
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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484 Chs

Chapter no.191 Team Rocket and Marowak

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Marowak's bones rattled with fear as she huddled in the shadows, watching in horror as the chaos outside continued to escalate. The haunting screams of suffering and agony echoed through the air, mingling with the creaking and groaning of the ancient Lavender Tower.

She had always known that the tower was a place of great power, a place where the spirits of the dead lingered on in a restless state. But she had never imagined that she would see the day when those spirits would be unleashed upon the living in such a violent and brutal way.

Her heart raced as she caught sight of her son, a tiny figure darting through the chaos in a desperate bid to escape. His fur was standing on end, his eyes wide with terror as he scrambled over broken headstones and dodged the grasping hands of the undead.

Marowak wanted nothing more than to run to her son's side, to wrap him in her arms and protect him from the horrors unfolding around them. But she knew that if she exposed herself, if she made herself a target, she would be putting both their lives in even greater danger.

So she watched from the shadows, her eyes locked onto her son as he darted through the maze of gravestones. And then, suddenly, she saw him stumble and fall, tripping over a loose stone and tumbling to the ground.

Marowak felt a scream building in her throat as she saw two human figures closing in on her son, their faces twisted with hatred and malice. She knew that they were members of the notorious Team Rocket, the criminal organization that had been wreaking havoc across the region for months.

With a surge of fierce determination, Marowak burst from the shadows, her bone club held aloft in a fierce battle cry. The two humans spun around, their eyes widening in shock and fear as they saw the angry pokemon bearing down on them.

With a deafening crash, Marowak slammed into the intruders, her powerful bone club shattering against their flesh as she fought to protect her son. She could hear their screams of pain and terror as they tumbled to the ground, and for a moment she allowed herself a glimmer of hope that she might be able to hold them off.

But the hope was short-lived, as she saw the men beginning to rise to their feet, their eyes blazing with a cold and ruthless fury. Marowak knew that she could not hope to defeat them all, not on her own.

"Run!" she shouted to her son, her voice ringing out through the chaos. "Get away from here!"

Her son hesitated for a moment, his eyes locked onto her in terror and confusion. But then, with a sudden burst of bravery, he turned and bolted away, his tiny legs carrying him as fast as they could go.

Marowak watched him go, her heart heavy with sorrow and fear. She knew that she might never see him again, that he might be lost forever in the chaos that was consuming the world around them.

But she could not afford to think about that now. With a fierce growl, she turned back to the intruders, her bone club held high and ready for battle.

The men had risen to their feet, their eyes fixed on Marowak with a cold and ruthless hatred. One of them spoke, his words snarling and angry, and Marowak could feel her bones trembling with fear.

The man who had spoken ran up, fury blazing in his eyes. He held something in his hand, although she wasn't sure what. It looked like a square with a handle, but there was some long part in front, and around the area at the end.

He pointed the object at her, and she still narrowed her eyes.

No matter what, she would fight to the end!


Austin was running through the dimly-lit halls of Lavender Tower, his heart pounding with every step. Beside him, his faithful companions, Munna and Pikachu, kept pace with him as he clutched a talisman that had been given to him by Brady and Grady.

The attack on Lavender Tower had come far too early, catching Austin off guard. As he rounded a corner, he saw a figure running toward him. Reacting quickly, Pikachu unleashed a thunderbolt that crackled through the air and struck the figure, causing a cloud of smoke to rise.

From within the smoke, something shot out towards Pikachu. With lightning-fast reflexes, Pikachu used Brick Break to deflect the object before darting forward into the smoke with a quick attack.

As the smoke began to clear, Austin heard a cry that stopped him in his tracks. "Cubone!" he exclaimed as he saw the small, lonely Pokémon lying against the wall, trembling with fear.

The cry of the pokemon caused Austin to stop dead in his tracks as he immediately turned towards Munna who read the mind of her trainer as her eyes glowed with an ethereal red as a large light blue rectangle with light blue transparent walls appeared around the halls of Lavender. Then, the light blue glow fades, and the walls and ceiling become invisible.

Munna seemed to disappear as Austin took a deep breath while walking towards Pikachu who held up Cubone against the wall.

Austin went down on one knee and reached out to the frightened Cubone. "Hey there, little guy," he said softly. "It's okay, you're safe now."

Pikachu, confused by the sudden turn of events, looked on with a mixture of curiosity and concern. As Austin spoke to Cubone, Pikachu could feel a sense of unease growing inside him.

But as he watched, something changed. Austin's warm words and gentle touch seemed to calm Cubone, who slowly opened his eyes and looked up at his new friend.

"Cubone," Austin said gently, "can you tell me what happened here? Did the people attacking this place have a big red R on their clothing?"

