
please reset the booktitle Reine001 20231218092329 96

"Find out how the Fen Family is connected to the mysterious organization." Wei Sihan spoke coldly. "Yes Master K." Zichen walked away leaving him in daze. "Could it be that the Fen Family are the one behind the mysterious organization?" He asked himself. Wei Sihan, the 28year old bachelor who is more interested in finding the truth about his father's killer..... What would happen when he's forced to marry Jia Li? What will happen when he finds the secret that Jia's family holds? Would he still maintain the marriage or would he divorce Jia despite being in love with her....

Reine001 · Urban
Not enough ratings
71 Chs


"Dont worry...the young master loves you he just needs time he will be back." The butler spoke disrupting Jia from her trail of thoughts.

"Okay." She replied then continued cooking....After an hour she walked out of the kitchen leaving the maids to serve.

"Grandpa...try this."

"Mmmh its good."

"Here eat more...." Jia served him more food.

"Aren't you eating?"

"No i dont have appetite... I'll go upstairs now I have to finish sketching goodnight."

"Dont stay up too late."

"Okay." Jia replied as he walked up the stairs.

"Jia we will start filming next week.....Are you sure your ready?" Xiaobai talked on the phone.

"Yeah am fine."

She had about four more days....She slept at around 4:00am she kept her sketches together having finished them then slept. She wanted to finish them as soon as possible so that she can go back and focus on her script.

The next morning, She went with Jinhai to Zivri designs to handover the sketches.

"Is President Si around?" She spoke when she saw his assistant.

"Yes I'll inform him of your arrival."

Jia nodded watching his retreating back.

"He's ready for you Miss Jia." The assistant led Jia inside he brought Jia snacks as she waited.

"Jia what brings you here?" Old Si spoke.

"Grandpa Si ive finished the sketches." Jia stood up handing him the envelope.

"So soon indeed we need young generations like you." He looked at them then nodded in satisfaction.

"This will do.... I'll call you when they are ready."

"No problem." Jia stood up then shook his hand then walked out.

"Miss Jia where to?" Jinhai asked as they walked out of the building.

"Wei mansion." She got in the car then slept. They arrived an hour later, Jia went to Wei Sihan's room then quickly fell asleep She woke up four hours later she was surprised to see a silhouette sleeping beside her.

"Your back?" She asked softly.

"Yeah..... I'm sorry I ran away I was a coward I couldn't face you and I wasn't really ready to tell you the truth but am now ready." Wei Sihan spoke.

"Its okay, I dont really care about the truth really the past is the past...I care about the present and future you." Jia replied softly.

"Wait here I'll go get something."

"Okay." He stood up then walked to his study room he came back with a white envelope.

"I missed you dont ever run away like that."Jia spoke when he saw him walk in.

"I wont ever I promise." He replied handing Jia the envelope.

"What's this?"

"Remember when I was away I was to tell you something important when I come back."


"Open it."

"Okay." Jia opened it then took out the four papers inside then read them.

"I suspected that the Xia's might not be your real parents so I did a DNA test."

"Fen Hua is not my mum?" Jia looked up then spoke.

"Yeah.....am still looking into what really happened its a long time so it will take us some time but I spoke to my men they are almost ready with the results."

"Okay." She kept the papers calmly. Wei Sihan held her hand then hugged her.

"Its okay am not really sad because I never really had any love relations with them.....I stopped waiting and wanting their love years back all I want now is just the truth."

"And we'll find the truth....First how about I tell you my truth I dont want to keep any more secrets." He let go then held her hands looking deep into her blue beautiful eyes.

"My parents were killed ten years ago on my 18th birthday...I remember before they died, My dad whispered to me 'Run and dont trust anyone' that was the first time I killed someone trying to protect myself." He paused looking at Jia waiting to see her reaction but when he saw how calm she was he continued.

"Normally, we all have to undergo severe training for five years so i knew how to fight and operate guns....After that incident, I turned cold and ruthless I promised myself the least that I could do was find my parent's killer so I built the red assasins from scratch all by myself that was also the time I took position of the CEO in Wei group. Ever heard of the Red Assassins?"

"Yeah a little, I heard that the king of the red assasins was a ruthless man who had no boundaries when killing.....so that is you?" Jia chuckled.

"Yes but the part where no boundaries thats not me am ruthless yes but I do have a boundary and a bottom line now."

"What's your bottom line?" Jia asked curiously.


"Ooh really." She teased him.


"okay go on."

"It took me about three years to build it to where it is now....so along the way I made quite alot of enemies thats why I have alot bodyguards surrounding me...so we have been keeping an eye on a mysterious organization for a long time I think they might have the answers that I need but untill now they've not acted thats why I would disappear for some time...."

"Jia....Ive killed alot of people....People hire us to kill."

"I know."

"Are you scared of me?" He asked nervously.

"Why would I? As long as you dont plan on killing me." Jia laughed.

"Impossible.....so thats my whole truth."

"Dont worry hubby I still love you."

"What did you call me?"

"Hubby." Wei Sihan smiled sheepishly hearing Jia call him hubby.

"Your hubby is hungry...why dont you make me your delicious food."

"With pleasure....lets go." Jia stood up holding his arm as they walked to the kitchen hand in hand in high spirits.

"Looks like they've solved their issues..." Old Master Wei spoke to the butler looking at Jia and Wei Sihan in the kitchen.

"Boss....he spoke." Zichen spoke on the phone.

"What did he say?"