
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


The next day.

A young boy and abra could be seen sitting down, the chain of thick psychic energy binding them together.

Evan opened his eyes and watched something happen.

The psychic energy flaoted towards him before it slowly came to his navel, where all the psychic energy is stored.

He watched in silence as the psychic energy was slowly sucked in, causing him to scream.

This isn't planned! what is it doing!

The book didn't say anything about this!

the burning sensation continued and only got stronger as the foreign energy fought against his own, as Abra suddenly broke out of the meditation stance.

The energy still was in his body, but no more came.

He felt it.

The energy was slowly absorbed in there, as he felt the surge of psychic energy stop.

His body halted, all functions stopped.

A burst of Pink energy surrounded Evan as the energy became his own, fused with his own minimal psychic energy.

The reserves were his now.

Abra looked tired, as Evan tried to piece together the events that just happened.

He was meditating with Abra throughout the night, and then the psychic energy was pulled towards him, then fused with his own?

that shouldn't happen.

The book described how to use telepathy, so testing it out, Evan looked towards Minccino, who was sleeping.

"Can you hear me?

Minccino jolted up, its expression looking around the room for the voice that surrounded him.


The small animal followed the voice and cutely rolled over.

Evan felt a wave of nausea, as his own psychic energy was depleted.

Pathetic of him.

But it was small baby steps, and then he will be able to talk.

He wasn't even in stage one of the psychic energy, so things like this were natural.

You unlock your "Realm." When you reach level 1, where it shows you your psychic potential, divided into colours like pokemon potential.

Every psychic have to take a week to unlock it, with no expectations, even if you had the largest potential.

At every stage of psychic power, you gain an increase in density of psychic power, also the strength and durability.

The knock on the door startled Evan, as he slowly got off the floor.

He was actually well-rested, as meditating could be seen as a replacement for sleep.

Abra teleported away the moment it heard the door go, so Evan was left to open the door, of which he was greeted by a ryhperior

"RY,RY,RY" It said, using its mace-like arms to point to the 3 armoured trucks.

The delivery of pokemon came, and fast.

That was until Evan realised that it was 8:00 in the morning, which caused him to slap his head.

He had been meditating for so long!

25 eggs in low-level inhibitors were passed to the machoke that escorted them into the ecology park, and Evan looked at the stacks and stacks of pokeballs that had pokemon that would live in his day-care from now on.

While having a look at them, Evan suddenly had an idea that would benefit him and the people that didn't have friends.

He knew a way, that although not the "Best" financially, would give him a bit of praise from the people around him.

"Two hours later."

Evan didn't bother opening the pokeballs, as he went straight to a building down the hill and to a building

"Floaroma town orphanage."

Children that didn't get adopted come here, where they live in a massive community.

The funding for orphanages was not large, which disgusted Evan to the core of his soul.

Knocking on to one of the doors, a staff member opened it with a look of pity in her eyes

"How may I help you?"

Pulling out a note, she read it before clicking her tongue

"Could be fun." She said, letting Evan into the cold orphanage.

It was large, but not very well kept, as some walls were crumbling and showed signs of wear.

Kids were running in between rooms, the elder ones chasing the younger ones in a form in a game of tag

"Dont run in the halls!" The staff member shouted, before sighing "Kids these day's."

The oldest one's seem to be around 14-15 years old, and the youngest was around 5.

Some come here when certain conditions are applied, such as being unwanted by care-home, or not mentally stable to continue in a foreign environment.

People here have gone through traumatic events that had made them orphans.

Evan sympathized with them.

He was led to the headmistress room, which was a door a couple of doors down from the dormitory, of where the children sleep.

Opening the door, he saw a pretty blonde woman, who was scolding a young child.

Seeing the staff member come in, she gave the last couple of words to the child and sent her away with a smile, as her expression was gone.

"Linda?" She said, "What's the problem?"

"Somebody wants to see you miss, it's about an opportunity for the kids."

"Let them in."

Her first expectation was a businessman looking to scam her, but to her expectations, it was a young man in a wheelchair.

He wasn't that special, just good-looking, Brown eyes and brown hair, of which she instantly recognized

"You are Elise son?"

Evan just smiled, before wondering how to do it.

A voice suddenly appeared in her mind, shocking her

"Yes, that's me." Evan smiled.

"You're a..... Psychic?" She asked him, before muttering something "Why did you come here?"

Evan waited for a few moments, waiting for some psychic energy to regrow by just a bit

"I'm here to offer you what my mother offered but better."

Before Evan was born, his mother and the headmaster of the orphanage were good friends, and as a form of therapy used to take older boys and girls out of the orphanage and then into the day-care for a learning experience.

He found pictures of his mother and this lady in a photo album hidden away in the libabry

"What do you want." Her tone was soft, with a tinge of sadness.

"Children will come to the daycare on a 5-day apprenticeship." Evan said, "They will be paid 2,000 pokedollars each, and will be given the chance to take home pokemon they wish to keep from the daycare."

She looked almost stunned, before saying "How will you be able to give them the money? there under the legal working age."

"By not giving it to them as a wage, but as a donation." Evan said, "you will be given the money, and I trust you to hand the children the money after."

"Why do you trust me?"

"If my mother did, I do." Evan felt a wave of nausea as his energy had run out.

"I agree then." She stretched out her hand, which Evan accepted with a smile

"My name is Evelynn." She said, putting out her hand, which Evan accepted.