
please reset the booktitle Tuddy 20231218092329 74

One mortal fucked over by the multiverse in its motions. One God filled with boredom of the peace in the multiverse, seeking to reincarnate someone to disrupt its peaceful motions. One powerful being finding interest in the actions of the god. What will happen from these chain events?

Tuddy · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

"W-what!? Were am I? Why can I not remember who I am, was?" I asked myself, confused about my situation. The surroundings around me was white, giving me a funny feeling with the white pillars and doors like I was meant to get a reference about them or something.

"Well you are not wrong about that, unfortunately you arrived here without your sense of self. The essence that makes you, you. Though how and why it happened to you? I have no idea, I'm not as almighty the BB." Suddenly, from one of the pillars a familiar man in a white suit with dark skin appeared. His whole being filling me with nostalgia I can't remember.

"Now, on to the topic of interest, you may have realised that you can't remember much. Things like your personal life and attachments you would have had are gone and erased from your memories, the feeling of some of them though, not. A particularly shoddy job that I can't fix unfortunately." The man said, pacing around the room while staring at me.

"What you may remember will be weird, such things like education and entertainment being prevalent. What will happen is that I will offer you a deal and that deal entails that I will send you to a world where you can, relive my boredom of living for a long life. I will be kind and allow wishes and the chance to create a body you can be satisfied with." The man continued and eventually stopped, offering me what seems like a new chance to start anew and discover myself.

"It seems you agree, good. Now we can start with your body, then the world and your wishes last, of which you get three." I nodded at the man in agreement and was whisked into a room with a blank mannequin.

Walking up to the mannequin, I start messing around until I find the body shape I liked and started from there.

After awhile, I stopped fiddling with the many controls at my disposal and looked at what I have fashioned.

What stood before me was a tall figure of a man with long blonde hair and a short beard that complements his facial features. he has blue eyes and thick eyebrows. He was also equipped.

I stood there happy with the refined figure I managed to craft to have as my body.

"Hmm, well on to the world of choice." The man appeared suddenly, this time from behind the mannequin now body.

I thought hard for the world I want to go to, different means of entertainment floating through my mind until I thought of a person I seemed to adore and that became my final factor in decision.

"The world I want to go to is Akame ga Kill, if possible, as a noble with military background." I asked, pleased that I could finally speak.

"Okay, unusual but that's fine, the background is all right, I'll alow it." With that I was happy and relived as now I can at least secure a good start in training and getting stronger quickly.

" Now the fun part! Wishes! What will you decide on?" The man immediately perked up when he talked about wishes, it seems that they must be important and fun to decide them I guess.

"The first wish to come to mind is the ability The End, the second wish the ability to manipulate the earth freely and my third wish is to have a sage body, like that of Naruto." I listed of wishes that I thought I would benefit from. The End can raise my skills and abilities to another level really quickly and make me easily beat masters in skill after training for awhile.

Earth manipulation can allow me to theoretically manipulate gravity and metals so long as I train in it intensly, The End can also help in this as well. The sage body can allow me to have a ridiculous level of regeneration and tons of energy to burn, allowing for longer training sessions and could possibly support The End in acquiring skills that demand a stronger physique easily.

"I can allow them, sure. Now that I've granted your wishes how would you like to start?" I gave it some thought but ultimately decided.

"Twenty years before the plot, when I was born, preferably when I'm 3 with The End active after 1." To me this was best as then I can learn the language and my naivity can be seen even with my possible genius, then at 3 all I need to do is follow what I did previously and slowly develop my 'character' as I grow as a noble.

"Okay then, off you go!" The man exclaimed before I was sucked away into darkness.

"I think I'll have a great time watching how this young man can entertain me. Hehehe."


Ahh, it's finally happening. Good, good, good. Then I guess it's time to send it off and start the chaos and destruction. Space and time come together as always, through enemies or lovers, avatars fight and destroy to display dominance. How I can't wait.