
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Stressed out

A few hours later.


Evan didnt want to deal with the police, so he quickly ran away and walked through the deep forest until he was away from the crime scene, before taking another taxi home.

His hand's slammed into the wall, only intensified by his psychic power.


who was it?

who wanted his life?

who wanted to toy with it?

putting turtwig's Pokeball to the side, Evan sighed as he went onto the sofa and drank his tea.

He needed to calm down, as getting angry won't solve any of his problems, as much as he wanted them to do.

"Tension in Johto and Kanto rises as the alliance had started to step in."

Another war? hopefully not. He didn't want to miss out on the valuable Kanto pokemon.

Speaking of Pokemon, he needed to go to Kalos to get his newfound "Son's" pokemon.

He needed to get a teacher for Skye, and he needed to evolve Abra.

Looking on his poketech, he looked on the reviews for his newfound bakeries.

4.7 stars.

Not bad, but most of the reviews were complaining about lack of choice, but the food quality was high and was fairly cheap.

Some people were wondering what made the normal tea taste so good, as Sinistea's power remained unknown to most people that came into his shop.

Better for him, at least.


A scream resided from the daycare, which made his expression suddenly change.

Going as fast as humanly possible, Evan went from the living room to the day-care to the field section in a few seconds.

The screams only grew, as he slammed the door's open.

"What's wrong-"

Skye was surrounded by caterpie, and she was screaming and crying.




"Get them off me! get them off me!"

"They aren't even touching you." Evan rubbed his temples, in an attempt to soothe his anxiety.

Turtwig was at her side, looking at its new trainer with a look of scepticism.

Evan boredly walked out of the room, as his stress only started to rise.


His heartbeat could be considered loud in his chest, as he sighed and shook his head.

He twirled around with a small pokemon toy, before looking down at Minccino, who was snuggled up on his lap.

"Minccino." Evan looked at the small pokemon. "Do you want to go with Skye?"

Minccino looked hesitant, but something in its eyes was showing that it wanted to be with Skye.

"Go and follow her." Evan said to the small pokemon "I don't want nor expect you to clean the house, every day on repeat.

Minccino suddenly got up, and go and decided to meet its new trainer.

Although the aptitude and type didn't match Skye's potential, its motivational support would truly help her.

A phone call was sounded, as Evan picked it up.

He couldn't talk on the phone due to the fact he couldn't put his psychic energy into it to synthesize a voice.


He realised that it was Rey on the phone, and he seemed to get straight to the point.

"Listen, im going into a meeting but Mr Briney had accepted your request to see him."

Evan raised his eyebrow.

"He said he was old, so you need to go to hoenn to see him," Rey grunted. "I don't know what you're doing, but just make sure not to mention his wife, and his late wingull." Rey moaned even louder, before some noises came from the background "Fucking meeting's, DIDN'T I TELL YOU IM COMING!"

the voice-line was cut, and a couple of seconds later address came to his phone.

You can find Mr Briney here, heed my warning - Rey.

Evan put his phone down, as the tv whizzed with pointless background politics that he didn't give a shit about.

Sounds just about right, to be honest.

The incense had been in his room in a locked draw for too long, and he needed to find a way to learn it, or he would have to find someone he trusts to craft it for him, which was nobody.

He wanted to learn how to craft anyway and would be very useful.

He was incredibly weak, and it was infuriating for him to have to be like this.

For now, he just needed something to push him over the edge.

Edge of what?

his psychic power, of course.

Then he had the matter of Abra evolution and other things he had to fuck around with.

Just the overwhelming amount of stress placed on him was uncomfortable, and the fact he was nearly killed today didn't help him in the slightest.

"News 5 reporting in!" A new's report came onto the tv. "Cyrus industries have set up several stores in Kanto, causing a public stir within the community because a potential war between Johto and Kanto is on the corner, tell us, viewers , do you think Cyrus industries is dabbling in politics, contact us at-"

Cyrus industries?

he hasn't heard much about him, but apparently, they were one of the most influential businesses, with their base in the city of Eterna city, with several businesses scattered around Sinnoh.

They hold shares in the world-famous Pokecenter and Pokemart, so that's where they got most of the money from, Evan decided.