
please reset the booktitle Kiki2buns 20231218092329 77

There I was sitting there trying to find a fanfic where someone reincarnated as Gaara. Alas it brought me to a reddit page where a lot of people would actually like to see a novel like that. So I figured I should write one and so I started but then suddenly a truck came crashing through my window? At least 1 chapter every day, well, I'll try at least.

Kiki2buns · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Still the chunin exams

"Kankuro give me our scroll."

"Ok Gaara, but where are you gonna put it?"

"In my gourd, no will be able to get even near me so it shouldn't matter anyways" I whispered and I don't think I need to explain why I whispered.

Kankuro and Temari are good people honestly, if they were raised better they would be much better and probably stronger too.

They were even scared of me at first, nice job Rasa, he told them that the only reason I was helping the village was too further benefit myself, cock sucker.

We were sent out into the forest of death and me and my team went to the place where we were supposed to go and I sent out a lot of chakra, almost like a chakra flare.

Some super weak genin teams show up, I do a little sand coffin maneuver they're trapped and I steal their scrolls.

But who's this? a girl with red hair and glasses, that is definitely Karin Uzumaki

"Your name, tell me it"

"I-I- I'm Karin Uzumaki" she looks scared

I begin to whisper, "I'm going to be Kazekage very soon, if you want to live stick with me after the chunin exams. During these exams I want you to hide and run outside of the village, remember my chakra signature, once this is all over I'll come outside the village and send out a pulse of chakra, seriously memorize it."

"Ummm o-o-ok" she's definitely confused she'll probably do it

If her mom was still alive she wouldn't, but hey shes dead as a nail or however that saying goes.

We opened the scrolls at the same time and finished the 2nd part of the chunin exam in record time, 1 hour.

The fights were picked out, just like in canon they were all the same, makes sense that they were the same, I didn't do anything different I'm just much, much stronger.

And so began the fights, I wonder why they don't give a break after the forest of death but whatever.

The first battle was Sasuke vs Yoroi in which Sasuke won, pretty intense battle and overall nice.

Then it was Shino's fight against Zaku on which Shino outplayed Zaku and beat him, he's a smart guy honestly.

Then it was Kankuro against snake boi, I didn't tell Kankuro about what the other guy could do and just let canon happen because he's gotta learn somehow y'know. And then he won.

"Congratulations Kankuro, you did good, but never underestimate your opponent."

"Thanks for the advice brother"

And then it was trashcan vs trash bin, Ino vs Sakura, they had the worst fight I've ever seen in my life and tied.

It was Temari vs Tenten, the person who's never won a fight, ever, Temari won easily, but didn't bully her kinda like in the original chunin exams, which is obviously because of my presence.

Shikamaru, one of my favorite characters, vs Kin, Shika destroyed all of Kin's holes, outplaying her at every turn.

Then it was Naruto vs Kiba, with Naruto winning, by accident again.

Hinata vs Neji, poor girl got destroyed, it's sad really, Naruto did his whole talk no jutsu technique.

Then it was me vs Rock Lee.

Rock Lee began the fight dashing at me and attacking me, I simply just let my sand shield defend against it, he kept attacking and attacking, meanwhile I'm putting sand all over the arena

"Wind Release: Infinite sand cloud!"

Lee can't see and while he can't I create a lot of sand clones and I put sand on the ground everywhere.

Vision is back and all my sand clones rush at Rock Lee, he looks over to Guy and Guy nods, he's dripping his weights.

Everyone has a shocked look on their face as the weight falls to the ground, he takes care of the sand clones but, as we know sand gets everywhere, and it gets on people.

Rock Lee doesn't notice but all of the sand on him is gathering towards his legs.

He practically teleport in the eyes of.normal people and kicks at me, it hits my shield but at that moment the sand on his leg and my sand shield are connected, I will the sands to absorb each other and I have a very right hold on Lee's legs.

I fling him around, hit him on the ground, the floor, the ceiling and then I throw him away.

"Give up"

"I will never give up!"

"Gate of closing, open!" the fifth gate instantly, damn

"Fine then if it's a taijutsu battle you want, it's a taijutsu battle you will get, 7 heavenly breaths, 5th activation!"

I then put 20 points into dexterity

We engaged in a taijutsu battle, I had the upper hand, he doesn't know how to counter the silent fist, he is stronger than me physically however.

Our chakra is visible to the naked eye, mine however is much brighter, bigger and mine has an orange hue to it.

We are engaged in a fierce taijutsu battle when my visible chakra turns into a hand and with great control I grab him and hold him down.

I beat the shit out of him untill he's knocked out, no techniques or nothing, pure taijutsu and that chakra thing.

"Winner, Gaara of the sand" he announced

There's sans everywhere, I compact it and put it all back into my gourd made of sand, you might be asking now wait it wasn't made of sand before and you're right I threw the old one out because I realized I could just make a gourd out of sand, so there's the story of that.

I'm filled with exhaustion from the heavenly breaths technique, it really took a lot out of me.

Well, plan 1 of "Gaara's amazing plan to warn Hiruzen about Orochimaru" is complete.

Let me know what you thought of this Chappie, this is the longest one yet too, hope it was worth the wait.

Thank you for the support guys!