

"If you truly wish to atone for your sins,,,

then do me a favor,,,



"Hey Lict get up!!"

"Urgh five more minutes mom"

The guy shaking him suddenly had black lines on his head.

"Is that idiot still out?" a voice dragged out lazily from the man holding back a minatour type beast with his axe.

"Tch he can be so useless sometimes,,, I swear,,," a feminine voice also rang out from a petite woman wielding a great sword then slashing straight at the minatour only to be unceremoniously blocked and kicked into a pile of rubble.

"Hey Andrew either you make him get up now cuz if he's still out when I'm done here I promise you you'll wish he was the minatour." she added.

Andrew who was trying to wake Lict up sighed before taking out a taser from the backpack he had on."Sorry my man but I'd rather not have my ass handed to me."

"Waaaaaah!!!" a shout ensued,,, so loud even the beast momentarily stopped attacking as everybody looked at him with a look that said 'like seriously man?'

"That friggin hurts!!" Lict continued completely ignoring the stares as he stood and stretch."Oh I am so gonna get you back for this Drew" he said before pulling out a bottle of booze from his coat and taking a sip.

'Seriously?? First thing he does is freaking drink??!!' now the gazes of everyone around changed to pure unabated anger.

Seemingly the first to snap, the minatour roared as it ran at him swinging it's axe straight for his head.

Right at the moment the axe inched dangerously for his head, his other hand moved, bringing with it something that completely immobilized the minatour.

"Oh right I haven't really paid you back for smashing me have I. Say la vie"

'Click!' the sound echoed in the room eeriely reverberating against the walls.

'Eh?' now puzzlement returned in their eyes before slowly turning into anger.

Lict pulled back his gigantic revolver and inspected it a bit before chuckling a bit he then nervously looked at the beast frothing before him "hehe forgot to reload."

"ROAAAAAR!!!" the minatour swung it's axe down with renewed fervour.

Lict quickly took out a talisman with a shield emblem on it and took the full force blow head on. Soon enough cracks appeared on the magic shield surrounding both him and Drew.

"Hey guys are you done over there I ain't got all day you know!!" he shouted as he watched the glow of the claymore being held by their leader Jack glow brighter by the second as mana waves flowed into it from the three surrounding mages.

'BOOM' the sound came again as the ground cracked as he kept sinking under the pressure exerted on him.

"READY!!!" a voice came followed almost immediately by a massive sword light that made Lict's brow twitch.

'Dude do you plan on taking us out with the damn beast??!' is what he wanted to scream but unfortunately.....

* * *

"Care to explain yourself Morris?"

Currently Seated in an interrogation room were two 'people' with very different statures.

On one side was a hulking minatour currently wearing glasses with his head down and in a white shirt and on the other side of the table was a mature lady with a calm face and a vein threatening to pop pulsing on her scalp.

"Umm... honey..."

"Don't you dare honey me after the stunt you pulled last night, and you can kiss sleeping on the bed tonight goodbye along with any special plans I had for you tonight as well as for the next week."


"Did I stutter??.."the woman on the other end growledas the minatour swallowed back his words.

"N...no ma'am "

"That's good, alsoo you're banned from drinking until I say so did you get that??"

The minatour slowly nodded his head you could see the tears of resentment flowing down from his face.

In another room outside the room stood two people watching the interaction with popcorn crunching between their teeth.

"Damn even Morris can't do shit in front of his wife."

"Yup considering how much bail she had to pay this time plus for damages, she's really pissed."

Naturally the two watching with interest were Lict and Andy (changed it from Drew). They then saw the minatour bob his head over and over as she spouted some other commandments before they both rose from their seats and walked out the door.

" I'm really sorry to have caused you trouble, and thank you for taking care of my husband In the meantime." Sara, the lady talking to the two , said with a slight curtsy.

Yup you heard right the two were happily married apparently and had been for the past two decades. Their topic being among the many currently more 'normal' relationships in the city with the only mystery people were concerned with was how the guy managed to land such a hot chick.

Seemingly having been used to the interaction the two told them it wasn't a big deal and sent them off before moving to the more violent rooms.

In the next room, a beastwoman was holding up a steel chair that had been bloated to the floor earlier and was being held back by another woman with the company badge on her shoulder trying to prevent a homicide while her better half struggled to shield his body with his bat like wings against the bunny girl.

In the next room, a Medusa had her husband in a choke hold with her tail as he held onto the door handle for dear life.

" Honey... *gasp * I swear I'll never go drinking while driving...*gasp * again."

The human pleaded.

" Ooh wasn't that what you said last time? " The Medusa's smirkwas folled by the sound of leather tightening as the tail shrunk on the guy's neck"

Lict and Andy made a silent prayer for the guy before moving onto the final room.

Contrary to the others this interaction was a bit different because in this one, there were actually two guys who were being given spectacular combos by a single woman.

Two guys, a vampire with blood red mist flowing from the pores in his clothes and a werewolf with fangs about six inches long jutting out his jaws hugged each other in fear as they looked at the third party.

Serena, that was the name of the girl, and she was the wife to the vampire.

" I just called in Janet by the way, she said casting a glance at the wolf. She told me to enlighten you a bit before she comes. The wolf swallowed hard as he backed away till his back touched the wall.

" As for you..." She started and a black aura reeking of death surrounded her as she faced her husband.

"Losing ten thousand gold in the casino only to get into a fight costing me another five thousand for bail. You got some balls on ya don't ya?" Her eyes slowly turned red, the vampire gulped harder before jumping towardsds the one-way mirror and start banging on it before a black miasma completely covered him as a hand pulled him back followed by a voice "Come, let me test your regeneration ability"

Hi there guys, made some changes to the chapter and I'm gonna try to release new ones regularly from now

you can tell me if you like how it starts and the changes.

Jax_kcreators' thoughts