
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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485 Chs

Chapter no.150 The Hands of Fate are Turning

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Mewtwo's smile deepened as he lifted his head, as the pokémon stopped their screams, dropping them unceremoniously on the ground. A bluish aura surrounded Austin, lifting him from the ground, back into the comfort of the wheelchair.

" As I was saying before being so… rudely interrupted, you know who I am. I am waiting for your other question."

Mewtwo floated closer.

" Go ahead, Ash Ketchum… ask it."

"Why did you let me go?" Austin murmured. It was something he had been thinking about all this while. "Especially if you knew that I summoned the King to battle against you?"

" Are you suggesting that I kill you and end your legacy for good?"

Austin gulped.

Mewtwo's smile deepened.

"I just want to know, why you did, what you did."

Mewtwo felt amused. This boy, was truly worth keeping alive, for entertainment's sake if nothing else.

" Because of Ash Ketchum… I believe your destiny is to join me."

' Wait... what?'

" I am not going to repeat it."

" I…..I will never join the likes of you. You murder, kill and torture for fun."

Mewtwo had some kind of twisted smile forming on his face as if it knew something he didn't.

" I think you will change your mind when you see your precious Raticate."

Austin felt a pit forming in his stomach as his eyes glowed red for split second.

" What did you do ?"

" Ash Ketchum, Let me tell you something. What do think happened to that injured and poisoned Raticate as it pushed your body out of the way while the ship was crashing."

Chills went down Austin's spine as Mewtwo snapped his fingers as something teleported in front of Austin.


Cynthia walked through the halls of the Pokémon center eager to meet her friend.

She was extremely anxious for him but hearing he was waking made her jump in joy as she immediately teleported to the island using an expensive Alakazam transport that was available to the extremely rich.

Walking down the hallway, one of Cynthia's Pokeballs opened up revealing a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon with predominantly blue and black fur. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has red eyes, a long snout, and ears. When its mouth is open, two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, can be seen. It possesses cream-colored fur on its torso and blue fur on its thighs that resemble shorts. It has a medium-length tail of the same blue color as well. It stands on its toes rather than on its entire foot.

Lucario immediately manipulated its aura to form a barrier in front of them in an instant wave upon wave of crimson aura spread throughout the island.

The phenomenon caused the weather to change from a bright sunny day into a thundering rainstorm in a matter of seconds.

Cynthia immediately looked at her partner and the surrounding Pokémon who had started weeping.

" What's wrong ?!"

" Lu ! Lucario ."

Lucario pointed forward as Cynthia called out her Garchomp and the trio immediately flew to one side of the island.

Cynthia expected to come across some kind of Legendary Pokémon at first but what she came to shocked her to her core.

It was Ash surrounded by his Pokémon.


Individuals get heavier when they die.

The weight of the recovered corpse remains as it was held in their hands.

Austin didn't want to feel like that again.

Whether or not he was tired from fatigue, he was uncomfortable as his vision was shaking. Neither his head nor his body moved well. The darkness in front of him was getting darker, and the rain whose noise is supposed to be loud was going further away. Still, he couldn't stop thinking about it, and he didn't care about these things. His feet were wobbling.

His eyes were stained glassy red and they had a burning feeling to them from the number of tears he had cried. It felt like he hadn't moved from the spot he was sitting in.

He couldn't hear anything but the beats of his heart that sped from time to time as he held onto the corpse.

His tears still trickled down his face and landed in what was now a puddle on his shirt. He didn't bother trying to stop. What was the point?

His heart felt like it had been encased in ice as it tightened again and again.

More and more tears ran down his face but the rain washed them away.

" A..Ash ."

As the name was called, a shivering Austin looked up to see a worried Cynthia who had covered her mouth with her hands as she saw the state her friend was in as tears and snot escaped from him as he was hugging the corpse of a dead Raticate.

Cynthia's mind flashed to the time when she was given the news of her parent's death.

At that time, she didn't know what to do so she cried as it was the only thing she could do until she couldn't cry anymore.

Running towards Austin, Cynthia put on a brave front as she knew right now, that her friend needed her as the wounds of grief are things that last for a lifetime.


Up in the air, Mewtwo smiled as he could see the hands of fate turning, the strings of the fate of the trainer below were interlinking with his fate.

Remembering the day he escaped, Mewtwo could see the strings of the fate of his partner, Giovanni interlink with his strings of fate but that wasn't what caused Mewtwo to cooperate with team rocket because Mewtwo knew that Team Rocket's fate was linked to something bigger, something whose fate was linked with not only himself but the entire world.

And a few days before, he found him.

Ash Ketchum.

The trainer whose fate is interlinked with all but something was wrong as Mewtwo could see that strings of fate that connected Team Rocket to Ash Ketchum were extremely weak meaning that whatever Fate's plan was with him was also weakening and Mewtwo will never let that be, he will know what fate has plans for him, he will know his purpose so he caused something that strengthens the string of fate between Ash Ketchum and Team Rocket.

He brought Ash Ketchum the corpse of one of his precious companions that had died due to Team Rocket.

Slowly but surely Ash Ketchum's grief would turn into anger and anger that would lash out at the world. Starting with Team Rocket.

' I await the day we meet again, Ash Ketchum, maybe then I'll know what the purpose of my creation was, why I was born into this accursed world.'

And with that Mewtwo was gone.


( Author Note: Well! This chapter is going to get a lot of mixed feelings from everyone so I wanted to clarify something. Some of you may have heard the Blue's Raticate Theory which the theory states that in the Pokémon games we ( the player ) kill Blue's Raticate in the SS Anne hence why we see Blue in the Lavender tower in the games. I personally really like this theory and hence I decided to write this fanfic just so that I could write this out. I know some of you might drop this fanfic it's your choice but as an Author, I would encourage you to continue reading after this point because the story is going to diverge from canon in my territory and the story is going to get more and more exciting. Hope you guys enjoy my story .)