
Please, someone get me out of this world of swords and magic

Betrayed and abandoned by the people who gave him life. Turned into a tool of murder without the chance to choose another path. Death and blood became nothing but a nasty routine. Tired of all, he put an end to that life. And now a new world welcomes him. Either to be its savior or its doom. Roberto Díaz Medina, the once right hand of the Mexican mafia boss is summoned to another world along with a group of teenagers to become the heroes that will defeat the demon lord. Unluckily for Roberto, the blessing of the gods was not provided to him. Instead, a curse that demands the essence of every living being is his main weapon. A weapon that comes with an evil conscience that waits patiently to take control over his body, and command an entire army of undead beings to erase every light of life in their way. Roberto will have to face many obstacles to go back home. Lethal magical beasts, mad cultists, disgusting demons, and aristocrats are just some of the obstacles Roberto will have to surpass. Whether he uses violence or words, he will try to walk through the path of virtue. But what virtue can achieve a cruel and machiavellian murderer like him? Only results will answer that question. What´s sure is that blood and lifeless bodies will kiss the ground. Hearts and minds will suffer. And new monsters will be born from the ashes of the old ones. Have the gods gone tired and decided to exterminate that world with the ultimate killer? Or is this the most clever of their strategies? Let´s see if the monster in search of humanity can justify the means of its end.

Y0Y1S · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Fire and wind

I hid my disgust and gave him my work smile while responding with fake politeness.

-At your service, prince Michael.

-Get your ass down here and fight me.


Before the sudden challenge from the prince, Fardan raised his voice and turned to him.

-What do you think you are doing challenging the guest of the king?!

-He´s a servant, not a guest, he must fulfill my orders, and so you do.

Oooooohoohohooo, the shit is on!

The air got tense, a dangerous pressure started to boil from Fardans body, the priestess and the brown-haired man took the heroes away from the men about to slaughter themselves.

-Don´t you forget who taught you how to hold a sword boy, you may be the prince, but I´m still your teacher, you must respect me. Said Fardan looking at Michael with sharp eyes.

-Respect is a right only the kings have, if you want it, become one and formally swear to me your loyalty, only then you can have it.

The tune of the prince was so arrogant and condescending that would make you shout him: "Fucking spoiled brat"

The wooden swords that both held became fragments with a thunderous "crack*".

Hostility became palpable.

Both men raised their dominant hand at the same time.



A pair of swords answered the call and perfectly landed their handle on the palm of both.

Fardan held a red curved sword wrapped in flames, Michael a green longsword swirled in wind.

Both took battle stances and jumped backward.

-W-What is going on? Asked Brendan to a nearby knight.

-... They are about to fight seriously, you should step back more heroes... this is not something we can stop.

The frightened and powerless look of the knight left clear how weak they and the heroes were against the people before them.

Alexandra seemed to want to say something but kept it to herself. Jandiara and Akram were slightly trembling behind their mentors.

-Land travel.

The brown-haired man stamped his hands against the ground, a magic circle appeared under the feet of all the presents, and like if the earth had its own will, started to translate everyone to the nearest exit.

-Whoa, Who is that?

-That is Elrick Rocks, apprentice of the royal mage and second in command of the body of mages. His talent and affinity with earth magic allowed him to fight equally against the elves. Responded Molly.

-Talent eh, Is that why his hair is phosphorescent?

-His hair is proof of the great quantity of mana he has, there are very few humans with that big amount! Commented Lea.

In a short time, all the people from the training grounds were now with us looking through the windows.

-Mmm, Among those 3 who would win? I asked.

-Depends a lot on the place and circumstances, but probably general Fardan.


-Fufufu~ With your permission, young hero.

A sensation of great softness and elasticity invaded my back before I noticed. The sweet voice with a subtle suggestive touch answered my question.

Glass sanctuary.

The woman stretched her arm in front and the magic circle of her palm came out of the floor of the training ground, covering all the place with transparent walls and a cupola.

I extended my hand out of the window to touch the strange phenomenon, giving it a pair of weak hits.

It feels like glass but sure is way harder.

-... And you are?

-Oh, Where are my manners?

The woman dressed as a priest stopped resting his seductive body to my back and joining her hands in front of her like a pray, introduced herself.

-I am Jeanne D´gales, Cardenal of the church of the goddess Aurora.

-A woman Cardenal? That is new.

-There is no similar post in your world, dear hero? Asked Jeanne a bit surprised.

As far as I know, and I don´t know much. Just men can have posts that high.

