
Plight of the summoned

The Holy State Grandia has been summoning people from other worlds to fight their wars for years. The corruption of the state has spread to the ends of the three continents. Looking to make changes, a strange fellow tampers with one of the souls being summoned, knocking it off course, thus setting the stage for a revolution.

Shinnanju · Fantasy
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171 Chs

"Creative thinking!"

Evren heard a name call out to him, "Evren!" He turned and saw someone approaching and got caught looking directly at her chest. The woman got a little self-conscious of this and blushed a little but didn't cover herself up.

Under his breath he said, "I think that's a woman." He realized what he did and promptly apologized. "Sorry about that. I was uhm…"

"Checking to see if I'm a woman?" she said.

He nodded, took a breath and said, "What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life." She replied.

"Oh! Yeah, no problem." And then he thought about it more, "When was that?"

She raised her shirt up and showed the scars along her back, and suddenly Evren realized who it was, "Oh yeah, I'm glad to see you're up and about. How does it feel? Are you still getting the regeneration treatment?"

"It's better," she said, "No, Doctor Cunningham said I'm fine to do what I want now."

"Doctor Cunningham? Is that the nurse?" he asked.