

I run as fast as I could away from the castle. Adrenaline pumping, sweat forming, I travel deeper into the forest. Memories flash in my head about vampires sucking blood. The only idea I could think of was to run far from here. The forest surrounded the castle and went on for about three miles. I know I can't run that far. I slow down and hid behind a big oak tree.


Someone had followed me! Terrified to move, I put my head between my knees and breathe slowly. 'Calm down, Eve. Just be quiet.' I hope whoever this person is will let me go. The worst possible scenarios go through my head. I tighten my grip around my knees. Just imagining them makes things worse. 'Okay. The best thing to do is to scream, very loud.'

Just when I was about to open my mouth, I heard a gentle yet cold voice trying to soothe me. "Hey, it's okay. I won't bite. Promise."

I thought of replying but nothing came out. Why would anybody trust someone who ran faster than you even when you had a 10-minute head start?

The stranger continued talking. "My name is Jack. I won't hurt you." For some reason, just hearing those words made me break down.

I gathered all of my courage and whispered one word, "Why?"

"Hmm? What did you mean why?"

"Why me?" I ask while I begin to cry, "Why me? WHY ME?!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"I'm sorry. I can't tell you why now. I-You're gonna have to wait." A few seconds later, Jack starts to sniff around. I look up and see his eyes change from light green to blood red. Jack starts to walk closer to my trembling body. I shuffle back, getting splinters from broken tree branches.

"Wha-Wha-What are you doing?" I whisper as a start to panic.

"Eve. Are you BLEEDING?" Jack asks me in a demonic voice and turns around, "Did you get hurt?"

I start to check my clothes for a blood stain, and sure enough, there was one on my favorite jeans. There was a piece of wood lodged in my thigh. For some reason, I could not feel it. 'F*ck. Now, I'm sure I'm gonna die.' My thoughts whizzing around my brain.

"Run," Jack says as he looks back at me.

"Why are you telling me to run?"


"Why?" I ask as I get up on my feet and dust my hands.

"Y-Your blood...It's driving me insane! You have to leave! NOW!"

Hearing those words, I sprint, not daring to looks back. Autumn leaves crunch as I step on them. I use my pale arms to push any low hanging tree branches. My footsteps getting heavier with each step I took. Back in 10th grade, I had tried out for the Centaur High School track team. I made it in, but I couldn't join because of my wrist. Something had pushed me, hard, so I fell on my knees. As an instinct, my hands protected me from the fall, but my wrist had to pay the price. I'm glad I didn't join because, on the first meet, something had happened to the girl who replaced me. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but I noticed that this has happened many times before.

'It was like somebody was protecting me. Like a guardian angel. Hahahaha." I smile to myself. My pace starts to become slower and I look around for water. I look for a tree stump to rest on.

"Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggh! So tired!" I moan very loud. I remove the hair tie from my back pocket and tie my soft black hair into a messy ponytail.

This is a story I've been working on for fun. Please write a review about this. I am going to be creating/posting a new chapter once a day. ~KrishaCross

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