
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.257 Aura Awakening part 1

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{ Author Note: Happy Holidays to all my audience, I want to thank all of you for your support be that from Patreon or just your comments, I thank you as a writer who can see that others care for something I made, thank you. So for the holidays, I hope you enjoy the Christmas one-shot at the end of the chapter. }


[ Austin's POV ]

I couldn't help but shudder at the cold water against my skin.

" Just get into the water," Lucario shouted out causing me to glare at him.

Why don't you come here and swim in this goddamn freezing water?

" Pika, Pi," Pikachu said as he glanced toward Yellow who was sound asleep.

Hearing Pikachu's cheers I couldn't help but smile as I dove into the water.

Lucario nodded and walked up to the lake as his paws entered the water.

A blueish hue began to emit out of Lucario's paws the began to spread out in the form of ripples on the surface of the water.

Pikachu and Munna were mesmerized by the beautiful display as the entire pond lit up with blue light.

Deep in the water, Austin couldn't see much but the aura ripples began to light up the entire pond so much so that he was forced to close his eyes from the brightness.

Wisps of aura began to attach themselves to Austin's body who couldn't help but smile at the warmth he felt.

It was as if he was back in his mother's arms.

Meanwhile above the water, Lucario frowned.

' What? How is this possible? '

Lucario thought as he sensed that Austin's body was riddled with scars made of aura.

These aura scars were so deeply engrained into Ash's body as if they had been done when he was just born.

Lucario frowned since these aura scars meant that Austin wouldn't be able to access aura through the conventional way due to these aura scars essentially being blockers to stop the flow of aura but even then the biggest problem was how in the distortion realm was Austin still alive.

Those aura scars were essentially parasites seeping away his body's life force. If it wasn't for his absurd amount of aura, Austin would be dead by now.

Whoever had caused these aura scars was an amateur at best in the ways of Aura.

Lucario snarled as he thought.

' The Aura is with me. ' Lucario's aura increased while he thought.

' Thank mew these aura scars weren't done by an aura master, I can free Austin from these parasites. But the question remains, who had done this to Austin's body ?'

Austin meanwhile found himself in a weird forest.

Each tree had a weird kanji symbol attached to it with chains coming out of the kanji symbol.

Those chains stretched out from the kanji symbols into large spheres of chains hanging above a gigantic statue of a white equine Pokémon resembling a qilin with a gray, vertically-striated underside. The striated pattern had similar recurrences on the underside of its mane, tail, and face. Its four pointed feet are tipped with gold hooves. Its long mane juts away from its head, and its face is gray, with green eyes and red pupils, and a green circular pattern below its eyes. The statue also had a streak of gold coloration on its head, and ears that point upward. Its neck was fairly long, with two pairs of extrusions to the sides, and a flap-like feature on the neck's underside that was colored white like much of the body. The Statue also has a golden cross-like wheel attached to its body by its round abdomen.

" What the fuck ?" Austin said in confusion as he looked upon the statue of the God of Pokemon, Arceus.

Why was a statue of Arceus doing here?

Austin thought as ripples of blue began to spread through the sky.

' Is that Lucario's aura ?' Austin thought curiously as wisps of blue crashed onto the chains causing Austin to fall in pain.

What the hell just happen?

Why is my body burning up?

" Aggghhhh !" Austin cried out in pain as more and more wisps of aura crashed into the chains which could no longer handle it as cracks began to form.

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

With one final push, the wisps of aura cracked open the chain sphere revealing a mass of red energy that blasted apart the chains holding it.

In the form of a tidal wave, the extremely absurd amount of aura washed over the downed Austin.

" Pika !"

Above the water, Pikachu cried out anxiously as he saw the water turn red causing the electric mouse to look at Lucario.

" Don't worry that's just his aura."

Lucario said as sweat dripped down his snout.

The entire pond began to transform into a crimson red as Lucario's aura increased.

He never expected Austin's aura to be so great in quantity but he needed to complete this ritual.

" The Aura is with me !"


