil cackle as she imagined the chaos that was about to ensue when they replicate Project X.

Domino felt a rush of excitement and power as she continued her journey toward her destination. Her plan was working perfectly as she now had captured Project X's trainer and now she needed to capture Project X through him without anyone batting an eye.

As she drove, she couldn't help but smile as she imagined the fear and desperation of the ten-year-old stuck in the back of the van with that thing.


[ A few minutes ago ]

[ Back of the van ]

As Austin sat in the back of the police van, his mind was racing with a mixture of fear and confusion. The handcuffs felt tight against his wrist, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

His Pokemon Musharna was shaking like crazy, and she refused to turn away from the body bag that lay in the corner of the van. Austin tried to reassure her, but even his voice seemed to not affect the distressed Pokemon.

Just as Austin was about to give up, the van suddenly bumped into something, causing the body bag to crash to the floor of the van and rip a piece of it open. Austin's eyes glanced down, and a sense of dread filled him as he saw an eye peaking at him through the tear.

Musharna let out a frightened eep as the eyeball rolled out of the body bag, and Austin struggled to push back the bile that was forming in his stomach. He watched in horror as Musharna tried to use her psychic powers to put the eyeball back in the bag, but in her haste, she only managed to rip the bag open even more.

Just as Musharna was about to fix it, Austin stopped her. He was filled with a sense of dread as he inched closer and closer to the body bag, his heart beating like crazy. With a shaking hand, Austin tore a little of the body bag and what he saw next shook him to the core.

He recognized the uniform.

The body was that of Officer Jenny.

Why was the lifeless body of Officer Jenny in a body bag in the van of another Officer Jenny?

But the more jarring question was; why was the skin on Officer Jenny's face missing as if someone had ripped it out?

He sat there, staring at the body of Officer Jenny, his mind reeling. He couldn't understand what was happening.

Suddenly, Musharna let out a blood-curdling scream and slammed onto the floor of the van. Austin heard a slushy sound and turned to see a grotesque, gelatinous mass begin to ooze out of Jenny's body. He was filled with horror as he watched the mass flow out of Jenny's eyes and mouth, growing larger and larger with each passing moment.

The glob was a swirling mass of color, with a whole plethora of hues and jagged rocks embedded within it. Austin felt his stomach churning as he took a step back, trying to put as much distance between himself and the horrifying scene as possible.

He immediately recognized that thing.

It was project venom which centered around one idea.

It is a known fact that Muk, a Pokemon known for the affection they give to their trainers which isn't reciprocated back protects any and all from its toxins using a layer of mucus that is considered impossible to break as a Muk subconsciously keeps secreting it.

But team rocket wanted to see what would happen if this layer was broken and they succeed by subjecting Muks, grimers, and Alolan variants alongside various drugs, chemical poisons, and poisonous plants.

The result was a mindless puppet that can kill any Pokemon and human that comes in contact with its toxins.

With that everything clicked in Austin's mind, he was currently being captured by some Team Rocket agent who wanted to kill him and take his place like Officer Jenny to get Charmeleon without anyone knowing it.

The glob continued to grow, expanding and contracting like some sort of pulsing monster. Austin felt like he was trapped in a nightmare, unable to escape the grotesque sight that was unfolding before him.

Despite his fear, Austin couldn't look away. He was mesmerized by the pulsing, glowing mass, and he felt a sense of awe and terror that he had never experienced before.

As the glob reached its full size, it suddenly stopped pulsing and hung in the air, as if waiting for something. Austin was frozen, unable to move as the glob seemed to stare back at him, its jagged rocks glinting menacingly in the light.

Just as suddenly as it had appeared, the glob shot forward, heading straight for Austin.

Musharna tried to get up but Muk's dark type aura was affecting her greatly.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It is said that the sport of Flaaffyball is aptly named, for so much of how it is played is determined by the ball itself. The blue, rubber, electrically charged sphere grows naturally on the tail of every Flaaffy and is much smaller than the Voltorb, Sandshrew, and other Pokemon traditionally used in Goal Roll. (A related game, Mareepball, is not played professionally because of the ball's even smaller size.) Consequently, the ball is not headed or kicked, and the game is instead played with the hands. Furthermore, because it is uneconomical to raise a Flaaffy simply for its ball (the wool and hide being far more valuable) balls are often in short supply, so they are not replaced during a game. Visibility is actually a greater issue early in the game, as dirt and grass which accumulates over the course of the game prevent it from blending in with the sky when thrown.

Flaaffyball is a fast-paced sport because the ball retains enough of an electrical charge to make it difficult to handle for prolonged periods. It is played by advancing the ball from one end of a grass and dirt field to another, typically by passing, although dribbling is also legal, if difficult because of the rubber ball's unpredictable bounces. Some players make a show of hitting the ball to advance it, but the ball is too small to bat effectively with one's hands, and only goaltenders are allowed bats.

Urbanization has not been kind to Flaaffyball; with fields and Flaaffy alike in short supply, it has lost its former dominance. However, it retains legions of passionate fans, is a popular professional league, and is by no means a dying game.

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