
please reset the booktitle VictoriesWriting 20231218092329 33

#explicit content; no r*pe# Bliss isn’t like most women that come from her village. She didn’t want to become a housewife and after being told she would never be a mother, joining the army seemed like a great idea. She never expected her career path would lead her to becoming a mistress and the Kings mistress at that! Will she be able to survive what so many before her have given up on? What’s so different about this King that no woman could stay with him for long? Maybe she’s finally met her match...

VictoriesWriting · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Stop crying, it can't be that bad. You're sleeping with a King." The head kitchen maid scolded the young girl who was in hysterics, sitting on her kitchen floor.

I was eavesdropping and felt kind of badly for it but hearing them talk about the King piqued my interest even more and made me feel, slightly, less guilty. I am in the Kings army after all, I have a duty to protect his majesty and listen in on any peasants whispering about the castle.

"I don't want to be his mistress anymore, I understand now why no mistress has lasted longer than a month with him, he's a monster." She continued sobbing into her hands. Wow, I felt bad for her, was the King really that heartless? I've seen him in passing during our morning training sessions. He's always in attendance, keeping a watchful eye on his warriors. Only the best for his army, and I was a lieutenant, a leader, and damn proud of it.

"Hmph.. I'm sorry dear.. well, yer family's being well compensated, right?" Said the kitchen maid

I heard the girl blow her nose then speak, "Yes, very well compensated, my parents won't ever have to work again and the King said I could leave anytime I want without consequences. I'm still afraid to refuse him though." She let out a shaky breath and the kitchen maid made a sympathetic sigh then I heard clothes rustling and imagined they were embracing one another for comfort. The silence said what they couldn't, she had to stay, other mistresses had all disappeared after their "resignations". Although never confirmed, it is a common rumor that these women were executed for not wanting to sleep with the King.

She sighed once more before continuing, "It isn't about him being rough or taking me without consent—" she started to explain but the kitchen maid cut in.

"Then what's the matter with ya? You got me here feeling all sorry for ya thinking 'awe poor little thing' but yer telling me this man ain't even taking you against yer will?" She scoffed, and I had to say I didn't disagree.

Yes, intercourse without intimacy or love wasn't always the best sex ever... but she was with a King and a gentle one from what it sounds like. Most Kings had their men raid villages for the most beautiful of women just so they could take them for themselves. Regardless of promise to another or, sometimes, even age. Some Kings were sick with power, it was somewhat endearing to know that our King wasn't as grotesque. He compensated the family's of his mistresses generously, even after they've left his service.

I also had to admit that the King wasn't bad to look at, unlike most Kings, he was quite handsome and stayed fit, also unlike other leaders. He trained daily with other top ranking infantry men and women, sparing with only his top three soldiers, The Royal Court. I'd often catch some of my own soldiers ogling the King during training, he liked to be shirtless most mornings, and had to make them run laps for losing focus. Can't let hot guys distract you from war, that's my motto.

What was so horrible about this King? Why did so many of his mistresses go missing after only one month of service? Was it something he did to them? Was it because none of them could fulfill him? No, thats not the case, this girl said herself that it was by the choice of these mistresses that they left his majesty's services. And she was possibly next.. hmm, I wanted to know.

Lost in thought I hardly noticed the girl began speaking again.

"You're not going to believe me... his majesty is different than other men..." she began to explain before lowering her voice to a bare whisper, "he's a bit...too much."

And without warning, after my brain properly registered what she had just said, I burst into laughter. "Too much!?"

Hello everyone! I'm just trying to set up my characters in these first handful of chapters. After that's accomplished the story will pick up, I promise!

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