-I see, that is a shame. The love of God is for all, the church may need leaders that guide the believers, but that should not be limited only to men. Said Jeanne resting her head on one hand.

Ssssss, nop, I´m not going in those subjects, I don´t even believe in god.

-W-Well, I think you´re right miss Jeanne, I may not be the most loyal believer, but I agree with your point of view, leaders are not limited by gender.

-Fufufu~. If you like, I can take you to the cathedral to experience the warm hug of the goddess in totality, I´ll give you a special tour~.

Her flirty wink and suggestive tune gave the hunch that the tour wouldn´t be something easy to forget.

I wasn´t good with this kind of people, talking one way to then act in another. My best strategy was to never trust my instincts and just act as my coldest thoughts dictated.

But... I´m still a young man.

I delicately took her hand in mine, gently bowed, and with a kind smile I said:

-If a woman so attractive gives me an invitation I can´t deny her.

-Oh my. Fufufu~

A nice atmosphere was created as I looked into her blue eyes, her charming face let out a cute smile.

Ehem! *


For a moment I forgot that there were other people around. If it wasn´t for the obvious exasperation of Molly and the awkward smile of Lea I would have kept my flirting.

-You trying to court miss Jeanne proofs that you still have a lot of energy, I guess you don´t need a rest, Right?

-... No, well, this is not-


-... Y-Yes my lady...


I released the hand of Jeanne and returned my attention to the imminent fight, praying that my body survives the Molly spartan. I could almost hear the screams of my muscles.

I don´t regret anything.

Boom! *

-Oh, it already started.

An explosion lot of times bigger than the previous reminded me that the fight had real magic.

The prince was launched embraced on flames to one of the walls, but the wind covered his body in a sphere, avoiding the flames and damping the stamp.

Wind cutter.

Phoenix mantle.

3 Great slashes of wind were shot from the swings of Michaels's sword, Fardan destroyed 2 with his sword and the third with his hand. He made it look easy, but the projectiles were too fast for my eyes.

Cold sweat started to cover my body.

Forget facing him... I need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible!

It was a performance of destruction as I never have seen before, a man wrapped in fire mercilessly moved his sword against a prince that manipulated the wind.

-Damn old man!

Fardan seemed to overpower Michael with his super-human strength and heavy slashes, it looked careless, but if you put attention you could notice how every hit didn´t leave a visible opening in his intervals, and how the heat of his body seemed to give problems to the stamina and skin fo Michael.

If Fardan launched a slash to the left, in the moment of impact he was ready to launch another from the right. The use of punches, kicks, and shoulder chargers gave him an unpredictable touch, making it difficult to mark a pattern.

It comes from the right.


Fardan hit the right side of Michael.


The kick is a feint, the slash comes from above.

When Fardan raised his right leg a bit, Michael stood the plain part of his sword up front to block it, however, Fardan quickly stamped the ground with the leg that he had raised and let fall the blade of his flaming sword in the shoulder of Michael.

-Gahk! Eastern winds.

The magic circle in the palm of Michael gave off a strong wind that put out the flames of Fardan and put him away, making his steel boots scratch the ground.

This is done.

The moment the desperate wind of Michael ended, Fardan kicked the ground and dismissed the distance between them.

-Sword skill: Critic slash; 3 steps.

My eyes saw one movement, but 3 red hot slashes were made in the armor of Michael.

-B-burns! It burns!

-That will teach you to respect your elders if you still have the intention to fight then, stand up, if not, drop your sword and I´ll let you go just with that.

Micahel took off the upper part of his armor, showing how his clothes had carbonized in 3 secant lines.

-Rgh, d-dam old man!

Once again, Michael attacked, but now he looked like a rabid animal rather than a swordsman.

-Hah, this ain´t funny anymore, it´s sad. I said tiredly.

-Shouldn´t you stop the fight?!


The sudden shout of Brendan took our attention.

It seemed like the young one who would save the world exploded in worriedness.

-This doesn´t look like a normal fight! It looks like they are trying to kill each other!

-U-Um, I-I also think that you should stop them, T-They are h-hurting themselves a --lot!

-You should stop them! Yes!


Brendan, Akram, and Jandiara seemed engaged in making them stop the beating, nevertheless, their mentors didn´t show signs of moving from their place or look away.

-They can keep fighting, stop them is not an option anymore, also... That man knew what he was getting into... And I believe that Michael could learn a thing or two of this.

- I-It can´t be. Alexandra, maybe if we join forces we can stop them!

Before Elrick's response, Brendan searched for help on her training partner.