At the mention of the attackers, Cubone's eyes widened in fear. He trembled for a moment before nodding slowly.

( ~ BANG ~ )


A deafening, banging sound echoed through the night. Marowak's head whipped around, searching for the source of the noise. It was then that she felt a sudden, burning pain in her shoulder, as though something had penetrated there. She let out a cry of surprise and pain, feeling a sticky substance dripping down her arm.

Even though she didn't have to see it to figure out what it was, the situation could have been a lot worse if the mysterious pokemon in front of her hadn't stepped in. The team rocket grunt who fired the shot looked at Munna with intense curiosity. Just what was this pokemon?

A small, pink pokemon with a rounded body and a pair of sleepy-looking eyes. Musharna's eyes glowed with blue light as the gun in the grunt's hand was crushed with the use of a Psychic. The sound of the gun being crushed was like a thunderclap, and the grunt howled in pain as his hand, or what was left of it, bled like crazy.

The scream of the grunt alerted everyone of Munna's presence as one of the team rocket's Umbreon charged towards Munna with Shadow Claw. Munna disappeared and appeared above Umbreon with an orb of fairy aura in her mouth. There was a sound like a crack of thunder as the orb hit Umbreon, sending him flying backwards into the ground with a loud thud. The impact shook the ground, and a cloud of dust rose up around the fallen pokemon.

The burning pain was rapidly overwhelming Marowak, as her vision began to fade. She could see figures moving around her, but they were becoming increasingly blurry and indistinct. She felt herself sinking to the ground, her body growing heavier and heavier with each passing moment.

Executive Butch gritted his teeth as he watched the chaos unfolding before him. He was a tall, muscular man with short brown hair and a square jawline. He wore a black uniform with a red R emblem emblazoned on the chest. His eyes were narrowed as he surveyed the scene, his mind racing as he tried to come up with a plan.

First, he had to deal with these reanimated corpses that the Ghost pokemon were using the corpses of the deceased as marionettes, and now there was that pink mysterious pokemon.

Could things get any worse?


Deep beneath Lavender Tower, in a hidden room obscured by hundreds of thousands of talismans, lay a scene of unspeakable horror. The room was dank and musty, the air heavy with the scent of decay and something else, something indefinable yet unmistakably sinister.

In the center of the room stood three stone statues, their simian features twisted into grotesque parodies of the Pokemon they were meant to represent. The oval, black eyes were empty and soulless, the large ears twisted into unnatural shapes, and the tiny black noses were upturned in a sinister sneer.

The first statue was that of Pansage, its broccoli-like sprout torn away to reveal a gaping maw, its tongue lolling out like a serpent's. The second was Pansear, its ears lined with crimson, as if they were bleeding blood. And the third, Panpour, its eyes gouged out, the lids peeled back to reveal its staring, lidless orbs.

In the middle of this was a dismembered, sickly pale hand, held in place by thousands of red strings. The hand clutched an ancient Pokeball, its surface etched with strange symbols and runes.

As if by some dark magic, an ethereal aura began to exude from the hand, suffusing the room with an eerie glow. The Pokeball, too, seemed to come to life, radiating a purplish-black aura that pulsed with malevolent energy.

It was as if the room itself was alive, pulsing with a dark and ominous power that threatened to consume all who entered.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Rattata are the only pokemon that are strongest at birth and grow weaker as they gain experience. This is not a strength every Rattata possesses, but one which requires a held item and is passed down through generations. Consequently, none fear wild Rattata, but a trained newborn at the wrong time can terrify even the greatest of trainers.

The strategy relies on the fact that newborn Rattata have not yet developed their decent speed, and the opponent will always attack first, often with a damaging technique. The Rattata, badly wounded but alive because of a Focus Sash, retaliates with Endeavor and Quick Attack. There are countless workarounds that turn this narrow defeat into a narrow victory – poison, ghost-type pokemon. Trick Room, entry hazards, Sandstorm, or even Quick Attack from a faster pokemon, but the need to counter it just speaks to the fact that a newborn Rattata is respected at the top levels of the Pokemon League, and all the counters save ghosts still leave an enemy pokemon badly wounded. It is this strategy that gives rise to stories of Donphan fearing Rattata, and some say the strategy could even defeat Arceus himself.

It is, however, a tactic that is deadly only once in a pokemon's lifetime. Defeating a pokemon so much stronger than itself gives the Rattata a ton of experience, typically forcing them to evolve after the battle. When they evolve they gain the toughness to shrug off a weak attack and the speed to go first in battle, while the strategy relies on going second and being nearly knocked out. Some trainers continue to train them as Raticate, but it is rare for these trainers to make it very far in the Pokemon League.