
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Auction Pt.1

The car drove for around 30 minutes before it arrived at the large venue where the event was being held.

It was seriously luxurious, and that made Evan dread it even more

"Come on, don't look so scared." Gardenia poked fun at him "You will get used to it."

A person came to escort them out of the car as Gardenia gracefully walked in front of the camera's, and Evan slowly lagged behind with an expression


Why were there fucking camera's!

the camera flashes stunned Evan's eyes as he quickly went with Gardenia into the venue booth.

Several sets of security came and searched them, as it seemed that they would make this event as secure as possible.

They were led over to the overly-large drawing room where the guests were being entertained with food and fine wine.

Evan simply just followed Gardenia, as she went up to a group of people.

"Fantina~~~~," Gardenia said, going over to a Purple-haired woman dressed in a fine dress that looked like it had stars etched on it.

Evan looked towards her.

Blackish purple energy went around her, of which he recognized of the wilted energy that people that use dark/ghost pokemon use to cultivate.

The tall woman, who must have been 6"3 or so, turned around and looked at the small girl in front of her.

"Gardenia?" The woman sighed, her eyes drifting onto Evan. "Looks like you finally got a friend." She gave a small chuckle.

"A friend is a friend, now honour your bet," Gardenia said to Fantina, who scoffed "Can you really call him your friend! the poor boy looks like he's been held at gunpoint, not in the presence of the friend."

"He's just a little bit socially awkward." Gardenia hissed back "Isn't that right."

"Speak boy, what's your name?" Fantina put out her hand, before giving a smile

"He's a mute." Gardenia said, "Well-uh technically."

"Technically?" Fantina raised her eyebrow, which seemed to be dyed the same purple as her hair.

"He's a psychic," Gardenia said

Evan's face turned hard.

"You wanna tell her my mothers maiden name, my social security number and my personal backstory?" Evan moaned, before sighing.

Gardenia shot a nasty stare backwards before Evan looked at the two bicker over some bet.

Turns out his presence here was just over a petty bet.

Evan didn't hide his disdain

"Gardenia, im not here for you to win a bet," Evan said with some anger. "Im going."

"Wait-wait-wait" Gardenia was blocked by Fantina, who had her hand on the young girl's shoulder

"Let him be, that was selfish of you,"Fantina said , handing her a small pouch which was the reward for the bet.

Evan enjoyed the rest of the drawing-room experience, as he experienced the rich world.

He didn't drink as he hated the taste of alcohol, so he just drank the sparkling water, which was disgusting in his mind.

"May everyone follow me to the auction house." A servant said, before bowing.

Guests started to chatter, some of which Evan realised of being incredibly wealthy and influential.

It was most likely that he would only get one item at the most, non if million is their pocket money.

Two voices came behind him, startling him

"Evan!" One of the voices said, "Didn't expect to see you here."


"Wait, you're a psychic?"

It was a man and a woman that looked vaguely familiar

"Uh...Who are you again?" Evan said, causing the girl's face to contort in a lack of pride.

"You know, Lissandra and Robert? the ones that beat YOU and got joint first?" Lissandra, said, as Evan remembered.

"You got second place~~~" Robert scoffed, causing Lissandra to beat him up.

"Oh yeah, I remember you two."

"What are you doing here?" Lissandra muttered, "I didn't realise you were that of nobility."

"Im not, my "friend" wanted me to go to her, which didn't end up well," Evan explained

"I see," Robert said "If you don't mind me asking, how much did you bring to the auction?"

"Personal question, but around 500,000."

Robert gave a sigh, before handing him another card

"There's a million on here, you can spend it on a pokemon but I want the card back at the end of the night."

Evan looked down on the black card before muttering

"Why did you give me this?" Evan stuttered "why?"

"You remind me of my little brother."

"We are the same age."


Lissandra snickered, before saying

"Our families have been eyeing your skills." Lissandra stated the truth "Your distinction in the basic breeding examination meant that some people see you as a threat or a possible ally."

"So Robert is kinda trying to bribe me?" Evan said, causing Robert to choke and Lissandra to laugh


"Our family is kinda looking for a sponsor to present us in other regions, and we think you have the qualities."

"Im a cripple with no voice and no legs." Evan was starting to get tired from the usage of psychic energy. "what possibility do they see in me?"

"Dunno." Robert gave a shrug "I would ask my father, that stubborn bastard."

Robert handed him a second card, this time a business card.

"Think about it." Robert said, "We are not asking you to sell or give away your day-care, but to represent us in regions where our influence is small."

"Why can't you do it?"

"I will be the rising star of Sinnoh. "Robert smiled "I have a role to protect as the next heir of my family, meaning that im restricted in where to go in anywhere of Sinnoh."

Evan nodded, before taking away both cards.

"I'll see you in an auction."