

In the face of adversity, my first instinct is usually to think logically by identifying and solving each problem that comes my way in a carefully orchestrated manner or a step-by-step process. This process, however, does not involve any kind of emotion which is quite unlike how most people go through it. But that doesn't mean I don't feel anything at all.

In fact, my internal turmoil usually hits me real hard, albeit in a delayed way. So as a means of coping with all of my emotional highs and lows, I write poems instead.

Like a well-oiled machine, I process these positive and negative thoughts by turning them into words, immortalizing these pent up emotions into an art form, while effectively channeling them out of my body, mind and soul.

I hope these poems will somehow inspire and help you get through similar difficulties. Just like how they helped me maintain my mental well-being and kept my sanity intact.

Here's a toast to life! Cheers to us living and surviving in this cruel world, us who are resiliently navigating through so much chaos! Let us all keep moving forward, with our heads held high, bravely facing the unknown!