
please reset the booktitle Loner_Hades 20231218092329 74

The latest VRMORG game was barned out of market immediately it was made. This game is capable of killing the player if failed a mission but get rewarded when mission is successful. A player can't leave the game unless all missions are completed. But this game can still be bought secretly Sean out of curiosity bought the game and Trina was forced into the game by the creator because of her skills. Abnormally, Trina and Sean appeared in the same mission. As a consequence, the level of skyrocket How will they survive death in this game

Loner_Hades · Games
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Haunted 3


Sean thought about Bean's offer, he doesn't know whether he can trust him or not but he thinks in this apocalypse world it will be better for someone to be alone. More numbers will attract devils

"No. I can't go with you to your hiding place, it will only attract devils, it's better we separate"

"If that's what you want"

Bean went out of the building leaving Sean with the little girl's corpse. Sean buried the corpse under the broken bricks. When he was going out of the building he heard the sound of footsteps running to the building. He retreated back inside and hid in a corner holding his dagger and listen carefully to what the intruders were saying

"Haha, see what we have here. It's an harmless lady"

The voice of a man sounded with clear excitement accompanied by a cruel laugh

The voice became clearer and the two people were coming closer to Sean.

Sean hid behind the entrance door and pin himself to the wall, he is peeping through a hole in the door. He saw a lady fall down, the lady was crawling on the floor trying to move away from her pursuer. The pursuer entered, Sean only saw his back but he looks familiar.

The lady kept retreating till her back touched the wall, she can go nowhere else.

"You think you can run away?"

The male voice sounded again

The lady was looking around the whole building in search of anything she can you to fight this man but what she saw in the feet of a man behind the door. Sean saw that the lady saw him so he signaled to her if he should help her bit the lady said nothing. She is only staring at the man before her who had a gun with him

"Bring out all you've got on you"

The make voice ordered but the lady is adamant. She kept staring at the robber before her with hatred in her eyes. The robber looked at her again and she doesn't look like she have anything valuable on her.

"Since you have nothing valuable with you, how about you give me the one you've always have"

The robber started harassing the lady sexually. Sean got irritated by this , he silently came out out of his hiding place, the robber is already intoxicated with what he is doing so he didn't notice someone coming to him.

When Sean was close enough to the robber, he strike the robber at his back.


The robber grunt as he jeered out of his fucking position. Sean double check the robber's face, turns out the robber is Bean that he met earlier. Bean stared at Sean with his red eyes, he raised his gun and hit the bottom on Sean's head. Sean laid down in painwl wrapping his hands around his head.

The lady that was being robbed stood up immediately and punch Bean on his face, Bean fell to the ground and the lady ran out of the building. Sean took the advantage and ran out of the building but Bean caught his leg. Bean punched Sean on his face bit Sean evaded the attack, Sean strike Bean with his dagger and was suprised that Bean only screamed in pain, Bean turned to Sean and punch him. Sean was unable to evede it so he fell to the ground.

Bean sat on sran releasing punches to his face, Sean was screaming in pain bit he noticed something; Bean was distracted.

Sean took the opportunity and strike Bean's back but the dagger stopped half way. Sean was wondering why the dagger stopped moving then he realized that he struck a bone. Sean pulled out the dagger and strike Bean's neck. Blood gushed out of Bean's neck and hit Sean's face. The blood was hot and Sean wiped it with his cloth

[Your target is dead]

When Sean recieved the notification he stood up and went out of the building. He can't believe he just killed a man, his hands were shaking and his heart pumping at the thought of him taking someone's life. He calmed himself down saying "it's just a game, it's an NPC not human"


Liu woke in the afternoon without finding Trina beside him. He stood up and went to the sitting room, he still couldn't find Sean nor did he see his father.

"looks like both of them finally get along, faster than I thought"

he smiled and left the house. He got to the street and walk through the bushes, after sometimes he got to a place, there is a big pot on fire outside of a cottage. He could hear a low voice inside the cottage and he made out that it is his father's and Trina should be listening. He entered the cottage and saw his father cutting some kind of leave but Trina is not in

"Trina is not with you?"

