
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.252 A Knight Vs A Dragon

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Gazing upon the Dragon type, Austin knew that the trip to Fuchsia City was worth it.

Even though he had delayed his plans for Team Rocket, the Pseudo legendary that slithered down the Tree justified was worth it.

If he could tame Dragonair, then this trip would be fully worth it but unlike other pokemon most dragon type pokemon desire a trainer who can recognize and raise their potential.

If a trainer can't do something like that then the dragon would either kill the trainer or leave depending on the species of dragon types.

While reading about this aspect of dragon types, Austin would be a liar if he was saying that he wasn't scared but he needed the power of dragon types if he was going to destroy team rocket.

" Lucario, aura talk," Austin whispered as Lucario nodded while channeling his aura.

{ What is it, Master Austin? }

{ Lucario, I want you to tell me what emotion Dragonair feels when I say something. }

{ Why? }

{ You do this for me and I'll get you a whole box of chocolate bars. }

{ How does this generation say it, you got it. }

Lucario stated as Austin stepped forward.

Dragonair meanwhile gazed upon the intruders. If it wasn't for Lucario's presence making Dragonair wary then she would have long since attacked Austin for intruding on her territory and attempting to capture her like the rest of the humans who she had encountered before.

" Dragonair !"

The pseudo legendary cried out aggressively as she extended her body upward making herself larger and more intimidating while releasing an extremely potent killing intent.

Austin could feel his heart pounding in his throat. Apart from that, all he felt was blinding fear. All he could think was "run. Run. RUN. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

Austin's face was the perfect artistic depiction of calm but Lucario could feel fear and anxiety from his aura.

{ Don't worry, I am here if anything happens } Lucario reassured Austin who clenched his hands.

" You are quite the beautiful dragon." Austin complimented with a smile.

{ Indifference. }

Lucario conveyed Dragonair's emotions.

" Seeing your beautiful gem, I can say with certainty that you are quite the old dragon."

Austin's words seemed to have made Dragonair even angrier.

All Dragon-type pokemon carried on the pride and prestige associated with their species. To a Dragon type, power was everything hence why evolution was considered a form of honor but it could also be a source of shame.

The evolution of pokemon is done in two ways.

One is through rigorous training and battles and the other one is through age.

Evolution through aging is considered a form of shame to Dragon-type pokemon and unfortunately, Dragonair who had been raised in captivity all her life and never participated in battles had evolved through aging.

Dragonair never saw it as a problem until her so-called mate showed up.

The humans of the Safari Zone had brought in a Dragonite to breed with her but he refused to even see her after their initial meeting. Calling her an embarrassment to their species.

The humans had given them some food which caused them to mate forcefully but the rampage that Dragonite had done after had left Dragonair scarred. His fury had left a seed of hatred in her heart for herself.

And now Austin seemed to have accidentally poked those wounds.

{ She's angry. } Lucario said causing Austin to sardonically reply," Really, I couldn't tell."

Dragonair opened its mouth and a purple-black ball appears in front of it. It then shoots a black beam with purple sparks of energy surrounding it at Austin.

Austin's shadow moved as Haunter appeared between her human and the pseudo-legendary.

Haunter's crimson eyes glowed before she fired a dark crimson beam, outlined in black from its eyes at the dragon's pulse.

Haunter's Nightshade canceled out the dragon pulse.

Austin turned to Lucario and said," Come on, let's battle."

{ No, I am perfectly contemptuous not participating in the barbaric sport of battling. }

" Lucario ! "

{ Fine, no need to shout. }

Lucario said as he jumped in between Dragonair and Austin meanwhile Haunter bitch slapped Austin before phasing into the ground.

' I deserved that. ' Austin thought as he rubbed his cheek.

Dragonair's glare increased as she fired off a flamethrower at Lucario whose body flickered before disappearing.

( ~ Boom ~ )

Lucario landed an uppercut right on Dragonair's jaws.

Twisting on the heel of his feet, Lucario placed his palm on Dragonair's body. One of Lucario's paws turned light blue and it struck Dragonair with it, releasing a burst of blue energy from it on contact.

Dragonair was launched into the air with her momentum only stopping as she crashed into the tree.

Lucario disappeared again and reappeared in front of Dragonair as he grasped the horn on Dragonair's head which was bigger than most other Dragonairs' due to the age of the pokemon.

( ~ Slam ~ )

( ~ Crash ~ )

Austin and Haunter cringed as Lucario slammed Dragonair head-first into the stalagmites covering the cave floor.

Austin and Haunter both held their fist to their respective mouths while they suckled in the air.

Lucario's beatdown was brutal yet fascinating to watch.

Lucario stopped when Dragonair was finally knocked out.

Turning around, saw Austin staring at him absentmindedly while Haunter was writing something on a stalagmite.

{ What? }

" That was just straight-up bullying."

{ You were the one, who asked me to fight so you are the bully. }

" What? How ?!"

{ Weren't you listening? I just said why. }

" That doesn't make any sense. "

{ Says the guy who makes money by having his family fight to the death. }

" Now you are just making up stuff. " Austin replied as Haunter revealed the stalagmite with a carved-out 9.5 on it.

{ What's the ghost insinuating? }

" She is rating your bullying on poor Dragonair."

{ You do realize that the poor Dragonair launched an attack at you. }

" I have been meaning to ask. Why did she do that? "

{ The better question is; why in the distortion realm, did you have to mention her age? }

" Why? Are female Dragonairs sensitive about their age or something? "

Austin's answer caused Lucario and Haunter to facepalm.

{ You don't know much about Dragon types, do you? }

Austin while a little embarrassed nodded.

{ Well, let me tell you something about Dragon types.....


[ Omake Paragraph ]

If a Slowbro places a water stone on its tail, the Shellder clamped onto it will evolve. The Slowbro altered by this evolution move awkwardly, unable to drag their heavy tails behind them for balance because Cloysters are too round and bumpy to balance much of anything. In battle, these Cloyster-bitten tails can be used as a thick club to whack enemies with, or thrown as boomerangs. However, the Slowbro must be careful, for if the Cloyster does not return properly the Slowbro will devolve back into Slowpoke.

This is one of the few ways in which a pokemon can devolve. It is said that the legendary Mew was capable of returning pokemon to earlier states, and that experimentation by Team Rocket (often on Slowbro themselves) yielded promising results in the field of Eevee study before the laboratories were shut down. Apart from these strange anomalies, it is only witnessed when a Slowbro misses its Cloyster with its tail, shrinks in size, and falls back to all four feet. They mourn with renewed vigor and, distrusting their tails, attach worms to their heads, dunk under the water and wait for a Shellder to swim by and attach itself.

Those few who succeed are renowned among Slowpoke and Slowbro for their power and experience, and the Shellder on their head quickens their reflexes and balances their upper bodies until they can stand again. They are called Slowking and are known far and wide for their wisdom and psychic powers.