
Cosmic Cloud State Peak Super Beast

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Lu Ze and the girls looked at the fire wolf's drops.

Super red and purple liquid, as well as a fire god art shard, came without saying.

There was a fireball divine art shard and two red crystals.

They were surprised. "There are two?" Lu Li asked.

Lu Ze glanced at the two crystals, then smiled and said, "Whatever, let's just take them first."

They could check it when they got out.

Lu Ze picked up everything, and then, the group came to the warhorse.

There were five level-8 cosmic cloud state super red and purple liquid, one crisp green god art orb, and one green god art orb. These two orbs looked similar, but one orb showed a tree growing, where the other one was just crisp green energy.

One was Wood God Art and one was Life God Art.

There was also a crisp green divine art shard. This was probably the divine art the horse used to heal itself.