[ Rota Kingdom ]

In the gardens of Cameron's castle, Riley and Lucario were meditating when they felt the pulse of the world's aura shift.

"Lucario, it's coming from Kanto. The world's Aura is in disarray." Riley spoke in a desperate tone to Lucario.

"Yes, Master. I feel it also; this blindingly potent Aura is acting like a beacon" Lucario responded. Lucario's ears slowly rose as he concentrated. It was then they heard the chime.

The chime was like the invisible voice of the World's Aura. When Arceus created the ancient laws that governed pokémon and humans alike; he gave the world an echo of his will. The world would balance itself like yin and yang. And its voice was called the chime. Like the kind that was used by the ancient priests and maidens that protected the long-forgotten God of Pokemon, Arceus' Temples, and the Shrines.

"Master, someone is resonating with the world's Aura!" Lucario exclaimed in fear. Riley knew what that meant, as did Lucario. Riley clenched his fists and scrunched his eyes shut.

"The chosen one is awakening!"


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Unlike Empoleon and Magmar, Dodrio is not a flightless bird. Nor is their apparent flight (as some have imagined) accomplished by jumping up into the air so high that they reach the heights of their more typical avian ancestors. Within their ball-like bodies, Dodrio possesses retractable, nearly invisible wings which are small in proportion to their bodies but can carry them over short distances.

Few have seen these wings over the years, and fewer have lived to tell about them, but as for those who did, legends abound. Ancient Dodrio, they say, had large orange wings as long as their necks which they used for balance, which were forced into hiding by Ho-oh or Lugia or Arceus as punishment for trying to outrace the legendary dogs, or giving the song to man. The legends are murky, of course, varying from culture to culture, but a surprisingly high number have agreed that Dodrio in ancient times had wings that were lost as a form of divine punishment.

In reality, the wings were not lost. The Dodrio in the original legend did not have his wings stripped. He got word of the gods' wrath from a Metapod and was inspired by its cocoon to hide its wings as well. Its descendants to this day are reluctant to use wing-based attacks or even reveal their wings but can be taught with training. Whatever legendary that Dodrio once offended has long since forgotten its grudge; all that remains is an immense sense of guilt and shame that has entered the ancestral memory of the Dodrio, along with small, retractable wings.


[ This is a Christmas One Shot. Hope you enjoy and Happy Holidays to all ]

The holidays have arrived in the Kanto Region!

For Austin, it was time to celebrate the holidays with his friends.

Today, we find our heroes in their winter clothing passing through the snow-filled streets of Viridian City before they decide to visit Pallet Town, where Ash's mother, Delia is planning a Christmas party at her house. Needless to say, the gang is excited to have fun on Christmas while they get to see Ash's home.

"So Ash, are you excited to visit your mom after all this time away?" Asked Brock as they walked through the streets.

" Yeah," Austin answered as sweat dripped down his face he found it weird that he would for the first time celebrate Christmas without his actual family.

"I'll bet Pallet Town must be nice huh?" Guessed Yellow.

"Oh yes," Austin exclaimed. "It's nice and quiet there and there are also lots of friendly Pokémon too."

"Sounds good to me," Misty exclaimed as she narrowed her eyes at Lucario who was playing with the ornaments Yellow had attached to his tail.

" Are you excited to celebrate our first Christmas?" Austin asked his partner.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu happily squeaked.

The gang soon left Viridian City and they finally made it to Pallet Town.

"So this is where you live huh Ash? It's nice." Yellow said.

"Pichu!" Chu-Chu agreed.

As they made their way through Ash's hometown, they finally arrived at a large house with a small building on the front lawn with a Mr. Mime trying desperately to clean it from snow.

"Well, here we are!" Austin declared while putting on his Ash mask. "Home sweet home!"

Upon hearing his voice, Mr. Mime ran and tackled Austin and hugged him

"Mr. Mime sure is happy to see Ash." Brock.

"No kidding." agreed Misty. "It must miss him ."

"Awww, come on Mr. Mime!" Yellow pouted. "I want you to hug me too!

Lucario looked Yellow as if she had gone insane.

