
Don't talk to strangers

Me on my way to spain. Stop at Prague, it got dark.

An man asked me for a drink. I said yes.

Big Mistake-fast forward-he raped me with a drink in his very home. K. O. drugs.

I had one glass of White wine, then I got soo sleepy. I told him not to Touch me. I Was just so tired, I opened my eyes when it got day.

Him in the process of closing my pants, me saying:


Him saying: I thought u enjoyed it as well.

I Was frozen immediately.

I could not comprehemd what just happened.

I Tool my Things and traveled to the airport and arrived in spain and slept for 3 consequent days.

Thank u fucker for this memory, I can't stand the yiruma river flows in you Song anymore. It reminds me you trying to impress me with ur piano skills.

BTW, I know ur Youtube channel, someday Karma will strike you.