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Brightfed and Lucy find themselves in a world that they feel indebted to, a world that in turn they can't repay their debt. As their love grow stronger, it might yet affect the world around them. Right after their tough life in the street of Dallas, they were both brought into a family where they were supported and loved. Now Lucy's parent wants her on a track that favors the family she was indebted to, but she wants to be with her first love who happens to be a son to prominent lawyer who is not a friend to her family. How do you think, Bright and Lucy will manage their love life, which will not betray the trust of the family they are indebted to?

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The Boy in My Street Pt 2

S*x is the keep going thing on the psyche for those two, Ephraim breakdown on her. This occurred after his uproarious moaning, he felt a major alleviation after he began breathing intensely, so was Martinez who coiffed unto him. Ephraim moved off to the opposite side while Martinez lie on him. "that was… "

"Amazing" She remarked Ephraim stands up unclad, while she watched him, picking up his clothing and strolled to the washroom. He opened the run water and have himself shower. He off the shower and strolled to the room, the room light was turned on. Which is unsual, it is should be off maybe, Martinez need to utilize it. He meet his wife the under the arms of a gatecrasher in cover. He hold weapon to her head, she was clad as of now. She was really sitting tight for her husband to complete his shower before she could, but unknowingly an intruder was in the home keeping trail and caught her to oppressed the husband. Ephraim delicate lift up his hands, an indication of give up.

"what do you want ?" he asked, regardless of whether he thinks it isn't the perfect inquiry at the ideal time. Furthermore, he can asked where did you come from? Who are you? . He accept such gatecrasher should have their reasons, so he chose to asked what he wanted so to deliver his wife from his grip.

"Tune in, I do the scrutinizing"

"I know, yet I can't give you anything on the off chance that you don't tell me. I will ensure nobody knows, not even the police. I will put this behind me, nothing has occurred at any point ever here, I guarantee."

Ephraim attempts to work him out, a frightening demeanor he puts on, he began strolling towards him slowly. Some interloper are effectively controlled through sweet persuasion.

"enough talk as of now?" appears he is definitely not a simple one, Ephraim hushed up.

"See that paper on the work area" Ephraim examined the work area and a paper was there. "Indeed" he replied

"Get it"

Ephraim got it and gradually opened it. It is an online record number for banking. It is typically made with an untraceable chain that solid the record.

"Do you know what it is."

Ephraim hushed up, the gatecrasher was only a female horse burglar who need his cash. He turn to the burglar and scowled at him ungracefully. "Why?" he asked disregarding the inquiries.

"why?" the interloper jeered and squeeze Martinez who shudders in dread. "Along these lines, I will tie you up and assault her and afterward kill her. Can you live with that, will you?" obviously Ephraim will not, Martinez is all he have, losing her presently is only a major waste in his life, what are the utilization of abundance when you can't secure the one you love.

" How much? "He inquired

"everything" yes everything great, he was hesitant from the start however his need is presently his the safety of his wife. "I should get my PC, I will be paying on the web"

Ephraim strolled to the PC, which he kept in his pack. The gatecrasher could cover the speed with his firearm, Ephraim realized he is dead on the off chance that he attempted to play smart, he attempts to sort out away. He raised his PC for him to see, this experience caused him to recall what his dad used to say "cash will go back and forth, however your loved ones, are what's important. " He switch on his PC and there was a stirring in the other room. "stand by! Who else is in this house?" the gatecrasher inquired.

"didn't you see, it just me and my wife" Ephraim answered and was interested with regards to what's going on. "did you come alone? " He added

"quiet down! Who else is in this house!"

"talk when you are addressed!!"

"I don't have the foggiest idea, it is simply us OK."

"Hello don't pull pranks on me, in the event that you do I will kill your wife."

Then, at that point a baseball roll inside the room, and the entryway aired out. The otherside of the room was dull and he can see a figure moving. The gatecrasher focus on the entryway delivering Martinez to her husband, while the interloper was attempting to sort out what is at the other room. Ephraim hook him unwittingly, fortunately the weapon tumbled off, the gatecrasher came arranged too as the two of them trade punch. Ephraim was somewhat acceptable, well his reflex improved him, gatecrasher realized he came into the lion's den, Martinez was concealing Somewhere in the room, whining and shuddering. Ephraim would have killed him with his immense punch, the intruder thought at any point advantage he have, he should discover it and depart, lest he dies, he push Ephraim against the divider, as he fall and hit his skull on the divider. The gatecrasher pick to his heel in the wake of getting his firearm. Martinez rushed to her husband who is battling to remain on his feet, Ephraim was debilitated by that experience, however he was excessively irate to the point that he wished to get hold of the gatecrasher. He stands up and pursue the interloper, trusting he will not be far gone.