Mr. Mime then approached yellow and hugged her while Lucario took a step back while he charged up his aura, ready to kill this freak of nature.

Pikachu and Austin sweatdropped at Lucario's fear of Mr. Mime.

"Hahahaha!" Yellow laughed. "You're so cute Mr. Mime!"

"Pichu!" Chu-Chu squeaked happily.

"Welcome home Ash!" sounded a voice.

The group looked to see a smiling Delia standing at the opened front door.

"Ash! You are finally home !" She squealed as she ran toward Austin, tackled him in a tight hug, and showered him with kisses on the cheek. Pikachu managed to leap off of Austin's shoulder before the collision. Austin however was too stunned to react...

"Pika!" Pikachu happily squeaked as he jumped into Delia's arms and hugged her.

"Oh hello Pikachu! I've missed you too!" Delia greeted the mouse Pokémon as she hugged him back and kissed him on the forehead

"Chaaaaa!" Pikachu squealed in delight from the mother's kiss.

"Oh right. Mom, I'd like to meet my friends. This is Brock and Misty, the City Gym leader and Yellow." Austin said as he introduced his friends.

"Hello, Mrs. Ketchum." Greeted Brock. "It's a real pleasure to meet you."

"Same here!" Misty added.

"Hello, Mrs. Ketchum," Yellow said as she approached the mother of her crush. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you." Delia smiled. "It has only been a year but looks how you've grown into such a fine young lady!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Ketchum"

Yellow thanked while blushing at the woman's kind gesture.

"Well, now that we're all here, how about some lunch?" Delia suggested with a kind smile.

" I have made my baby boy's favorite Deep Dish Chili Dog Pizza."

Everyone turned to Austin who quickly improvised and exclaimed

"Alright!" Ash cheered with his mouth drooling

Lucario coughed into his hand causing everyone to turn to the aura pokemon who looked embarrassed as he kicked Austin's foot.

" Oh, this is Lucario, Mom," Austin said as Lucario sweatdropped at the lackluster introduction.

" Oh, neat," Delia said as she patted Lucario's head before going into the kitchen.

Lucario glared at Austin and asked," Is this how you introduce your master to your mom ?"

" What? Were you expecting some kind of firework show when I introduced you ?" Austin curiously asked as Lucario looked to the other side while whistling.

" Come to the kitchen to eat," Delia called as everyone slowly moved to the kitchen leaving behind a close-eyed Lucario who peeked out as he saw that everyone had left.

" Hey," Misty called out to Lucario, catching the aura Pokemon's attention as he caught something that Misty threw at him.

Looking at the white pill in his paws, Lucario looked confused as he looked at the water-type gym leader who answered with a smile.

" That's a sleeping pill, maybe in your dreams, you can have some respect from your student," Misty exclaimed with a smile before going back to the kitchen as Lucario angrily crushed the sleeping pill.

Mr. Mime tried to comfort the Aura Pokemon but before the psychic type could even touch the aura pokemon, Lucario angrily exclaimed," Touch me and you won't have an arm to sweep with anymore."

Mr. Mime sweated before slowly moving away from the angry aura pokemon.


The next day, it was December 23rd and as it turns out, Delia was planning to throw a Christmas party for the house on Christmas Eve and required some help to prepare. Naturally, Ash and the gang were more than happy to pitch in and help out. Brock decided to bake some cookies with Yellow, Dody, Tenty, Dish, and Iny helping out.

Misty was working on decorating the backyard with help from her Pokémon and Austin, Lucario, and Delia decorated the interior of the house for the party.

As they decorated the house, Delia couldn't help but notice Yellow constantly glancing at her son with a dreamy smile, giving out a dreamy sigh, and a small blush appearing on her face without him knowing. This brought a smile to her face as she figured out the reason.

A while later, Austin and Pikachu then left the house saying that he is going to take a bus to Viridian City and run an errand. Delia then approached Yellow.

"I know that look." she teased which startled her and reddened her face.

"Wh-Wh-What?! What look?! What was I looking at?!" She stuttered.

