
Pocket Hunting Dimension: The Ghoul!

Damian Skywalk passed away. He met Lazy Goddess. He got 6 wishes. He reincarnated as Lu Ze. He determined to make the women who were attracted to Lu Ze fall into his arms. He want to conquer Nangong Jing. He want to become a young Duke. He want to adventure throughout the universe and become the strongest with his infinite tail. His story will be long and so long that i don't want to write it. Cover: Sasaki Haise FanArt!

ForcedToWrite · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Then from Lu Ze's back came out four tails that were previously blood red, now completely black. Lu Ze was very surprised. It was far from his expectations.

However, Lu Ze felt that his four tails were getting harder and all the attributes of his tails had increased dramatically. whether it's thickness, flexibility, sharpness etc.

Now Lu Ze's self-confidence has greatly increased. If previously he intended to use the Dimension skill continuously coupled with his tails to defeat Lu Li. However, now Lu Ze was sure that with just his tails... Lu Li could be defeated.

Lu Li's breathtaking face was filled with a shocked expression. Lu Li didn't expect that Lu Ze would awaken the God Art before her. Lu Li could only shake her head and then quickly scoff that Lu Ze's God Art was so perverted.

"Now I believe that Ze is a pervert." Lu Li said as she pointed her finger at the tails of the Lu Ze God Art.

Hearing that Lu Ze's mouth twitched and then he quickly denied what Lu Li said, "This is not tentacle, Li. This is a tail that has no fur. At first glance it looks like tentacles in AV, but if you look at it a little longer... then you will realize that its was a tail."

Following what Lu Ze suggested, Lu Li realized that there was no mucus and vacuum on Lu Ze's tails. Even though Lu Li already knew that it was a tail, Lu Li still teased Lu Ze and said, "Whether it's a tentacle or a tail, it can still be used to bind a person… and there is a fact Ze can't argue with.

Namely when Ze is playing 'M Play', Four Tails is more than enough to make the opponent unable to move."

Lu Li stopped and saw that Lu Ze was currently imagining things. How could Lu Li know that Lu Ze was currently imagining it? the answer is... Lu Ze currently has a lecherous smile and a lecherous chuckle.

Now Lu Li is sure that Lu Ze is a pervert. Lu Li secretly took a photo of Lu Ze's face and quickly threw her Smartphone into her room through the open window of her room. Lu Li's smartphone landed perfectly on the bedroom of her room on the second floor near the training ground.

Lu Li now has an Ace card. she was sure that the photo showing Lu Ze's lecherous face would be the turnback line for Lu Ze's request if she lost this match.

'Now... everything is complete, all I have to do at this point is try my best not to be defeated by Ze.' thought Lu Li who then called Lu Ze to return to the real world.

Lu Ze quickly returned to reality, and he could only smile awkwardly at Lu Li.

Lu Li replied to Lu Ze's smile with her Breathtaking smile.

Either because they sensed something was dangerous or because they didn't allow Lu Ze to see Lu Li's smile, the four tails reflexively formed a defensive stance and made Lu Ze see Lu Li's smile just for a moment.

Eh?! Do my four tails have intelligence of their own, or are they one of a kind with the sands of Sabaku Gaara?

Most likely my tail have a similar nature to the sand of the youngest Kazekage. Hmm... this will definitely be one of the things that will save my life countless times.

Not bad, Lazy Goddess!!


Lu Ze and Lu Li then resumed their sparring times. After being in a position of 10 meters from their respective distance, the two of them gave each other a martial greeting.

After both of them finished giving their greetings. Lu Li quickly dashed towards Lu Ze and her beautiful legs moved so fast and blurred her movements.

Lu Li arrived in front of Lu Ze in an instant, then Lu Li's right foot went to the left of Lu Ze's head. Even though her legs looked slender and weak, Lu Ze knew that he had to use his tails in order to withstand Lu Li's kick.


