
please reset the booktitle Lady_Ale 20231218092329 50

Set in a fictional place. The names of the places I have mentioned may exist but it's description is my imagination. A stroy of a young girl who runs away from her house and settles in a place named kinsale. Why did she have to run away from her house and use a pseudonym while telling her name? Things start to stir up in Amelia's life, when she meets a young CEO named Adrian Schneider. A slow burn romance and a feel good stroy! I do not want to tell anything about the story here. You can give it a try if you are searching for a feel good romance and I would be delighted to be supported by you guys.

Lady_Ale · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

The Mansion

Amelia looked out through the window of the car; a tiny smile made its way on her lips when she saw the scenery. Her mind kept drifting from the beautiful present to an unpleasant memory.

'Where is he?' Amelia asked the maid when the maid came to bring her dinner to her room.

'He is not yet home,' the maid replied politely.

'Did he inform his arrival? she further questioned the maid to know more about his schedule.

'He hasn't called since the time he left for Canada,' the maid answered in a low voice.

Amelia wasn't surprised by the maid's response. He had always been away from home and rarely came to see if she was alive. That is how it looked in her eyes, the man seldom came home, and they hardly had a proper conversation. The longest conversation she ever had was the day he tried to convince her with his plan for her future and she disagreed with him. She knew that no matter how much she may try to disagree with him, the man will force her and gets what he wants. It had been two days since they had the cold argument and she hasn't seen him since then. Why is it so hard for him to spend time with her? All she wanted from him was his time, his love and care for her which he failed to show her.

Amelia nodded at the maid.

'Amy, he cares for you,' the maid said trying to mitigate her anger towards her dad.

'Thanks for always comforting, Mrs. Santiago. I am fine,' Amelia forced a smile, she wasn't a child anymore to believe her maid's words.




Amelia came out of her thoughts and opened her eyes to see a huge building in front of her eyes, it looked like a castle in those fairy tales where the prince charming lives. She gasped at the sight of the mansion; it was not because of the huge building but because of the place it was situated. In front of her, was a place filled with greenery spread out all around with patches of snow but the path to walk was clear as the snow was being removed to make a way for the vehicles to enter. The mansion was surrounded by a majestic blue shimmering water running across a bridge that connected the house and the place on the other side. After showing a permission letter from Skylar's company and signing on an entry book, the two young women could pass through the gigantic gates. At first when Skylar said that she had to take a permission letter from the resort to enter the Mansion, Amelia frowned but after looking at the huge building, she changed her mind. Amelia had to agree that every part of Kinsale had its own beauty. The mansion was no less than a paradise, she was wondered as to why she was referring the places she visited as paradise.

"I am Skylar Byrne. Mr. Wolfrik's assistant." Skylar informed a guard at the entrance. The new guard who was aware about Trevor Wolfrik and not about his assistant, allowed the two women.

"Come this way, we will have to meet Mr. Darcy, the house butler." said Skylar. Amelia followed Skylar as she led her into the house, their movements halted when they came across a man who was in his late fifties.

"Good morning, Mr. Darcy." Skylar greeted the man whose serious face turned into a tiny smile looking at her. Mr. Darcy who had the gentle smile, didn't question them about their reason to visit, instead, he said, "Please follow me."

"You stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes," Skylar whispered to which Amelia gave a nod.

It has been more than ten minutes but there was no sign of Skylar. Amelia couldn't stop herself from thinking to have a stroll around the hall and observed that there were no maids at the moment. She was on her feet instantly and scanned every corner of the hall. If she thought this place was beautiful from the outside, she didn't have words to describe the interior of the house. Everything in the house screamed royalty. Large, spacious rooms with shiny marbled floor, the doors were well designed and the showpieces of various color and types were hung on the wall with different sizes. Everything was so clean that Amelia could see her reflection on the glass walls. Being an interior designer, she couldn't help herself from appreciating the house. She took a right

Amelia was admiring a portrait and froze when she heard an authoritative voice making her heart drop a beat. It was then, she realised she was no more in the hall.

Amelia's breath hitched when she heard a man's voice. She looked around but found none but that didn't mean she felt safe in an unknown mansion where there was no sight of people in the place she was standing.

"...I do not want any excuses. I want it on my table in three days."

She instantly forced her frozen feet to move from that place, but it was too late for her to make a move. She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw few maids walking around, but none questioned her. After walking for a while, Amelia realised that she was lost. She ran her fingers into her hair and looked for a way to reach the hall, but she couldn't. She sighed heavily and decided to ask a maid but to her surprise, she saw an old woman standing in front of her with a surprise.

"Amy?" the old woman asked in surprise but with a bright smile on her face when her eyes fell on the girl.

"Granny. It's so good to see you," Amelia ran to hug her and the old woman returned the hug. She was the woman whom Amelia brought home a few days ago.

"I'm glad to see you again. I can't believe you are here," said the woman, after hugging Amelia.

"Neither did I. I came here with my friend and I was lost," The old woman laughed at Amelia's words.

"Why don't you come with me. I'll show you the way," urged the old woman.

"You're a saviour, Granny," Amelia took the woman's hand into hers as they walked. "So, you live here?!" Amelia asked to see the woman nod.

"This place is beautiful," Amelia said, looking at the tapestries on the walls and touched them with her fingers.

"Do you like it?" asked the woman.

"Oh! I love it." replied Amelia, not noticing a proud smile that appeared on the woman's face.

"Mrs. Schneider. Young master is in a meeting and said he would talk you later." Amelia heard a maid speak to the old woman. It was then did she notice the old woman's attire. Amelia could not believe the old woman she met few days ago belongs to the Schneider's family, but she maintained a composed face.

"Alright" replied the woman and then the maid left after a short bow.

"Who is this friend you mentioned?" Mrs. Schneider asked Amelia.

" Skylar Byrne. She is…"

" Sky and you are friends?" Mrs. Schneider interrupted her in astonishment. Amelia should've guessed that the woman knows Skylar since the girl has been working as Trevor's secretary since eighteen months.

"It's good that Sky brought you here. I have been planning to meet you and here you are in my house." the old woman added.

"Me?" Amelia asked and saw her nod as they continued to walk.

"I couldn't thank you enough that day." Mrs. Schneider spoke to her. She was grateful that the young girl has found her and helped her even though she was a stranger.

"I'm glad that you are fine, you don't have to thank me." Amelia let out a chuckle.

"No. I have to, and I want to help you." Mrs. Schneider insisted. "What are your qualifications?" the old woman asked. Amelia was left astonished by the sudden interest the old woman was showing about Amelia's qualifications. "Um... I ahh... I was an interior designer." Amelia stuttered.

"Interior designer?" Mrs. Schneider asked to see her nod. "That's great!" she exclaimed and joined her hands together as if something struck her mind.

"I was an interior designer, granny." Amelia emphasized the word 'was' thinking that the woman didn't notice she was no more working.

"Why don't you work under Schneiders'?" Amelia was gobsmacked by her offer.

"No. I mean, thankyou but I can't accept your offer, granny." Amelia declined the woman's offer.

"Amy, I can't leave you when I am aware that you are hunting for a job. You helped me and I want to help you in return." Mrs. Schneider explained. Amelia didn't want to take her help to work she wanted to get a job based on her qualification and not with her help but looking at the woman's pleading face she couldn't say a simple no. "I will, but I would like a position under your company based on my qualifications." Amelia said and woman's face was lit up with glee.

"I'm glad that you accepted."

"Thank you for helping me, granny," Amelia thanked her.

"I will talk to my grandson and let you know about your job," the woman said.

"It's a no," came an authoritative voice making them turn towards the door where a man was standing a little away from them.