

Sitting here with my head held low,

Wondering what it would be like being next to you.

On the floor with my voice range high,

But you are not going to hear it..

What is the point of all this mess?

What am I going to do?

I am heartbroken.

I am a mess.

But this is all your mistake,

You left me being this way.

You left me a mess,

which I cannot clear up on my own without you.

I no longer feel the way I used to feel,

I keep thinking and thinking,

But there is no answer to bring you back or to talk to you when your dead..

I am so ashamed of blaming you,

But what,

What should I do without you?

I lost you and it is killing me.

Maybe it is my fault,

I do not know anything anymore.

All I know is that it hurts!

This is how I am without you.

This is how miserable I am without you.