"She was, i sent her to get me a herb from the stagnant river"

"what! why will you send her to the stagnant river, you know it's dangerous"Liu shouted

"She wants to be my disciple, she have to work for it, she have to show me"


Liu grunted going out of the cottage

"you go to help her she lose the chance to be my disciple and she'll get her ass out of my house"


Liu tried to refute but his father interrupted him

"Now come help me with this,"

Liu collected the knife from his father and continued cutting the leaves

"what are you concocting father"

"I am trying to make a pill that can supply the human body with a great amount of yin energy, the aquarius leaf is the best ingredient for this pill so I sent your friend to get me the aquarius leaf from the stagnant river"

A smirk appeared on Liu's father face

"dad, that's unfair"

"in a situation of life and death what matters is survival, as long as we live, it doesn't matter whether things are fair or not"

"I feel like I brought her to death"

"you persuaded Chen to go night guarding with you and he died, did you send him to death? if things are done that way then how many people have you sent to their death?" Liu's father shouted at him. Liu kept his mouth shut afraid of talking, his father is bad tempered

"don't worry, I gave her a communication talisman and that pony tail of yours, she can survive 15 minutes without breathing. if there is no delay that should be enough for her to get the leaf and that qualifies her as my disciple"

Liu sighed hoping Trina survive the death mission she is on

Trina kept running along the direction Liu's father gave her. Liu's father promised to give her a magic book if she successfully brought the aquarius leaf

"a mission in a mission" she thought.

She touched the talisman that Liu's father gave her and it's attributes appeared in her vision

[Name: Communication Talisman]

[Type: Uncategorized]

[Rarity: Magic]

[Attribute: Communication]

[Effects: None]

[Able to loot out of the mission: No]

[Remark: better than cellphone]

Trina slowed down her speed to read the attributes, she took the little pony tail as it's attributes appeared too

[Name: Devil's Nose]

[Type: Uncategorized]

[Rarity: Magic]



[Able to loot out of the mission: No]

[Remark: able to supply oxygen for a short period of time]

Trina realized her mission as she read the Devil's Nose attributes, she was thinking she just had to grab some leaves beside a river but now she knew she'll have to dive into the river. She kept going through the way she's been directed and after some time she saw a river that was not moving. She is about a meter away from the river so she ran as fast as she could and jumped into the river. Sh swam deep and deeper until she got to the deepest part where there is little light, she started to suffocate so she put on the Devil's Nose. She felt like she was breathing in water like a fish. After looking around the river, she saw a mountain's bottom and also a blue leaf stuck on it. She dived there and pulled the flower. The aquarius leaf is like a blue flower, it's got its roots stuck in the mountain making it very hard to pull. Trina kept pulling making sure she didn't damage the flower. After two minutes of pulling, Trina saw cracks on the mountain around the flower. Trina kept pulling and the cracks started opening up, the more she pulled, the more cracks on the mountain. After a few minutes, she finally pulled out the flower. Immediately the flower got out of the mountain, the mountain exploded shooting fire towards another mountain opposite it. This mountain also shot out fire to another mountain, this process went on until Trina n found herself in the middle of fire mountains. The mountains are in a circular form, it looks like a round burning gate underwater. Afraid, Trina swam out of the river, she ran towards the cottage she came from.

She barged into the cottage saying "I got you the leaf"

She hold the leaf in her hand and the attributes appeared

[Name: Yin Yang leaf]

[Types: Vegetation]

[Rarity: Extinct]

[Attribute: Yin and yang supply]

[Effects: nourish, destroy]

[Able to loot out of the mission: No]

[Remark: it used to be an aquarius leaf but the dragons set up a fire gate around it. After absorbing fire essence for a long time it can supply yang essence too]

Liu's father collected the leaf from Trina smelling it

"Liu, she succeed"

" thank me for that"

" so can I become your disciple now"

Trina asked curiously

" Of course, tomorrow we will go to the palace and you will join the guardianship. You will be my direct disciple, this is great," Liu's father said happily. Liu's father went to a corner in the cottage and withdrew a book from a drawer. It is big, it looks like a book from legends. He hand it over to Trina

"read this, when you've learn it to the fullest I might give you the next one"

" basic knowledge of magic"

Sean collected the book reading the title out loud while the attributes appeared