
All I Wanted for Christmas

It was a winter day, I had decided to run.

Run outside with my grandmother's dog, right out the door.

And this caused my arm to come undone

Ellie just wanted to play, so she barked "come,"

But I didn't expect to be slammed against the cement floor.

It was a winter day, I had decided to run

Because all I wanted was to have some fun.

I threw the tennis ball to prevent being a bore

and this caused my arm to come undone.

Her energetic rush had begun

and I wasn't using my head anymore.

It was a winter day, I had decided to run.

I had a brilliant thought, perhaps just like anyone

My thought was to run towards the door

and this caused my arm to come undone.

Blacked out just like the smoke of a gun,

my left arm had split through its core.

It was a winter day, I had decided to run

and this caused my arm to come undone.