"You like my son don't you?" Delia teased again.

Yellow sighed, figuring there is no point in hiding from the mother of her crush. It was bad enough that Brock and her best friend Misty knew about her huge crush on Ash, now it was his mother who knows?! Why not Cynthia, the Sinnoh Queen? Her uncle, Wilton ?!

"Am I THAT obvious?" she asked.

"Like a Squirtle without its shell." Giggled Delia. "So tell me, how long have you had these feelings for my son?"

"Since the day I met him at the viridian forest," Serena replied. "He was so kind to help me catch my first pokemon and guide me out of the forest I got lost in. As I went on a journey with him, I came to know the real him. He's also been the biggest supporter in my battles along with Brock and Misty. I admit it, I'm past the point of just a mere crush. I'm truly in love with Ash Ketchum! I'm sorry if this is just so much of a surprise for you but-"

"Oh, I think it's wonderful Yellow!" Delia beamed.

"You do?!" Yellow asked in surprise.

"Oh yes." Said Delia.

"But what if Ash doesn't feel the same way?" Yellow worriedly asked.

"Oh don't worry dear," Delia assured. "I'm sure if you tell him about your feelings, he'll feel the same way."


"Man am I stumped." Ash groaned as he and his Pokémon walked through the snow-covered streets. "I just don't know what to give to everyone.'

"Pika Pikapi pika Pikachu," Pikachu said in support.

" You know them well but I have a special suggestion for Yellow," Lucario added as Scizor looked at Fearow.

No way, was this bastard going to say it and influence the bet?

" What ?"

" You can give her, your love," Lucario said while holding his paws in a heart shape.

Austin in response picked up a fist full of snow before turning it into a snowball and throwing it directly onto Lucario's face while Scizor and Fearow sighed in relief.

Everyone of Austin's pokemon had made a bet on who their human will end up with.

With Scizor and Fearow putting over 1000 berries on Cynthia.

Suddenly Austin's Pokedex beeped as he looked down to see a message from Cynthia.

[ Happy Christmas, sorry I can't make it to Kanto. A snowstorm has canceled all the flights going to Kanto ]

Austin frowned before thinking of a message to send back to Cynthia as she continued straining his brain for the message perfect. His eye caught something at a store window.

"Hmm. This looks promising." He said as he inspected the item. "Come to think of it, I've noticed Yellow and Misty having their eyes set on one of these recently. She's been wanting one pretty badly. What do you guys think?"

"Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu happily nodded.

" No, it must be your love!" the aura Pokémon exclaimed before he was pelted by snowballs from Scizor and Fearow.

Austin ignored those three and looked at Pikachu looked at a particular item.

"You want that for Chu-Chu?" Austin asked with a nudge as the electric mouse shamelessly nodded.

And so, Austin and Pikachu entered the store to purchase the gifts leaving behind Scizor and Fearow who were cursing the aura pokemon and pelting him with snowballs


The next night was Christmas Eve and the party in the Ketchum house is in full swing. A lot of guests from Bill to Gary had arrived to join the festivities.

Yellow was surprised when not only Misty's sisters arrived at the party but also Brock's family. Many delicious foods were prepared by both Delia and Brock. Later, there was music outside and many couples were seen dancing together.

Austin sat in his seat in deep thought when he noticed Yellow sitting alone in another chair by the yard door. He glanced back at the dance floor and came up with a decision. He got up from his seat and walked towards the blond girl.

Yellow was also in deep thought as she stared at the many people dancing.

'Gee, I sure wish Ash would dance with me.' She thought. 'But what are the chances of that happening?'

"Um, Yellow?"

Yellow snapped out of her thoughts to see Austin standing in front of her.

"Oh! Uh... hi Ash." She greeted with a blush. "What's up?"

"Well, uh, I was wondering... if you would... you know... like to dance with me?" he asked nervously as he scratched his cheek and extended his arm.

Yellow eyes widened as she heard the request.

"What?" she asked in shock.

"I asked If you would like to dance with me." He said once more in a calm tone.

