
please reset the booktitle Reine001 20231218092329 96

"Find out how the Fen Family is connected to the mysterious organization." Wei Sihan spoke coldly. "Yes Master K." Zichen walked away leaving him in daze. "Could it be that the Fen Family are the one behind the mysterious organization?" He asked himself. Wei Sihan, the 28year old bachelor who is more interested in finding the truth about his father's killer..... What would happen when he's forced to marry Jia Li? What will happen when he finds the secret that Jia's family holds? Would he still maintain the marriage or would he divorce Jia despite being in love with her....

Reine001 · Urban
Not enough ratings
71 Chs


The next day, Wei Sihan went to work abit early as promised...he left Jia still sleeping soundly at home.

Jia woke up an hour later pissed of as her phone was ringing constantly. She opened her eyes reluctantly then spoke angrily.... even Wei Sihan never dared to interrupt her sleep knowing her bad temper.

"What? It better be important Xiaobai." She replied with her eyes closed.

"Uuhhhhmmm...Jia..."Xiaobai stammered she knew the consequences of waking Jia up would be grave but at this point she just had to....she was getting anxious as time goes by.

"Speak." Jia became irritated first she woke her up and now speaking was even a problem what a nuisance.

"Have you seen the news?" She asked Jia nervously.

"Xiaobai are you stupid? You just woke me up where could i have seen the news from"....Jia tsked..."whats on the news that is so urgent that my dear assistant and manager cannot handle hhhm."

Jia asked.

"You...and its bad who were you with yesterday after shopping with us?"

"A friend."

"You were photographed hugging each other....you better clarify it before your dear husband finds out."

Jia immediately opened her eyes and screamed..."Whaaaaat....hold on lemme check."

She quickly woke up and ran to the coffee table near the sofa to retrieve her laptop. She opened it nervously...after seeing the contents she heaved a heavy sigh.

"Would Wei Sihan think that all I did yesterday was just pretense due to meeting a man?"

She should have informed Wei Sihan about the meeting how could she forget...Jia scolded herself internally

She was extremely sad not because of the photo but because Wei Sihan would misunderstand her intention.

Their relationship had advanced and she was so happy about.... thinking of that she couldn't help but massage her temples.

She heard "hello, Jia are you still there?"

Then answered back..."Do you trust me?"

"Ofcourse....am just worried about your husband."

"Lemme think of a solution.....Al solve it by tomorrow."


Wang li knocked on the door nervously...The President was in a great mood this morning and he spotted him looking at his cufflinks a couple of times....Was this the right time to report this...aah the life of the CEO's personal assistant is more complicated and dangerous than an assassin.

"Come in." He looked up and saw Wang li standing speechless then he raised his hand and called him..."Come which restaurant should i choose...I want to give my wife the ring but i dont know what to choose."

Wang li sighed silently then went and looked at the bronchure and pointed randomly.

"This is not good"...he thought for a while then said..."Prepare the Jet we'll go to City M for a short vacation tomorrow." He said excitedly.

"Ill treat this as our honeymoon....help us make arrangements."

"But President we have to clear at the border first and look for a place to land the jet City M has a lot of rules when it comes to private owned planes it will normally take about two days."

"Then book a commercial flight."

"President....we have a problem the Miss was caught in a scandal.

Wei Sihan lifted his head slowly hearing that then looked at Wang li's phone. He immediately became angry seeing the comments. He stood up angrily then went out...Wang li followed him nervously.

"To the villa." He spoke angrily.

Hearing that Wang li drove quickly.


Jia locked herself in the room then called Lu San....

"Have you seen the news?"

"Yeah I was about to call you....should i clarify the matter?"

"No ill handle it."

"No one will believe you... lets schedule a press conference first then we will both handle it otherwise it might ruin your reputation."

"What about your fans?"

"I'll handle them dont worry....In the meantime dont do anything foolish and dont go out yet till we sort this."

Lu San looked like a joker and a playboy but in reality he was very responsible and organized and thought everything through before acting.

After hanging up the call Allen called worriedly but Jia convinced her and told her not to worry about her.


Wei Sihan had been anxiously trying to reach Jia for a while but each time it would result to number busy.

He was so worried that Jia might run away and block his number.

He called the butler then after hearing that Jia had looked herself in her room the entire morning he finally calmed down. After calling the butler, he called Old Master Wei and explained the situation then promised to visit the next week.


Jia silently scrolled the comments and scoffed. Her weibo account followers had reduced...she had about 1.5million left.

She silently spoke atleast i have a few loyal fans ill have to work hard and earn their trust.