
Pleasurably Living With My Daddy System! {On-Hold}

Well. If this novel gets popular then I'll gladly continue this if not, then... hey hey. Anyways, the title already shows what this novel is all about.

KeiKei18 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Destroyed Moon?

Before Naito could marvel at his new sets of memories, his vision was suddenly blackened and he felt his body became extremely light as if his body was a feather.

Soon after, his vision started to slowly recover, his body was also recovering its heaviness.

However, before his visual and touch senses return numerous voices buzzed in his ears.

"Hey, did you watch the news yesterday?"

"Yeah. The news is all the same; It's all about the broken moon."

"Well, it's actually understandable since the moon was suddenly obliterated into small pieces."

"Yeah, you got a point."

All the voices Naito heard seemingly came from teens due to their soft, tender, and youthful tone.

However, all these did not matter to him. What caught Naito's interest was the topic they were talking about.

Moon? Got obliterated?

Naito was not shocked, but only amazed and amused.

Getting reborn and experienced all kinds of things, Naito's nerves were now steeled, and not easy to be shocked anymore.

After several moments, amidst the cacophony of the people around him, Naito's remaining senses finally came back.

As soon as his sight came back, Naito hurriedly looked around

'As expected, it's a classroom.' Due to the youthful voices reverberating, Naito had already guessed where he was, so he was not that surprised to know he's inside of a classroom that was packed with teens in their school uniforms.

"Hey, Naito." A soft and feminine voice rang beside him as Naito felt his right side being nudged.

Naito didn't have any information about the people around him nor what's going on.

All he knew that he must kill a person named Koro-sensei, and formed a few speculations regarding the matter in hand.

From the named Koro-sensei, there was a high chance that this person was a teacher. After all, sensei was a Japanese word for 'teacher', and seeing him inside of a classroom, he felt that his speculations were likely to be correct.

So, without any feasible options, Naito could only turn his head and look at the one who called him without saying anything.

He didn't know who's the person and what's his relationship with her. It could be ordinary classmates, friends, or even best friends.

A confused expression appeared on Naito's face as he looked at the one who nudged him.

For now, being silent was the best way not to divulge any unnecessary information and garner unwanted outcomes.

"You seem to be a bit troubled today. Are you okay, Naito-kun?" A girl that looked around 15s asked Naito. He could see the other party's olive-brown eyes contained worry. And it seemed to be genuine.

'This person seems to be 'my' friend or something with great relationship with.' That's the judgment that Naito came up with due to how soft her tone was and the worry in her eyes. Naturally, there were more possible conclusions as to what's this girl's relationship with him. Maybe the girl was just a kind and caring classmate or something alongside those lines.

"Nothing's to worry about. Thank you for asking." Naito flashed a smile at the girl.

Anyway, he knew that acting polite was the best strategy he could do, for now.

"Are you perhaps thinking about what happened to the moon?" Putting a finger under her chin, the girl who had orange-colored hair that reached to her chin, made a thinking expression.

Naito's eyes glistened before nodded his head.

"Yeah. I can't believe what happened to the moon." Naito said only the occurrence about the moon, and not about its destruction since Naito was not sure what exactly happened to it. He could not just spout things that he's not sure of. That might cause a problem if he spoke wrong.

"Me too! I still can't believe that the moon was suddenly destroyed!"

'Oh, so ly got destroyed.' Naito concluded.

"Moreover, I didn't expect that the one who destroyed the moon is our teacher!"

'Holy shit!' Naito was really surprised hearing what the girl just said.

What that said, Naito's interest was truly piqued.

Naito opened his mouth to milk out more information from the girl using a subtle way but it's abruptly stopped when the sliding door of the classroom was suddenly opened.

The one who opened the room used too much force, thus, once the door hit the other side, it's created a rather loud sound; gaining the attention of the students including Naito and the girl.

All of them quietened down as their eyes intently looked at the individual who's about to go inside.

The students' gazes were filled with complex emotions; anger, sadness, hostility, and greed.

"Nyehehehe~, Good morning my lovely students."


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