
Pokémon's other Dimensions

Join the thrilling adventure of a young girl named Maya who had a strange dream that warns her about The Darkest Day returning after years went by. With her new friends, she goes on a wild journey through different regions, even dimensions to uncover the secrets and find the truth. Get ready for an exciting quest full of surprises and mysteries to solve!

LTSwrite · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Journey to The Lab!

Maya left her house, prepared for her piano lesson at "Pokémon Picks!" lab. The lab is not only for childrens to choose their starter Pokémon but also provides education to improve their knowledge and hopes. It was known all across regions as one of the most famous labs in the world. Rumors spread that the lab owner, known as "Sir Merrow" makes mysterious experiments with an unknown but very rare species of pokémon, but the government denied these claims. Maya enters her class. "Professor Marley, are you here?" Maya called out in her arranged music class. "Yes, Maya, I'm here. Just sorting throughout some items from the storage," replied Professor Marley as he retrieved old items from the school's basement. Maya couldn't resist taking a peek and noticed a Pokémon dress that was made perfectly among the items inside the box.

Maya noticed the Pokémon dress and questioned its relevance to the school. Her eyes began to sparkle with excitement, her hopes grew into becoming a Pokémon fashion designer. "It's because this school had once offered a Pokémon fashion designer class for those interested in creating outfits for their Pokémon" Professor Marley explained. Maya's excitement got triggered, and she asked if she could sign up for the class. Professor Marley hesitated and said, "Well, it used to be offered, but not anymore." Maya's face fell in disappointment. She poured her heart out to Professor Marley, sharing her hopes, problems, and even the unusual dream she had the previous night. Fortunately, Professor Marley understood her.

"I can try to help, Maya, but I need to discuss it with your parents first," he suggested. Maya panicked, fearing her parents reaction. She pleaded, "Please, can't you just teach me secretly? They'll get angry if they find out!"

she attempted a charming puppy face on Professor Marley, hoping for him to change his mind, but it failed.

"Though, let's discuss the "unusual" dream you had last night. What was it about?" Professor Marley asked, his curiosity began to grow. "Well, there was someone who asked for a chemical, and suddenly everything around the lab burst into flames! Then, another time, someone mentioned that a Pokéball was opening. It seems harmless, but there was some unexplainable sense about it. I don't understastand why it's considered bad." Maya's explanation intrigued Professor Marley. "Gen-.. gengar-gen!" Gengar began to shout making the class resonate. "What's wrong gengar? Are you trying to say something?" "he had been like that since the morning, he keeps groaning and shouting everywhere.. It looks like he is trying to say something but, I don't understand it.." Gengar, a partner of Professor Marley who helps him with experiments and assignments. Gengar tried to tell everyone even his trainer but no one could hear him or understand him..

"Gengar.. are you.. okay?"



"Huh.. what was that weird feeling.."

"Gengar.. had the same dream.. as me!?"

"no.. way.. so it's.. real?.."


Chapter 3 is upcoming..