"Eph!" She called yet he overlooked her, he so quick until he arrive at the entryway. He heard a motorbike thunder, he sense it should be the interloper attempt to get away, he speed toward the primary street just for him to tumble down after he collide with a deterrent. While the interloper was expecting Ephraim will surge out for his courageous showcase, he sight Ephraim running towards the street, he turn over his motorbike and eliminated a sharp edge weapon, he intended to cut him and kill him while on speed.

He need an ideal killing, he sped up and plan to cut Ephraim by his head, when he discover a little youngster was running towards Ephraim, the interloper was thinking about the thing the child was attempting to do, that should be the figure in the house. While he draw nearer to Ephraim the child fall at Ephraim's feet which lead to unavoidable mishap. Ephraim tumble down as the Intruder missed striking at nothing, he sped up and zoom out after the mission falls flat. Martinez surged out and see a boy standing above Ephraim, she race to her husband while crys on him. Ephraim snort out holding his stomach, he must have tumble down exceptionally hard. He sit up taking a gander at the boy, a similar kid he saw recently. Coco was gazing at the two couples, he pivot and began leaving. "son" he called while attempting to stand, Martinez help him up. Coco quits strolling and turn towards them, no one as ever called son. Ephraim strolled nearer, he was thankful his life was saved by him, didn't have the foggiest idea how to be sufficiently appreciative, he contact Coco shoulder with his while squat before the kid.

"Did you do all that?" He asked as Coco gestured

Ephraim took a gander at Martinez, as she grins at him, he didn't have the foggiest idea why the kid did that, however he is God sent. Who knows other than whatever would have occurred, who can say? Ephraim hold Martinez hand as She hunch down and embrace the kid.

"thanks to you"She mumbled.

Coco was adopted into the Ephraim family, enrolled, and given a new name. Brightfed Ephraim, who has spent most of his life on Earth searching for his friend and family on the streets of Dallas. Martinez's loneliness during Ephraim's travels is finally over; she has Brightfed to look after, and she enjoyed his company. It's been months, both Sansa and Roscoe haven't been found. Martinez and Ephraim have assisted in the search and have declared on all radio and television stations but finding the two is difficult because there is no picture of them to describe a better detail of them. At a point in time, giving up is not enough Brightfed, on the other hand, has been a young goal-oriented man for years.

He is attractive and A successful law student, he vowed to fulfilled Sansa's dreams as a law student while also achieving great success as a graduate in school. As time passed, he became a barrister but he neglected the profession for something he wished to do aside from music which he loves to do best. His father is an elderly man in his fifties and he requires more assistance in the organization. Brightfed now directs his father's business after completing a long-term course at a business college and when he become the CEO he believes this is the time he can invest in the future of this country, knowing what life has taught him, he must make it simpler for every other survivor out there. He spent time in the gym center, building body structure and boxing training. For the time being, he has a friend, a close companion whom he trusts, and they trust one another and pick on each other's brains. Brian Hariot is a young and attractive man who he meant in the town of Ocedia during a business outing outside the country.

Brian is a cop; so was his father, Hariot, who is the chief police officer in Dallas, Brian spent the majority of his time on extraordinary missions dealing with crooks on the street.

Brian is strong, but he can be vulnerable when dealing with people who are difficult to deal with or who give him headaches; he had Brightfed assist him in completing his mission sometimes and he has been working alone since his partner in duty died of a gunshot from gun dealers.

Dallas has changed over the years, with the foundation improving and more job opportunities available, child abuse decreasing, and there are fewer homeless children in the city.

Brightfed carries out business procedures as his father; he places executive bodies in the top seats and they run business for him while he travels around town or stays at the office with his mother and work as a low-maintenance counselor, as he refers to it. He is respected for his sound judgment and punctuality, and his employees are devoted to him.

Brightfed transforms into an attractive man, and his appearance is linked to every woman and he become someone that can't be messed with.