
please reset the booktitle VictoriesWriting 20231218092329 33

#explicit content; no r*pe# Bliss isn’t like most women that come from her village. She didn’t want to become a housewife and after being told she would never be a mother, joining the army seemed like a great idea. She never expected her career path would lead her to becoming a mistress and the Kings mistress at that! Will she be able to survive what so many before her have given up on? What’s so different about this King that no woman could stay with him for long? Maybe she’s finally met her match...

VictoriesWriting · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Why are you here, Bliss?" Petro asked in an annoyed tone. I guess he had noticed me, he was the best of the best so I couldn't be surprised.

"Awe do I really need a reason to visit my jogging buddy?" Petro and I had unexpectedly bonded over the course of our daily 4AM jogs, we were the only two people in the army who enjoyed distance running. Most mornings we ran ten miles in just under 80 minutes, we're steadily trying to beat this record. I loved our runs, you didn't have to think too much during a run, just focus on your end point and breathing. No worries, it was the only time I felt free and weightless.

"You need a reason to sneak up on his majesty's Royal Court and not be executed." He said with the slightest hint of amusement in his voice, he was teasing me. "I hope you're not here to try and bribe me into promoting you to Colonial, you know those decisions are solely up to the King."

"I'm hurt that you think so little of me, Petro, that I would actually resort to bribery. You're speaking as if my military experience isn't up to and beyond the standards of his majesty." I said with mock offense, holding my hand to my chest as if I was really hurt. That got me a big hearty laugh out of Petro, he was nothing but a gentle bear. "I'm actually here to ask you something a little... out of my realm of knowledge." I said tentatively, I hoped he could give me answers about these disappearing mistresses.

"Hmm well depending on the subject I might be able to help. What's up?" He was open to telling me what I wanted to know. Petro was no idiot, he had a sixth sense for bad things, one of the many reasons he was number one in the kings eyes. And he knew I was trustworthy, my whole life was about being a soldier in service to my king, I'd built a career around my service and had no plans of risking my comfortable and adventurous life.

Ok, how do I ask about this? Here it goes. "What happens to past mistresses of the king?"

Petro seemed caught off guard, a look I hadn't seen on him before, and looked at me with questioning eyes. "Why?" He asked accusingly. That was fair, I was asking about an off topic subject that really shouldn't interest me, a soldier.

"Umm, well, I overheard some women talking about the king—" "What women? What questions? Who? They must be questioned at once!" I was cut off by Petro who became on guard at the thought of two women speaking about the affairs of the king in secrecy. All he could think of was mutiny and the possibility of an assassination attempt.

"No- Wait Petro! I overheard the mistress and the kitchen maid, the mistress was complaining about how she no longer wants to service the king. That's all." I tried to assure him and he calmed a little then started to look grim. "Yea they all end up quitting." He said between tight lips, I guess this was a pattern.

"Are they executed?" I was pressing my luck but maybe he would confide in me, he seemed concerned.

"For not wanting to sleep with the king? Of course not" he scoffed, "that's ridiculous, he's a hard man but he isn't heartless. Most women who leave chose to start new lives somewhere far away, others go into hiding. Women who have been in the kings service tend to find themselves thrown into the sex slave trade as high priced merchandise, we've taken more actions to prevent this but can only do so much. We now encourage them to relocate and change their names".

The war on sex slavery was a nasty one that our kingdom was constantly battling, I had noticed the patrol in areas known for kidnappings have gone into heavy rotation. I guess that's evidence that the king was trying to combat this horrific practice.

"Oh." Ok one questioned answered now for the real questions. "So why do the women choose to leave? If they risk so much by re-entering the outside world?"

"Hmph. I shouldn't gossip about the kings personal affairs. It's indecent of a high ranking Royal Guard." Oh come on Petro don't hold out on me now.

"Awe Petro we're not gossiping. I'm genuinely curious. Why am I hearing whispers in the hallways of the castle? I want to set the record straight for myself." I said I'm my most innocent voice, crossing my fingers and toes.

"Hmph. Well since it's just you, Bliss, I can tell you." Yes! I was leaping for joy inside my head. "His majesty is very... mmm" he cleared his voice uncomfortably "he's well endowed, oh gods and his majesty forgive me." I almost laughed again like I did when that girl said 'too much'.

"Hmm yes I have heard that twice today, but everyone's idea of... big.. is different, so.." I wasn't convinced, for all these women to quit just because the king was packing seems excessive, pun intended. It wasn't heard of and I've been with my share of men, once again my curiosity was being piqued.

Petro grunted, he was becoming even more uncomfortable the longer I pressed the subject. I couldn't help it though, something in my brain just had to know, how big??

"This is no longer an appropriate conversation and I wish to stop talking about such things with you. Unless you're interested in becoming a mistress of then king then you have no need to know these things." That was it, the answer I really wanted. I needed to see for myself.

"Hmmm, how does one become the kings mistress, Petro?" I asked without knowing if I really wanted an answer.

Yes! Just a few more chapters until we get to meet the king!

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