
Let me know

It was a very exhausting day. I was so tired for that whole day of spending my time at school and working at the café. Sun was already touches my face, but I ignored it. Birds were tweeting and chickens were shouting. Cold breeze entering my messy bedroom. I heard some foods frying down stairs. Well, my Mom was cooking my breakfast. Yes! That was my mom cooking my favorite foods. Oh! The aroma of hot creamy brown coffee entering at my room, and it makes me alive and telling something to me to me that I should already get up to my bed, but still, I want to lay down and to stay on my bed. Oops! By the way I'm Zhiae. I am Sophia Margarette Lettezzie Maxwell Carson. Well, sarcastically my name is too short. I am 18 years old and a 12th graded student and living at the country side of France. I'm studying at one of the prestigious university at this country my school called Universite' Paris Pantheon-Sarbonne, well the name reflects. I can describe myself as gorgeous, beautiful, and fabulous. Well, no one in the school admires me. I used to hide mu beauty on my black nerdy eyeglasses and of course in my bangs.


Oh! *alarm clock ringing Its already 6:00 in the morning and my Mom also yelling me again. I take my bath and it took five minutes before I was done.

"Zhiae please eat your breakfast"

"Mom I am in a hurry. I don't want to be late in my first subject at school. I'll just going to pack it and I will eat that during our snack time."


I was in a hurry so I grabbed the key of my old pick up car and ride with it. While on my way going to school, I played my favorite classic music and I'm riding very chill. And on my way, beautiful scenery as well, fields of flower, high mountains and the sunrise, and I'm enjoying my ride all the way. I'm very thankful to my Mom because without my Mom Mrs. Ellaena Maxwell Carson I wouldn't have this car. A long the way unexpected things happened to me, I ran's out of a fuel. I immediately look for a garage and gasoline station where I can park my car and refill it with fuel. While I'm looking for gasoline stations, a group of mean girls teased me and they are all laughing at me.

"Is there any problem?"

I hate to talked to mean girls and other people who have an attitude problem and especially to those who aren't my friends. I'm kind of anti-social person but not so. I might be late in class so the easiest way just to walk nor to run for I could not be late. *Bell's ring Its already start of the class and luckily it's also my arrival and I'm very thankful because I'm not late. I open the door and it is our History class, I stumbled, someone pinned me and that was my classmate Jade Ariana Sophie Anastasia, the bitch queen and the meanest girl in our room and also in our university and together with her minions named Power, Puff, and Gul. Every time that I saw them they make me feel high blood. I stood up after what happened, and I walked going to my seat. Besides to my seat was the psychopath and the devilish one, but he's smartest guy in our school. And his name was Alexander Peter Mackenle' Devoir. Other girls in our school totally and really admires him. I heard some murmur about him that he is hot, but his kind of guy that is also sadist and chick boy. Peter was his nickname and he has an ex that cannot move on to him. Right now I cannot stop staring at him.

"Why are you looking at me?!"

"No! I'm not, why would I?!"

He asked me and I'm shocked. And after that I continue listening to our discussion.

Finally, school time is over, and I'm so tired but I'm now going to my work because it is already near 5:00 pm and I shouldn't be late and by the way I'm a student worker at café.


I shouted her name that's is Emma she is my co-worker in this café- bistro we work here as a waitress. We're both scholar in our school. She's also a top achiever student in their class but we're not on the same grade level she's a 11th graded student.

"Hi Zhiae, How's your day, I can sense that you've undergo from a lot of struggles today, Am I right?!"

"Yes! You are"

Well Emma's right. So after that little greetings we continue our work to earn a lot of salary and to have a money to pay our school miscellaneous fee.

Thank you! Finally, its already 7:30 of the evening and were both going home but I already walk alone because I'm in a hurry as all ways and I already said by to Emma.

I'm already at home, and I put down my baggage that I carry.

"Hey Zhiae, How's your day?"

"Good evening Mom! Well my day mom was so exhausting a sort and good but not quite"

That was my Mom so every time I go back to home she used to greet me, by that simple greetings all the problems I have were vanishing. I really love her so much all the achievements I've earned in our school is for her happiness so I strive harder and better.


"Mom I think we have a visitor I will open the door for you."

"Go ahead"

So our visitor was Mrs. Jane Scotts she was a friend of us, She's been with us since I was a child I grew up with her and with my Mom too.

"Please come inside Mrs. Jane Scotts."

Mrs. Jane Scotts brought us a food and my Mom still cooking our dinner. While my Mom are preparing our dinner Mrs. Scotts are talking to her they are laughing obviously they are happy.


The voice looks sounds familiar to me I think that was the daughter of Mrs. Scotts. Yes, her name was Carmille Anne Eusansaff Scotts we grew up together we are best friends since we are a babies we have already make a countless of memories.

"Hi Carmille, please come inside your Mom is here too, come in."

Since we are here altogether in our house we have already do a simple celebration just to enjoy our night and since we are not having a hangout so together we have a mini dinner party.

This is just a reminder for you to know who's the characters would become a part of the main character. Hope you enjoy it.

Darius_Evardocreators' thoughts