
please reset the booktitle WilliamSageZeroRen 20231218092329 44

Sage normal guy living a normal life, may or may not have died because of some sick burglar. But instead of just heading off to the afterlife the gods of the universes decide to get some entertainment. So they reincarnate Sage to a fantasy world. And what do you know, he’s the son of the demon king. Who’s surprisingly nice. But will everything change when he discovers something truly heartbreaking. Will he seek revenge, will he shut himself off, or will he go completely mad. I dunno so better read Authors note: this will not have a system. Also I’m making stuff up as I go, so expect some changes in the tags and other things like that. By the way I may make a few loopholes so if that happens just feel free to say whatever you like. To be honest I do this for fun, so if you say something rude or mean I will most likely just read it and, wait for it. Move on. That was a horrible joke I know, I don’t know if you could even say it’s a joke, anyways I’m rambling so just ignore me. Hope you enjoy the novel, and remember violence is the question not the answer, and the answer is yes. - a meme I found.

WilliamSageZeroRen · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Five: Training Before Training

I punched the dummy again, this time I tried to put all of my strength into it. But no matter how many times I did it, I couldn't blow it away like my father had shown me. This was how I would get ready for Akiras training, I would have to slowly train my body until I could blow this dummy away. Akira would teach me how to use different kinds of weapons, as well as magic. But before I could do that I would have to train my body, in the mornings I would come outside and workout with the help of the cheif of our soldiers. And in the afternoon I would continue my study's in order to become the next king.

I took a deep breath in, and punched the dummy again. This time there was just the tiniest of holes in it, I would have been happy if this wasn't my hundredth punching of the dummy. I sighed and plopped into the floor, the chief came over and stood next to me. He was a big muscly man, with golden blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. He wore a single tank top that showed off his many, many muscles, and some black trousers.

He laughed for a moment and then said "don't be distraught sir, those dummy's are strong. Besides your still young, your strength won't be that much at such a young age."

I nodded my head "I know, but I wanna learn magic and stuff soon. So I have to get strong as fast as I can." I said standing back up.

"That's the spirit boy! Now let's go do some workouts!" The chief yelled stomping away.

I smiled and followed after him, he was a dunce but he made up for it with his strength and kindness. Although today he was feeling rather evil, I had to run around a five mile track five times, so five hundred push ups, and five hundred sit ups, chin ups, curls, and inverted rows. I was going to feel this tommorow, it seems like a lot for a young kid. But as a demon my strength wasn't like a humans, doing five hundred of these was kinda like doing fifty. Still it was a lot, I was getting used to it though.

After practice the chief had to drag me to my classes since just wanted to sleep. And classes did not help, I was hit in the head so many times for falling asleep during my lectures which made them longer. But when it was finally done, I dragged myself to my room and had a nice long nap.

Sadly I was only able to sleep for an hour or two before my mother woke me. Since I was still groggy I only made out a few words she said, but I priced together it was time to eat. She led me downstairs where we all sat at the dinner table. Me, my father, and my mother sat at one end, while Akira sat ag the other end. It was kinda awkward because throughout the entire meal no one spoke, but when my father finished eating he asked "so Sage how are your study's?"

"Their fine father, although today I may have slept through a few of them." I answered honestly.

My father smiled "well it makes some sense, you are training your butt off out there." He said patting my head, I smiled and nodded. It was hard not to act like I did before, but my father made it easier. Something about him made me want to act like a kid, I dunno maybe it's the fact of how he treats me.

"By the way father, will Akira be staying with us until my training starts?" I asked, Akira had been staying the castle for the last week, and didn't show any signs of leaving. "No he will leave in a day or two, he's just been helping me with something." My father explained.

"Like what?" I asked, my curiosity got the better of me. Mother was one of the smartest demons in the kingdom so she usually helped dad with things. "Planning, while yes your mother does usually help me with that Akira has a special ability. His thinking process is sped up three times the normal amount." My father said pointing at Akira.

"Well that makes sense, anyways I'll excuse myself now." I said getting up from the table, and walking away. I left the dining room, and went straight to my room again. Although I had mostly woken up during dinner, I decided to try and sleep once again. But when sleep did not come, I just grabbed a few books and started to read.