
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.213 Six Stages of Grief

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[ POV Change ]

[ Back to the present.]

After that event, Mewtwo slowly watched the metamorphosis of Team Rocket from a private research organization into an actual militant service, working undercover to fuel its research. However, every notorious organization needed a head, a face to lead it, a face that all agents would respect, and a face that would take the blame should things go awry.

But Giovanni, the Ex Viridian Gym leader, was a businessman. He couldn't afford to be the face of the devil, after all, how else would he be able to enjoy plausible deniability when the time came? And yet… he needed the devil.

And so, he created one.

The one they called Boss.

A man sitting in the shadows, with a Persian at his feet. A man, or rather a position, one that was occupied by two individuals to date. The first is a man called Magnussen, and after his slaughter, a man called Archer.

Giovanni remained the Ex Viridian Gym leader, the one who was mind-punked by Mewtwo and the Boss of Team Rocket into following their commands, should Team Rocket be defeated by some grave eventuality.

Pragmatism. It was a good skill to have. Mewtwo could certainly see the advantages of having it.

"Where is he?" he finally asked.

"In his gym office."

Without further delay, Mewtwo disappeared.


Austin stood in the midst of Lavender Tower, his eyes focused on Raticate's grave. The air was filled with the scent of burning tobacco as he took a drag from his cigarette. The tower was a solemn place, with towering pillars and ancient cobblestones that whispered secrets from ages past. A cold wind swept through the open windows, causing the flames of the torches to flicker and dance.

( ~ Tap ~ )

The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the chamber, and Austin turned to see Elite Four Agatha approach him. Her attire was that of a witch, with a long black cloak draped over her shoulders and a pointed hat on her head. In her hand, she held a gnarled wooden staff that was crackled with dark energy. Her sharp eyes locked onto Austin, and she spoke in a commanding voice.

"You know it's considered rude to ignore your elders."

Austin took another drag from his cigarette before exhaling a cloud of smoke. He didn't even acknowledge Agatha's presence.


"Elite Four Agatha," he croaked.

"It is Agatha and nothing else," the old woman replied, her voice dripping with disdain. Her sharp eyes jumped from Austin to the floating shadow Pokémon hidden behind the pillars. For some reason, the shadow Pokémon felt extremely familiar, and judging by the manner it was shying its eyes away, Agatha knew that it was not a coincidence. She knew this Haunter. It was only a time before her memories spotted it.

"My name is Ash."

"Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. I have heard quite many mentions of your name," Agatha replied in a half-sardonic tone. "Then again, they are not... undeserved."

"Thanks," Austin replied as he puffed on his cigarette.



"Aren't you going to tell me to stop smoking like the twin grandmas?" he asked.

"No, it's human nature to find something to wash away your grief with. And again don't let Grady and Brady hear you call them grandma, they are very vocal about that topic."

Austin nodded while trying to give Agatha a cigarette.

"What are you trying to do, speed up my journey to the grave?" Agatha said as she took out a military water bottle.

Austin could smell the alcohol reeking from the water bottle. So that's what she meant by something to wash away grief. Austin and Agatha stood silently as they indulged in their vices.

"You know, you have the same look in your eyes just like I did when I was younger."

"When? A hundred years ago?"

"Kekeke, no, make that two hundred years back," Agatha chuckled as she took a huge gulp.

"The look of revenge," Agatha's words caused Austin's smile to drop before he puffed his cigarette.

"So are you going to tell me otherwise?"

"No, I was just like you, consumed by revenge when my father died at the hands of the monster you killed."

"..... Sorry."

"For what? For taking away the thing I hated the most. For ruining my revenge."


Agatha took another gulp as she said, "I don't know who hurt you but remember the words of this old crone obsessed with revenge. Revenge consumes you and pushes away all the people you hold dear."


"But I know you're not going to listen. I was just the same. They say there are five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance but for people like us who have been scarred by the world there exists a sixth stage; revenge."

Agatha's words caused Austin to close his eyes as all the moments he had with Raticate began to flash through his mind.

In silence, Austin opened his eyes which glowed crimson red.

The look in Austin's eyes told Agatha everything who closed her bottle as she said, " Looks like my words didn't seem to have an effect. I just came here to thank you for freeing my family from the curse. Even if I feel anger towards you for taking away my revenge, I am still grateful that the curse is finally gone."

Austin absentmindedly nodded as Agatha turned to leave before Austin curiously asked," Aren't you going to stop me ?"

" Kekeke, no, you have made up your mind. Even if I stop you here, you will stand up again to walk this path of destruction. I can only advise you to focus your anger on the thing you're getting your revenge on and not let it lash out against the innocent, I made that mistake and to this day I never forgave myself."

Austin could feel the sorrow in Agatha's words as she left leaving behind a young man who was at a crossroads in life.

Not knowing what he should do next.


Marowak and Cubone walked towards the hall.

They wanted to thank the human for protecting them.

Suddenly as the human came to view, Marowak immediately stopped Cubone from advancing further.

Her instincts told her that this human was dangerous.

Hearing the commotion, Austin glanced toward the duo and with a nod, he left with Pikachu on his shoulders.

Marowak and Cubone glanced at what Austin was looking at. Only to find, a torn piece of clothing with the symbol of team rocket on it, set ablaze.

Glancing at Austin's back, Marowak had a gut feeling that this human was going towards a path of destruction.

Whatever the result would be, Marowak knew that the world is going to go through a storm with that human at its epicenter.


Man is such a strange and selfish yet selfless creature.

Words and actions can create such an influence on the body and mind of man.

These emotions led man to conquer this world and these emotions led man through the pathway of life.

Brady and Grady looked at the retreating back of Austin before they walked up the lavender tower to see what made this young man wait from dusk to dawn.

On the top floor of the tower, a Shiny Alpha Haunter floated, her spectral form glowing in the darkness. Raticate, a plump and furry creature, stood beside her, his whiskers twitching with anxiety.

"Isn't it time for you to leave?" Haunter asked Raticate.

"Then who will look after that idiot of mine?" Raticate replied, his voice tinged with concern.

Haunter's response was simple. "I will."

The air was thick with tension and danger as everyone stood at the precipice of their fate.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

It should not be surprising that a pokemon which itself is frequently called an "epidemic" and "infestation" should also be one of the leading vectors of disease in the pokemon world. Zubat is not only fearsome in appearance, with their lack of eyes, purple wings, and fangs, but also extremely dangerous to an unprepared pokemon.

A Zubat's mouth is open frequently for echolocation, but this is quite unsanitary and leaves it easy prey for airborne viruses: rare is even the cold that a Zubat does not catch. Although it is far from the only pokemon to learn techniques such as leech life and bite, its sharp fangs pierce the skin deeper and are shaped in a way that allows for the easy transmission of viruses. Finally, its poison-type immune system keeps it alive to carry diseases that would kill an ordinary pokemon.

Thankfully for humans, it is pokemon who suffer the brunt of Zubat bites, although woe betides those who venture into a cave without a Pokeball. Typically Zubat infections can be cured at a pokemon center, but occasionally they run across incurable mutant diseases, most of which kill fast and spread faster.

To add insult to injury, Zubat is believed to be one of the few pokemon which can not spread the Pokerus, a strange pathogen that increases a pokemon's abilities and is prized by trainers worldwide.