

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Mariners apartment complex

[They mistook my kindness for weakness]

"Are you okay? The door isn't even locked-" She couldn't hear what Lilith said after that, her own thoughts of being wrapped up by the yonio and being eaten whole crowded her senses. She heard a cage creak and her blood stained eyes searched for the source, searching for the cursed creature just in case it crawled out of its cage and ended her life. 

  "Look, he won't hurt you."Lilith was holding it out to her, the yonio. It's mighty fist sized head lay on her opened palms, its scales a disgusting yellow. It was still young, its ears and beard hadn't developed fully.

  She screamed. 

  Every contact her skin made with anything made her jump, She started mumbling things to herself and screaming in-between words. 

  A mad woman.

  She dared a glance and her eyes fell on a long plum colored body marked with huge scales and three tiny horns at the tail. It was curled up on the bed hissing at her, She looked into its eyes even though she knew that that was a terrible idea. The swirls of multiple colors in its eyes made her feel light headed.

  She couldn't look away in fear of it leaping for her when She least expected it. She was rooted to her spot, controlling my breathing.

  Lilith was saying something but she couldn't hear her, the pain in her chest was unbearable, It made it hard to focus on her breathing. She broke down crying, as she yelled continuously. The world went black.

   This was the end, she thought.


She sprung awake in a Naka's room, the healer was nowhere to be found, her head was pounding, She placed a hand on her forehead and closed her eyes. She felt squeezed up in the tiny room which had potions, books and other stuff everywhere.

  The door opened and in came Zelda and Lily, the latter looking worried. They made the room even more crowded.

  "Finally, you're awake," Lilith sat next to Yima, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

  Yima said nothing.

  "There's nothing to be sorry about, it wasn't your fault she was scared of Fangs." Zelda spoke out.

  "She tried to kill me!" Yima spat out angrily, "she removed it from the cage and threw it on me." She added. 

  "She's lying," Yima narrowed her eyes at her, "partly, look I did open the cage bu-" 

  "See, she just confessed to it." Yima told Zelda.

  "Lilith why did you open the cage?" Zelda crossed her arms. 

  "I wanted.. no, I just…" she trailed off and Yima had a triumphant smile on her face.

  "I need a new roommate, I can't share a room with a murderer." Lilith flinched, she didn't like what Yima just said.

  "I'm not a murderer." Lilith hissed.

  Lilith's claws sprung out and they wanted nothing in the world but to shred Yima's throat and they would have been successful if not for Zelda's fast thinking and freezing Lilith. 

  "Let me give you a little tip if you want to survive this place, don't go around calling people names." Yima swallowed nothing as she studied Lilith's now frozen body. Lilith's eyes were bright orange, her right hand with claws inches away from Yima's face, she could feel the cold ice as she let out three shaky breaths. Lilith had a feral look on her, she had this raw anger radiating from her that Yima feared it might melt the ice.

  "Go and hide somewhere and make sure she doesn't find you," Zelda smiled, "Lock your doors although you won't be able to keep an angry Lilith from breaking it down." 

  "Why don't you just keep her in this state?" Yima's head was still pounding. 

  "In a few seconds she'll release herself," Zelda narrowed her eyes at Yima, "how do you feel?" 

  "Tired." In the situation that she was in, being tired was the last thing she wanted to be. 

   "Smoke, you're causing it." Zelda was right, it was happening again but this time without the fire. 

    The sound of ice breaking was heard. 

  "Are you feeling better?" Lily asked her, she looked normal. 

   "No." Yima hesitantly said, taking a few steps back. 

  "That's good." Lilith said and she disappeared into thin air. 

   "The ice I put her in calmed her down," Zelda chuckled, "I was only joking when I told you to run away and hide." 


   "Lilith will be your roommate and before you open your oversized mouth to complain,  you should know that Fangs will be taken back to the pet house." Zelda opened the door and turned back to add," Don't ever lie to me again, I won't hesitate to do what Lilith was dying to do." Zelda walked out.



The cage wasn't on the wardrobe when Yima got back, she went around checking under the beds just to make sure.

  Yima hadn't realized how tired she was until she saw her bed for the second time. 


  They talked about Lilith that night when she got back. They both agreed to pretend as if it never happened because they were stuck together as roommates for the rest of their lives. 

  Lilith told her about how she was an only child and also an orphan. Her parents drowned when Lilith was only five years old, she believes that they did it on purpose because they didn't want a cursed  daughter.


The next day She woke up early and found Lilith getting ready. "You have almost three hours until your first class, you should rest." Standing with her hands on her hips, she stared down at her.

  "Why are you going this early?" She asked while getting in a sitting position.

  "I'm in advanced, so that means I can't continue following the beginner schedule that I followed last year."

  "Since I'm a beginner, Where's my schedule?" She inquired.

  "I have an hour to spend so I'll give you a little lesson," She sat on her bed and continued, "There are three levels at this school, there's beginner, advanced and master. You spend one year as a beginner, three years in advanced and seven years in master. Once you are done, you are either chosen for lecturing or being part of H.U, no one knows what they do," She stopped and looked at me, silently asking if Shewas following, She nodded once and Lilith smiled before proceeding.

  "Okay so you'll collect your schedule from Zelda. A noluo will guide you, just give it a copy of your schedule. It will take you everywhere you need to go until you're able to go there alone without assistance. Everyone eats at the same place but luckily you get to choose what you want to eat, you only get two classes a day as a beginner. Good luck."

  "I already like it here." She stated genuinely.

  "Good to hear, see you around." After Lilith left, Yima couldn't go back to sleep so She spent the remaining hours getting ready.

  Zelda's office was locked when She got there, but luckily Zelda left her schedule attached to the door. It was easy to spot the nolou, the green scales on its small body and large gray eyes that were attached to its belly were hard to miss.

  It led her e to her first class which was outside. She took a seat at the back, everyone was here except our instructor, they were in some garden.

  "I'll deal with you later." Someone sneered at the boy next to her.