
Plight of the summoned

The Holy State Grandia has been summoning people from other worlds to fight their wars for years. The corruption of the state has spread to the ends of the three continents. Looking to make changes, a strange fellow tampers with one of the souls being summoned, knocking it off course, thus setting the stage for a revolution.

Shinnanju · Fantasy
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171 Chs

"The group from Sanddale!"

Five days later, Evren was sitting on the wall surrounding St. Gloria with his feet hanging over the edge. As Captain Galand and the troops stopped by the closed gate, Evren cast, 'amplify' and said in a calm voice. "I see you tore up my request."

Captain Galand shouted up to him, "By order of the Pope, throw down your weapons and surrender."

Evren shook his head, "Pope Disgusting Slob the First is dead. So's everyone else. You've got no authority here. As a matter of fact, I think it's you who should throw down your weapons."

"The holy church bows before nobody!" Captain Galand retorted.

"Oh hey, remember these guys?" Evren said as the summoned people from his company stepped forward.

Captain Galand frowned, "What are you going to do with those puppets? Return them immediately."

Evren said, "Yeah, they're not puppets anymore. And we've had a talk about you all for the last couple of days. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You all have done some really rotten stuff. Especially with the women."