Was this happening? Is Ash Ketchum asking her to dance with him? There was absolutely no way she was going to pass up a chance like this.

"Well, that is... if you want to." Austin continued. "I'll understand if you don't. So I'll just-"

"Oh Ash, I would love to dance with you!" Yellow answered in glee as she took hold of Austin's hand.

"Really? Great!" Austin smiled at Yellow's answer. "Let's go!"

They made their way to the dance floor and joined the crowd. Austin kept hold of Yellow's hand while the other found its way to her back and Yellow used her other hand on Austin's shoulder. They danced to many different songs along with the crowd. Through every song they danced, they gazed into each other's eyes. Yellow's heart melted as she stared deep into the abyss of Austin's crimson eyes while Austin felt that he had made the worst decision possible. Yellow felt so comfortable and safe, dancing with the boy she loved so deeply, that she rested her head on his chest and let out a contempt sigh.

Later, the party was over and we now find our heroes sitting together by the fireplace.

"That was a great Christmas party Mrs. Ketchum." complimented Brock.

"The best!" Yellow agreed in an adorable cheer.

"Without a doubt, it was a blast!" added Misty

"Pi Pikachu!" Said Pikachu.

"Well thank you. I appreciate it." Delia thanked.

"And would you look at the time!" Delia said as she pointed at the clock. "It's midnight! You know what that means."

"It's Christmas!" Everyone cheered.

"Oh! And that reminds me." Austin said as he got up.

"What is it Ash?" asked Brock.

"You'll see," Austin replied as he went up the stairs with Pikachu and Lucario in tow.

A few minutes later, Ash and his Pokémon came back down with wrapped presents in their hands. Everyone in the room gasped at the sight.

"Surprise!" Austin said as he showed the gifts.

"Ash! What are those?!" Yellow questioned in shock.

"Your Christmas gifts! What else would they be?" He joked as he and his Pokémon placed the gifts on the floor.

"You got Christmas presents for all of us?!" asked Misty.

"What did you think I left for Viridian City yesterday in the first place?" Austin replied.

"B-B-B-But Ash!" Stuttered Yellow. "W-W-We didn't get any g-gifts for any of us, l-l-let alone you!"

"That's alright. There isn't anything I want. Besides, I've got everything I need right here. Right now." Austin said as he spreads his arms open in front of the others. "Spending time with family and friends. That's what Christmas means to me. I don't need anything like a new hat, a new badge case, or even a Master Ball to be happy. Being with you guys, my friends... no... my family, this is all I could ever ask for. Right Pikachu?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed.

"So, I wanna show you guys how much I appreciate you being my family by getting you these presents. So Merry Christmas everyone!"

"Pika! Pika Pikachu!" Pikachu cheered

Everyone in the room was so touched by Austin's kind and heartwarming words that they were tearing up. Especially Delia and Yellow.

Delia was proud of how mature her son now was.

"First off, Mom," Austin said as he handed them the gifts.

The mother unwrapped their presents to reveal what they received. Delia got a pink bottle of perfume called Essence of Spritzee.

"Mom, I know how you much like perfume, this would be the perfect gift for you," Austin explained as he projected that he was giving this gift to his real mother and not a woman from an anime.

More tears of joy fell from Delia's eyes at what her son gave her. She was so overjoyed, she lunged at Austin and gave him the best hug and kiss a mother would give to her child.

"Oh, Ash! You truly are the best son a mother could have!" she gushed.

"Ugh! Uh, Mom, I don't mean to be rude, but if you don't let go, you're either gonna snap my spine or squeeze the air right out of my lungs, whichever comes first." Austin groaned in pain.

"Oops!" Delia yelped as she released Ash from her arms.

"Wow! A new breeder's item box!"

Brock exclaimed happily. "I've been needing a new one for some time!"

"Yeah, I hope you liked it, Brock," Said Austin as he turned to Misty.

" Let me guess, you got me a water stone."

" Well, if you don't want it then." Lucario pitched in as Misty quickly grabbed the present from Austin's hand

" No, I am thankful that at least you got me a gift."

