
Break The Base’s Defense

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The blade demons didn't expect Lu Ze to come out from behind the humans. They were taken aback then snarled in the next second.

"You dare to show yourself. You're asking to die!"

At this moment, demonic flames rose around Lu Ze. The chaotic chi rattled the space. All the blade demons were stunned. They looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

"How is this possible?!" 

Lu Ze's chi made them shiver. 

"How can he be this powerful?"

Lin Yan's eyes narrowed. "This power…"

Iman recalled Lu Ze's Lightning Palm last time.

'Is this one of Lu Ze's trump cards again?!'

'Just how many hidden aces did this kid have?'

The other star states also remembered the same scene where Ze crushed the insectoid lair.

Seeing this demonic flame, they felt they were experiencing a similar show.

Lu Ze was shocked too. He didn't expect the demonic flame god art to be this formidable.

This chi surpassed the star state already.