
Life in school.

The little cousins grow up not knowing what happened to Daniel but soon they will know, this is what the elders think of when they see Wiffter talk to them anytime. After three more years they are ready to go to school and this is where new sub-life begins a life with no one to take care of you, alife the boys thought it was torture and suffering. They were told to work hard so they could meet with Don's father one day, this motive helped the boys to do their best in school. They were bullied by the huge and bulk boys, they went through many quest and tests of life as if time was preparing them for some major clash with fierce opponents. After two terms of loneliness the boys make friends with some two boys namely Abrijah and Coaster, they were to help each other overcome their anger and support each other in different ways. They were like a bond that would make something great out of it, the boys now increase their love to each other caring for each other and sympathising with the one in trouble.

On a fine evening after school as usual the boys were picked up by the family driver, this is what they were used to but on this day their grandfather Bulldog came for them. They were very happy and the boys were now nine years old, before their grandfather could come and meet them on the other side of the road he was ran-over by a huge lorry. He died on the spot and the boys saw on the back of the lorry written Kell companies, this was painful to see their grandfather dying in front of their own eyes. Nothing they could do the four friends go to Don's home full of tears and tired for they walked the whole distance from home to school, this was very sympathising and very sad. The next day they had made all the arrangements of their grandfather's funeral, everyone was full of tears and they suspected the Ruff company for plotting Bulldog's death. Wiffter made an oath to make sure Ruff company will go bankrupt and will never appear in the world's history book for good deeds, this meant she would ruin the company's good conduct to its clients. The boys were also angry as a coincidence Abrijah and Coaster were orphans and live in an orphanage where they were allowed to go to school and come back in the evening, Wiffter agreed to adopt them and so Don could have a brother and a sister. This was very exciting to Don for he also convinced his mother to enroll him in the schools martial arts training camp, Don wanted this so he and his brother's and a sister could train and become physical fit to seek revenge for their grandfather.

When the boys reached ten years old, they were told the truth where Daniel went and how he went there. Don was now more angered as a wounded buffalo, he could not believe Ruff company were bandits to and the passion to seek for revenge increased and he promised his mother he will get the revenge. Don and his club went through a lot of suffering before they could join the Training camp, Don and his brother's formed a team called SUPREME WARRIORS also short formed as the S-WARRIORS. This was to help each other overcome their challenges and diffulties and also to help each other to surpass the other students strength, they had different motives. The training master agreed to admit them into his camp for he saw how powerful and skillful they were. S-WARRIORS were to start their training the following day, they had a lot to catch-up with the other students.