
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Stage Two Of The Plan

The cultivation was a sucess, as Evan felt it go 3x faster instead of two.

The feeling of slowly becoming stronger was present, and he was starting to get addicted to it.

Once the bell hit 12:00, it was time to open up the shop.

He didn't want to open it too early, as it would be more taxing on the kids, and is a convenient time for adults to come to the daycare for it being lunchtime.

Since everywhere was clean, the pokemon were happy and kids were free to roam about, of course, having the responsibility of feeding the pokemon.

The most favourite pokemon in the day-care by the kids were the woopers , small derpy pokemon that had brains of rock but a heart of gold, loving and supportive but lost on the situation.

Just what the kids wanted and needed.

Opening the door, the steady streams of customers came in, some coming back for seconds and some new unfamiliar faces.

But to Evan's shock, a woman with brown eyes and short half-brown, half-black hair came around the door, wearing a black long-sleeved crop top that shows her midriff under a green cloak with a black "X" mark in the centre. She wears brown knee-length khaki shorts and a black belt with a silver buckle around her waist. Finally, she wears green boots with black laces.


Evan thought before her eyes met with Evan before she came over to him

"Hey there!" She said with a smile "I heard you had a shroomish?"

Evan nodded, before leading her over to the part where Shroomish was, which was in the field section.

Pokemon were confused around their surroundings, but since none of them was wild, it meant they didn't fight immediately for food or clear a section of the meadow for their habitat, as they bonded together.

They all had a natural attraction to Gardenia, as they all ran to her before she laid down on the real indoor grown grass and played with them.

Evan looked towards her intently, before his eyes sharpened.

He could see something.

A tinge of green around her body.

"Ebony." Evan uses telepathy to talk to a 13-year-old girl in the field.

She twisted her head, before smiling and running up to him.


They had grown used to talking like this, as it was the way Evan taught the kids most of the time

"Do you see that tinge of green?"

"Tinge of green?" She said with a frown "I don't see anything, why?"

"Sorry about that." Evan said, "You can go back now."

Ebony simply shrugged, before going and playing with her own pokemon, a Wurmple.

He could feel the tinge of green be attracted to him, as Evan just simply swiped it away until he could examine it further.

A small shroomish cowered in the corner, its expression wimpy.

Shroomish didn't make friends yet, it simply sat in the corner and slept.

What a mood.

It was an inside joke with his father because when he was little he argued with his father about whenever shroomish was a poison type or not.

Evan thought yes, and his mother and his father couldn't help but play along before telling him the truth.

For him as a child, those moments were torturous, but now, he misses them.

Even the small and fragile shroomish came running over to Gardinia, as the green tinge around her got stronger and stronger

"KAYA~~~~" She screamed, picking up the shroomish "So cute!"

The stubby little shroomish gave resistance at first but quickly gave up as Evan looked towards it with a smirk.

"How much for it?" Gardenia had her eyes glued to Shroomish, hugging it every 5 seconds

"8000," Evan said using telepathy, startling her

"You're a psychic?"

Evan nodded.

It wasn't a crime, nor nothing bad to being psychic.

Evan hated those that hid their abilities for fear of the large scale attention, but for him, that's what he wanted.

He would use his gifts to turn himself into a walking marketing machine.

Gardenia whistled, before saying

"Aren't you a talented one?"

She paid him via Poketech, as Evan put out his hand

"Happy doing business with you."

Gardenia happily shook it, as Evan saw something weird happen.

The green light floated towards him, as it went through her hands and into his.

Evan broke free of the grasp out of fear that it would have some effect on her, but she looked absolutely fine, which caused him to give a sigh of relief.

"You know, this place has a lot of potential." Gardenia said "Im thinking of opening a flower shop store in Floaroma town, and I think this area would be perfect."

Evan's ears perked up as his entrepreneur senses were tingling.

This was an opportunity that didn't come every day.

Indeed, his mother was a massive gardener, and he had a shroomish himself that died a long time ago.

His mother also had a knack for grass type pokemon and gardening, so this area was quite large.

The field section wasn't even an indoor section, the roof was glass, meaning that it was more like a green-house, not to mention that it was one of the most popular in terms of people visiting.

It was one of the largest due to grass pokemon being incredibly common, not to mention the easiest in attitude and personality.

"I accept." Evan gave a simple answer

"Great! my agent will contract you!" Gardenia was energetic "See ya later!" She suddenly ran away, causing Evan to sigh, before going to the main section.

The day was not over, so he had to wait for it to reach 18:00 when they close before he would go onto stage 2 of his plan.

What was his plan?

to account for all of the things he lost in 4 years he was away from this world.

And it all starts with stage 2.

Finding his sister.