
please reset the booktitle NebulaWolfyy 20231218092329 66

NebulaWolfyy · Urban
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15 Chs


With Emery's consent I put enough force behind my bite to pierce her flesh. I felt her wince but she knew that this needed to be done. Her blood filled my mouth and to be honest with myself it tasted oddly good. It was sweet and slightly coppery but it was the essence of all our kind in order to continue living. When I was forced into this existence, I swore to myself that I would only hunt on animals and back then I was  part of a clan that knew only power and hatred. When one of the members turned a human without their consent, they pointed fingers at me and my friends for the blame. In turn the leader banned us to never return. I closed my eyes to distract myself from the past and swore I saw Emery's memories. Her as a little girl, twirling around in a Cinderella dress for halloween. Her as a teen,making plans for college in high school and what she wanted to be when she was finished. I held back a slight chuckle at the thought of her being a disney princess for halloween. Don't you dare laugh. I heard Emery say telepathically. 

I'm not. I responded with a small grin forming on my mouth. I withdrew and bit my own wrist, watching as blood spilled from the wound. "I am going to remove this out from your side before I do anything else," I warned her. "Just so that when your healing, your skin won't form around the metal." I said so that she knew what I was doing. With my other hand I quickly yanked the metal from her side, but even in her weak state she hardly moved. Only hearing a small keening sound was all I needed to finish the task at hand. I placed my wrist over her mouth and allowed the red liquid to dribble in.

That's going to bruise. Emery said. Her thoughts were like music in my mind. I grinned even wider because she didn't realize the capabilities of being a vampire. Healing was one of our greatest abilities and the only thing that was able to kill us was sunlight and a stake to the heart. I wasn't planning on either one of those happening to me or my friends any time soon. 

"You would be surprised." I said sarcastically. "Of what being a vampire can do." I brushed her hair from her forehead. She looked delicate and frail in her state but once she rested and fully transformed, she'll be much stronger than she has ever been. 

I hope that your right. She mumbled weakly. I took my wrist away and licked the wound closed and barked for Blake to come in. Blake came in as quickly as he could, given then state of the sun. His movements were slow and tedious that he looked like an old man just rising from his bed. "Yes?" His tone was groggy and tired.

'"Get her a change of clothes and into the guest room for the time being." I commanded. "And make certain that the curtains in there are closed so that nothing happens to Emery while she recovers." Blake only nodded and went to lift Emery in his arms. He left the room leaving me alone. I looked around the empty space and saw the remnants of blood that Emery left behind. I mulled over cleaning up the mess now or later when I rose from slumber because it was late already. I really didn't want to spend the time cleaning it when I was this exhausted. "I will leave this for now." With that I headed to the sleeping chambers.


Emery's P.O.V

The last thing that I remembered was the coppery taste of blood and then darkness. In my own mind, I had flashbacks of when I was younger. Memories that I had thought I had suppressed long ago came flooding back to me in an instant. When I was six, I saw me, doing things with my hands, moving objects and blasting things with my mind. It terrified me to the point of where I begged my mother to let me forget what I could do. Even then, I was able to still communicate with others through telepathy. One of my greatest gifts, as my mother had put it when I was older. My mother complied only because even she thought I was too young to experience such things at six years old. Twelve years later, I was going through I change where, I was able to use telepathy but the majority of my abilities were still gone. Now this accident made me wish I had them again, to stop what was yet to come. The crash. All the damage and blood. I was saved though, by two people who brought me to safety and healed by a stranger that I didn't even know. I was forever in their debt for this. As Marcus stated, I was given a second chance at life and I don't think that there isn't anything I can do to repay him.


The Following night….

"How is she?" I asked Nora as she came out of the guest room where Emery rested. In her hands she clutched a bowl of warm water and a cloth that was stained with blood. My only guess was that she was cleaning her up temporarily until she was able to take a shower and change into fresh clothes.

"Emery is fine," Nora said. She wore a light pink sweater and a pair of grey sweats. She was barefoot and her silver like hair was tied up into a bun. "The transformation is going to take some time, especially if the injuries are this bad."

"She was injured terribly when both of you brought her in." I said. I scratched my nose trying to think of something to say. "Do you know how much time?"

"Hard to tell," Nora said as she placed the cloth into the bowl and reached out to place her tiny hand on my arm. "Have some patience Marcus. It may be slow but from when I was cleaning her up, I saw some changes in her hair that indicated that it has already begun." I gave her a hard look as if I didn't really comprehend what she was saying. "Don't worry too much," Nora said as she removed her hand from my arm to brush loose strands from her eyes. "I will keep tabs on her as often as I can."

"What about,-" I started but she instantly interrupted me.

"I'll be fine," She assured me. "It's only a tiny amount of blood and won't affect me like before." 

I bit my lip as if unsure of what she said was true. "Just be careful." I said softly. Nora only nodded and headed back toward the sleeping chambers where Blake still slept., leaving me alone upstairs, outside of Emery's room. I glanced up at the ceiling, marveling at the designs and patterns. Small swirls and circles were carved into it. The floors where wooden and could easily catch fire but we were in a secluded area of the forest where the only ones that knew we were here was the Remus Pack and the Clan themselves. Our banishment was caused by the leader and all I wanted to do was to clear my name and my friends but the only problem was figuring out how to without causing a war to the leader. 

After I had done that I was planning on going my separate ways and hope that they would leave me alone for good. Emery's whimpering caused me to snap back to reality and I inched a bit closer to her door and just listened. I heard a jumble of words from her mind like she was having flashbacks from her past and in some way I was curious about what they were but I wasn't a snooper. If she wanted to tell me she would. I heard glass shatter and I nearly panicked at the sound. I rushed in to see what happened only to see Emery thrashing around on the bed in frenzy. I darted over to her as quickly as I could and pinned her down and thought of a way to soothe her. I heard her loud as day in my mind. It hurts! Please make it stop! Her cries was agonizing and even though there wasn't anything I can do to help, all I could do was talk and sing to her to make the process go smoother. I had hoped that the transformation wasn't as painful as I had imagined.

When Emery's frenzy subsided, I stroked her cheek and mumbled in her ear. "Everything will be alright." My heart was in my throat as I said it. It needed to be or else the rest of this ordeal was going to burst a nerve for me. Nora was at the door watching with Blake standing next to her with his arm around her waist with concerns on their faces. "Take turns watching her," I said to both of them. "I need some air for awhile."

"Don't be too long," Blake said as I left the room. "She seems to stay calm with you here." That made me stop in my tracks briefly before I went outside into the night air. 

"I won't." I said loud enough for both of them to hear.