
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Reunion (2)

After serving Cindra a hot cup of tea, he gave it to her and sat down at the table.

She seemed nostalgic, so Evan let her freely roam the house with the restrictions, as he sat down and kindled his ribs.

She came back within 15 minutes and sat down.

"You went to Unova?" Evan asked as she shook her head.

"Yup graduated from the academy with flying colours." She muttered, "although we did miss our shining 1st place."

"What made you go to Unova?"

"I decided to go because...I received an offer by an agent there."

Evan raised his eyebrow, but let her speak.

"Senior Marshall, he wanted.... to recruit me."

"Wait, Marshall as elite four marshall?" Evan clicked his tongue before he looked straight at her eyes.

Something was strange.

A red fiery spark, something that felt like Gardenia's energy, but different.

It was inside, not outside, and it seemed like it was about to burst.

"He said that I had a lot of energy to be rotting away at Floraoma town..." She said "something about my energy being too wild."

"You're a fighting type-specialist?"

"im on his road to being his successor, that knucklehead." She moaned as she pounded her fist against the table. "No pokemon training! you must train your body and mind! blah blah blah!"

She didn't change much from her previous attitude, and that made Evan sigh.

"Saying that you dont look like you doing badly."

"Hey, if anything goes wrong, just make sure to contact me, and i will help you." Evan gave a faint smile, but his eyes were focused against her aura.

"So... this energy, does it match with fighting type pokemon?"

"How did you know that?" She muttered, hesistating. "Fuck it, you're a psychic so you must understand the basics of it."

Evan felt like he was going to get lectured, so he intently listened in.

"Energy goes for every single type, for example, the "Viridian force" for grass types, the "Wyrm energy", "Wiltiful energy,"

Viridian force had many names, some of which corresponded to the forest of the region the trainer was born in, such as "Pinwheel forest" and other names.

Gardenia probably had that, so he finally start to put the pieces together.

"Any-way, my energy is apparently rare.... and it almost non-existent unless your some powerful fighting type elite or Bruno in the elite four of Kanto."

While she was monologuing, Evan was wondering how he drained the energy of Gardenia, as he recalled that he sucked some energy out of her that he used.

Could he do the same?

"Increase affection with fighting type-pokemon, better cultivation of the energy corresponding to the type you're proficient in."

"What does your dog do?"

"It just makes my body strong.... like really strong."

"How strong?"

"Well, Bruno can 1v1 a machamp , and he isn't at his pinnacle."

"What stage are you?" Evan asked

"Stage 2, nearly three." She responded, before asking the same question to him.

"Stage 1."

"Your kidding right?" She muttered. "Stage 1... im not a psychic genius, but a person at stage 1 can't talk straight for 30 minutes."

Evan only smiled, but he didn't know the answer himself.

"Also, I've found something strange." She threw some files on the table, which Evan picked up.

"My parents?" He muttered, "Where did you get this."

"That's not all, just dont be angry."

The papers were a record of the car incident that claimed the lives of three people, and also the ID of his mother and father.

Something was odd, as the background was marked as


(To be added)

"That's not normal, no?"

"No." Cindra shook her head. "The incident was strange as well, as the car got attacked by a wild pokemon, but the truth of the matter is that the car was sent vertically in the air, not swiped away or anything like this."

"So what are you suggesting?"

"There is foul-play." Cindra muttered, "something was fishy about this."

"Now, let's get this straight.... where did you find these files?" Evan's warm eyes were cold.

Cindra didn't seem bothered, as she probably had expected this to be the response.

"4 years ago , i was revengeful, and i knew something was odd about it , so i used Senior Marshall's connections to get me these files , and now I thought it would be useful for you to have them."

Something scraped at the back of his mind, something obvious, but he couldn't figure it out.

What was it?

Abra came to his side , as he slowed down his breathing in an attempt to hold his anger.

"Fair enough." Evan said "you should go see your mother, she is helping in Gardenia's shop."


Evan showed he had no interest in talking anymore, as she nodded and went over to the field section to go to Gardenia's popular flower shop which was his main source of attraction, and was good marketing.

Evan looked down at the sheet, as he wanted to scream as he threw the sheet of people across the room.