The collision between the slender legs and black tail formed Captain America's shield, letting out a loud thud. Lu Ze managed to stop Lu Li's right foot and he only took one step back.

Lu Ze knew that if he only used two of his tails, he would bounce off and end up losing. Lu Li's strength is not bullshit. If it weren't for Lu Li having hammered his body, Lu Ze was sure that even with his tail and his starter cheat which is Dimension... he would still have lost.

So, Lu Ze used his three tails and left only one of them which he would use as his counterattack. After successfully surviving, Lu Ze then gave the order to one of his tails to stab Lu Li.

However, Lu Li quickly avoided Lu Ze's counterattack. Lu Ze inevitably has to cancel his three shield-shaped tails and then make all his tails move like Monkey D. Luffy's Gear Forth: Snake Man.

Lu Ze's plan was to exhaust Lu Li's stamina by making an attack that would made Lu Li can't thinking and end up frustrated.





Lu Li's mouth twitched slightly, Lu Li did not expect that Lu Ze's God Art could be this strong. Lu Li felt that she couldn't see Lu Ze's weakness and ended up giving up after half an hour of only dodging Lu Ze's four tails.

Lu Li was a little frustrated, but in her heart she felt happy. it was all because she saw her older brother who was also the person she liked looked so domineering.

'Li thinks the current Ze looks so handsome!' thought Lu Li, who was currently lying on the floor where she was having sparring martial arts, Lu Li then smiling warmly at Lu Ze.

He felt happy when looking at Lu Li's soft smile. Indeed... her smile always taken my breath away.

But... her personality is a bit Troublesome.

However... that was what made Lu Li so attractive and made me fall for her.

"Here," Lu Li threw over a faint blue serum, "Drink it, don't leave any obscure wounds."

Lu Ze refused and quickly said, "Ze thinks Li needs this more than Ze." Lu Ze smiled warmly at Lu Li and then helped Lu Li to get up.

"Mmm." Lu Li then grabbed Lu Ze's palm and stood up with his assistance. Lu Li then took out her spare faint blue serum and gave it to Lu Ze.

This is a serum DNA. At the warrior level, if you didn't refine your five viscera and six bowels, then the recovery capability of your body wouldn't be as strong. If you don't use a DNA serum or treat an injury in time, you might leave some subtle wounds in your body.

Lu Ze and Lu Li took the serum each and drank it in one go. It was sour and sweet, a bit like strawberry milk. It was quite nice.

Hmm... it felt like kissing, but it would be even better if it was the taste of the lips of the teenage girl who was standing next to him.

Huhuhu— My siscon and my perverted thoughts really can't be controlled anymore. It seems that I have to go to PHD (Pocket Hunting Dimension) and learn to control my unstable mind and heart.

"Here," Lu Ze threw over a 20 red orbs, 5 purple orbs and 5 white orbs containing martial arts techniques that focus on the five basics. Namely: Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Intelligence and Basic martial techniques: Rabbit Dance.

Lu Li was curious about what Lu Ze had to provide, but before she could ask what it was used for. Lu Ze replied, "You will find out what it is used for when you eat it."

Lu Li was forced to stop asking questions when she saw Lu Ze's face that said he would not say any further and would rather discuss the bet with herself.

Lu Li was nervous, but she did her best to keep Lu Ze from noticing that her legs were shaking. Lu Li bit her beautiful lips and waited for Lu Ze to say what he wanted from her.

Lu Ze walked over and then stopped right in front of Lu Li. Lu Li quickly lowered her head to avoid Lu Ze's beautiful eyes. However… Lu Ze quickly grabbed Lu Li's fluffy chin gently and then adjusted Lu Li's blushing face to look into his eyes.

"Li... what I want from you is..."

Damian / Lu Ze's mind is still unstable. it was all because this was only the first day he arrived in that world.

Lu Ze's true nature is warm (only in family), easy going (only in recognized friends and family), cold (outside the circles), no mercy (only to enemies for whom he deserves to die).

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