
Don Pedro Crisostomo

In the capital of the Philippines, Manila.

On the top floor of one of the tallest building located to it.

The short fat man with black hair and a tiny mustached sitting on the comfy sofa. He was groping the ample ass of the woman employee that was currently seated on his lap while kissing his neck.

"Darara, you have a huge and fine ass. I can't wait to taste it."

The woman laughed seductively before answering. "This huge and fine ass was made for you to fondle." Then he bit the neck of the man.

The man moaned because of the pleasure he felt from the bit. He gritted his teeth and controlled his urge to push down the woman and start the pleasurable roughed sex he wanted, but before that, he had work to do first.

"Angelito, what's the latest report regarding our business?" The man asked while still groping the ass of the woman.

"Sir, at the end of last week, we received ten million Pesos locally and one billion dollars internationally. And there's a lot of gold bars stacked at the moment in our storage, but sadly some of them have impurities."

The man called Angelito answered he was dressed in a formal black tuxedo and paid no heed to what his Boss was doing at the woman.

"Darara. I think at the end of the month. I can surpass that old bitch and that asshole! Darara!" The man loudly said while laughing. Then he put his mouth near to the woman's ear.

"Hear that, honey? That money is like a grain in my sack of rice, and I can give all that money to you." The man said then he nimble the ears of the woman.

"Ohh~ I bet you always said to all the woman you bed. Ohh~" The woman said while moaning.

"You bet..." A few minutes later, he let go of the woman's ears continued the talk with Angelito. "How about the other money? Did my account receive it?"

"Yes, Sir. Your account received five billion dollars, and we expect it would become higher as the demand on drugs goes higher in these past few days." Angelito.

"Darara! Maybe not months! A week! I would get through that old bitch and that asshole in a couple of weeks! Darara!"

This tiny fat man is Don Pedro Crisostomo, also known as fatty Don. He is one of the wealthiest humans alive.

The wealthiest human alive is nicknamed the group of people that the world knows as the wealthiest human. Every second, their bank account receives, if not millions, billions of dollars. That's why they receive the nickname wealthiest human alive.

Currently, the group has five people that are considered the wealthiest human. They are ranked based on their assets and wealth locally and internationally.

Currently, Don Pedro Crisostomo holds the 3rd ranked on the group. And the asshole he called was being the second, and the old bitch is the first.

The five people in the group had their unique businesses that dominated the market. For Don Pedro, gold mining and selling gold is his business. He also owns a lot of gold jewelry shops throughout the globe. But the most prominent that only a few people know is his underground business. Don Pedro holds a huge drug business underground and supplies most of the drugs around the globe, and that is the prominent source of his money and why he ranked 3rd as the wealthiest.

Even if someone wants to sue him because of the underground business he operates, he can get away with it effortlessly because of the two reasons. First, there's not enough evidence of him being connected to the underground world. Don Pedro's were so proficient on removing any trace or connection he had on the underground business.

Second, he has a lot of lackeys on the government, and he pays them a lot. So one call away, and his lawsuit would become just like a piece of paper that will throw on the trash can.

"That's all the report? If that's all, wait for me outside my office. I would eat my snack before we go." Then he French kiss the woman on his lap.

"Ohh~~" The woman accepted it and returned the kiss.

Before Angelito leaves the room, he turns off the light has he knows that his boss doesn't want the lights on while he was eating his snack.

"Fuck! Your ass is so huge and soft! I cannot get enough with this!" He said under his breath while he groped the ass of the woman strongly.

The woman didn't say anything but kissed Don Pedro while she was undressing his clothes. Don Pedro does the same as he pulls down the zipper of the dress of a woman.

After he pulls down the zipper, the enormous breast of the woman is exposed on his face. He was about to suck it when someone talked in a low tone.

"Can you continue that later?"

The two were startled because of the voice they heard.

"WHAT THE FUCK--WHO'RE YOU?!" Don Pedro shouted, then he searched for the gun on his side, but he didn't find it. "Where's my gun--" He didn't finish when the intruder cut him off.

"Looking for this?" The intruder asks while wagging the gun in his hand.

Don Pedro become dumbfounded because he didn't know how the heck did this intruder got his gun as he was sure he put it on his side.

The woman didn't know what to do, so she stayed still on Don Pedro's lap, hiding her exposed breast from the intruder.

"What do you want? Wait, that's not the right question... Who send you?! That asshole, right?!

How much money did he offer you to do this job? I would double--no tripled it! Name your price! Just don't kill me. Not until I brush that old bitch into the ground!

But if you were a loyal dog. Then I cannot do anything... But one thing is for sure... You cannot get away from this safely. I don't know how you get past through my guards and get in here, but I would assure you that your escape is not a smooth one. Even if you escaped, they would chase you even at the end of the world or even on hell!" Don Pedro said non-stop...

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Oli asked in confusion. Yes, Oli was the intruder in Don Pedro's office. But Oli was wearing a mask right now to avoid any problem as he knows the move he was about to make right now would trigger the greediness of this pig in front of him.

"Huh? Aren't you here to kill me?" Don Pedro asks.

"Kill you? Hahaha, if I want to kill you, I can do it easily." Oli was stating a fact. He can open the portal on the back of Don Pedro, then boom! Perfect assassination. But he was not here for that.

"I'm here to make a deal with you. Not to kill you. Why am I going to kill my future business partner?" Oli.

"Business partner, you say?" Don Pedro's face became at ease when he heard what Oli said. "But what business do you--." Don Pedro couldn't finish cause Oli cut him off.

"But before that, could you please put the woman away while we're talking? Is a bit..." Although Oli didn't found attractive the woman with a huge ass and breast, he couldn't deny that he was still a man inside out and that rear and bust were so big to be ignored.

Don Pedro quickly orders the woman to get off on his lap and fix her dress and herself as well. While doing that, he also settled himself because his clothes were also messy because of the flirtatious act they do.

Oli throws a small pouch on the table when Don Pedro finishes. The small pouched had a solid sound when it hit the table. Don Pedro quickly asked about the pouched, but Oli just shrugged and signaled to open it.

When Don Pedro opened it, his eyes became wide.

What he saw were pure gold nuggets. He instantly recognizes it as pure gold nuggets. In his forty-eight years in the gold industry, he had a lot of experience dealing with gold, and this was the first time he saw a pure gold nugget with no impurities.

"What do you think?" Oli.

"What do I think... This is fucking awesome! Such pure gold will surely fetch a high price!" Don Pedro. "How much?"

"Huh?" 'Did he just ask how much?' Oli thought while confirming if he heard it right.

"How much of this gold?" Don Pedro repeated.

"I'm not selling that gold." Oli said while having a thought... 'Did he seriously think I would sell that?'

"If you are not selling this gold. Then what do you want? Tell me, and I would surely get it for you." Don Pedro said, still looking at the gold nuggets on his hand.

"Like I said earlier... I'm here to form a business partnership."

"A partnership?" Don Pedro.

"Yes. A partnership. And I will assure you that you could get a lot of money from the partnership we will form, a lot of money than Alexandria Forte."

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