With a guilty face, Alexandra said:

-... That is not something we can easily stop Bren. The best would be to wait for a winner.

-You too?! At this rate, someone will die!

-And I am conscious about it! But look at them! Do you want to get in the middle of that?!


Looking at how the body of Michael was filled with bruises, Brendan, that only knew the fight tournaments of earth, couldn´t find the bravery to get between combat of such destruction.

Alexandra put her hand on his shoulder, from afar, they looked like a big sister advising her stupid young brother.

-I understand that you want to help him, I do too, but right now none of us has the level to do something like that... We are not prepared.

The voice of Alexandra became notably low at the end of her sentence, Brendan noticed how her fist stretched in frustration and impotence.

Accepting the rough reality, he just kept his sight on the fight, waiting that nothing bad happened.

Looks like there is someone sensible in the group of heroes, as long as they maintain themselves close to her they shouldn´t do too many stupidities.

Pow! *

A final blow has finally gotten Michael to blackout.

Seems like is finally over. Said Jeanne disappearing her spell.

Just after that moment the knights and the group of heroes began to fill the training ground once again.

Fardan drew his flaming sword and reached Michael. He raised his body with one hand and grabbed his sword with the other.

Take him to the medic room and lock Euro in the armory until further notice.


2 Knights took away Michael and his sword out of the training ground.

-I-Is he going to be all right? Asked Akram worried.

-Haha, you have a very gentle heart, young Akram.

-Ah! N-No! I-Is just, am, um...

With the unusually adorable nervousness of Akram, the tensions faded like it never existed.

-I think we can leave it here for today, we will keep on the training tomorrow.

-I think the same, your minds should rest after watching that fight. Said Elrick.

-It will be the same with us, young Akram, an agitated heart can´t control the healing magic. Added Jeanne from the window we were.

Looking at the heroes, I noticed that their skin turned pale, Brendan and Alexandra were breathing heavily and Jandiara and Akram were shaking with distant eyes.

-Over here, heroes, I´ll take you to your rooms.

Any of them responded, they simply nodded and let themselves be guided by the knight.

Just before reaching the exit, Brendan turned to look at Fardan.

-S-Some day I´ll become stronger! At that moment... I will defeat you Mister Fardan!

The other heroes joined shortly after.

-I-I will help too!

-My magic will be the strongest of all! Yes!

-Brendan won´t be the only one who faces you!

The absurd declaration from the heroes produced a smile on everyone, it was obvious that something woke up inside them, Fardan and their mentors had noticed too.

-This world can be saved. Said Jeanne looking at the heroes.

Then she faced me with a preoccupied face.

-Do you truly don´t wish to join them, Mister Roberto?

-... I came here as a servant, Miss Jeanne, I´ll just do what a servant must do until the day I can go back to my world.

-...I see, forgive me, I shouldn´t have asked.

-It´s all right, is not a problem... Have a good day, Miss Jeanne.

I walked away a bit from Jeanne and waited for Molly and Lea.

Have a good day, Cardenal Jeanne. Said both in sync.

Until next time, Molly, Lea.

-... Y-You know my name. Said Lea.

-Fuuu~ * Everyone in the castle knows it due to the incident. Said Jeanne a bit exasperated.

-I-I see... Yes, it makes sense.

The ears and tail of Lea stopped moving and succumbed to gravity.


Jeanne didn´t lose time and submerged the body of Lea with her´s. Because the breast of both were big, there was a certain distance that couldn´t be reduced.

Molly instinctively looked at her´s and sigh, but I decided to pretend I didn´t notice.

Don´t worry, they aren´t small, is just that theirs are too big.


-Here between us, I´m on your side darling, that prince could have been sweet a time ago, but now he never stops to show how unreliable he is.

-Snif* Guu~... Thank you so much, Miss Jeanne.

-You´re welcome.

It was an adorable view, Jeanne already had a maternal air, and Lea had a personality a bit carefree, so I couldn´t help to look at them as a mother consoling her daughter.

The 3 of us gave one final bow and kept our way through the halls.

-Dear God, those kids are truly mad. I said with an ironic voice.

I could feel how 2 pairs of eyes were staring at me like if I said something very stupid.


.-..Haah* I guess you are like that.

-Haha! He's someone very curious!

Both looked at each other, Molly with an ironic smile and Lea with her characteristic childish half-moon.

Oh C´mon, you can´t tell me no.

For some motive, after that day, both Molly and Lea became notably more sociable with me. I didn´t consider it as something bad, but the sudden change did scare me a bit.