Misty tore the wrapping and let out a loud high-pitched shriek.

"Eeeeeeeee! Tickets to the Water Cup!" Misty felt tears in her eyes as she looked at the tickets for the one tournament that she always wanted to go to.

" I know how you always talked about this tournament so."

"Oh, Ash! I love it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Misty exclaimed in glee as she hugged Ash tightly and showered him with multiple big kisses on the cheek causing Misty, Yellow, and the others to freeze.

" Ahem, Ash I, I, I..." Misty's face turned red as she ran out of the room embarrassed while Pikachu and Lucario looked at each other.

' Did this mean that Wartortle won the bet ?'

Austin blinked a few times as he intently said," Why did Misty run out of the room? Was she that happy about the tickets ?"

Austin's intently oblivious words caused Lucario and Pikachu to facepalm.

"And here's yours Yellow," Austin said as he handed her the present to her trembling hands.

"Th-Th-Thank you, Ash." She stuttered as her face became as red as a tomato.

At the same time, Pikachu went up to Chu-Chu and handed her present to her trembling paws. Both trainer and Pokemon anxiously unwrapped their presents to reveal a rectangular black box.

"Go ahead, open it." Said Ash.

Yellow opened the box and gasped.

It was a beautiful silver chain necklace with a heart-shaped ruby. The ruby glimmered and shined from the light of the fireplace as Yellow held it with one hand while the other, over her pounding heart. Chu-Chu had the same expression as she received a heart-shaped pendant that was small enough to fit her.

"Oh... my... gosh!" Yellow breathed.

"Aw! Isn't that sweet of my Ash?" Delia beamed.

"You got that for Yellow?" Brock questioned Austin

"Sure did," Austin said with pride before asking Yellow. "If I may?"

Though still beside herself, Yellow nodded. Taking the necklace, Austin went around Yellow, placed it around her neck, and closed the clasp.

"So Yellow, whaddya think? Do you like it?" He asked as he came back around.

Yellow didn't answer as she was heavily panting from the shock of her gift.

"Uh... Yellow, are you okay?" Austin asked in concern.

Yellow couldn't control her emotions anymore. She tackled Austin in a tight hug with so much force, he was knocked to the sofa. Tears of happiness flooded her eyes and fell as she hugged him. Ash was indeed the boy of her dreams.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said with a chuckle before returning the hug.

Chu-Chu mimicked her trainer as she tackled him.

" Damnit, that bastard blew his best chance," Lucario whispered to himself.

" What some chocolate eggnog ?" Brock offered to cause Lucario's ear-like projections to stand up.

" Don't mind if I do," Lucario exclaimed as he took a big gulp before looking at Brock.

" If only you were a woman," Lucario said causing Brock to be confused while Austin's Dragonair's PokeBall shook with the anger of an enraged draconic woman.

Scizor and Fearow looked at each other.

' Should we place our bets on Yellow ?'

The duo thought as Pidgeot slapped Fearow's crown causing the flying type to look at Pidgeot in anger as she held a berry in her beak for him.

Fearow slapped Scizor's claw and said," Ha, look at her."

Scizor in response slammed a metal claw into Fearow's neck, knocking the flying type out as he held the flying type to Pidgeot.

" Take care of him, while I suffer for the ultimate disease; Loneliness," Scizor exclaimed as he slowly picked up his diary and began to write it down.

Pidgeot looked at Fearow's knocked-out body and then at Scizor who was scribbling away in his diary.

' Yeah, I am going to go.' Pidgeot thought as she slowly hopped back leaving the duo to themselves.


Truly, this was a Christmas no one will ever forget. Up high into the sky, a red sleigh carrying a large sack of gifts was driven by a round man with a full snowy white beard and in a red outfit while being pulled by seven Stantler. The lead Stantler guided the way with his glowing red orbs in his antlers. As they sped off into the night sky, the man calls out to the good people of the Kanto region and the rest of the Pokémon world.

"Merry Christmas to all! And to all, a goodnight!"