

We penetrated through the white light and found ourselves in a new world.

The skies seemed ethereal with a massive sun high up in the sky that radiated heat and life everywhere. Mountains rose above the clouds and floated in the distance, creating cascading rivers that fell down to water the ground down below.

Rainbows formed, and underneath these divine arches flew some of the most majestic beings I've had the pleasure of seeing. Flood Dragons of all colors, Suzaku mythical birds, and even divine winged tigers moved about pouncing from on top of a cloud to another.

If one were to call this a celestial heaven, no one would disagree.

But from the might these beasts exude one can easily understand and realize that nothing is as it seems. Even from so far away one could feel the might behind these creatures, and if things like this exist, it means one of two things.

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