
please reset the booktitle Kiki2buns 20231218092329 77

There I was sitting there trying to find a fanfic where someone reincarnated as Gaara. Alas it brought me to a reddit page where a lot of people would actually like to see a novel like that. So I figured I should write one and so I started but then suddenly a truck came crashing through my window? At least 1 chapter every day, well, I'll try at least.

Kiki2buns · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chunin exams final part, maybe

The month break is finally over, and the fights are gonna happen.

We all walk into where the arena were going to fight in is, Hayate is there and nods at me, I nod back.

"Everybody except Naruto and Neji please leave the arena." He announced

After we all left the arena the fight began, Neji was destroying Naruto sealing all of his tenketsu and then Naruto had to rely on Kurama's chakra to unseal those points, after a long fight Naruto ends up outmaneuvering Neji and winning.

"Good job Naruto"

"Thanks Gaara you're the best, believe it!"

The next fight was supposed to be Shikamaru vs Dosu but I killed him so whatever.

"Good luck Temari"

"Thanks Gaara, but I won't need it, this kid is so lazy his mom probably has too wake him up in the mornings"

"Don't get too cocky now, he's very smart, and crafty"

Shikamaru vs Temari was a close fight, Shika didn't have enough chakra to continue his jutsu to control Temari in the end, so he forfeited and Temari won.

"If he had more chakra you would've lost Temari, you underestimated him, that could equal death in a real battle, remember that"

"Understood Gaara"

Then it was my fight, me vs Sasugay I mean Sasuke, I ended up waiting a little bit and then he showed up.

"Good luck Sasuke."



He activated his sharingan instantly and tried to put me in a genjutsu and failed, he then charged at me and started attacking me, left punch, right punch all that.

He then stepped back

"Fire style: Great fireball jutsu!"

A sand wall formed in front of me blocking it, I started creating sand clones, 100 of them and sent them at Sasuke, I weakened them of course, I didn't want to trash Sasuke.

He took care of them and decided this fight was going on for too long so he used his chidori.

I put a sphere barrier of sand around me, weakened it quite a lot, and he ran at me, chidori in hand, and pierced my barrier of sand .

I let out a fake roar filled with Shukaku's chakra, and that was the sign to start the ambush.

"Sasuke the Suna and Oto are ambushing the hokage and the leaf village currently, I'm not with them, ai told the hokage all about what was happening today I even told the people you graduated with this news, you weren't there so I couldn't tell you, but I am now, kill all the Oto ninja you see and try to only knock out the Suna ones, Orochimaru disguised himself as Rasa, my dad, our Kazekage, and has been controlling the sand village for a few months now, I would just like to tell you this, and also in a full on fight between us, you would be dead within seconds."

He stood there dumbfounded by what I just said and then

"You wouldn't bea-"

"Sasuke, just go and fight the shinobi that are trying to kill your comrades"


I started to knock out and stop all the sand ninja and straight up murder the sound ones, sand coffins were sent everywhere, and I sent my clones over to help all the civilians evacuate easier.

Baki looked at me angrily

"Gaara what happened to the plan?!"

"I'm not a tool, we shouldn't be doing this, Orochimaru was disguised as Rasa this whole time, Baki, don't be stupid, we need to make amends with the leaf right now, tell the sand ninja to stop attacking the leaf and attack the sound ninja."

"Wha- ok, that makes sense, I was played like a fiddle and so was the other shinobi of the sand, you'll make a fine Kazekage, Gaara, if you were to become one that is."

And so I avoided a fight with Baki made a lot of sand ninja fight with the sound ninja, and then boom.

Everything was over, Hiruzen didn't die, Orochimaru escaped with a lot of loses and I am currently signing a paper that's says, to sum it up, that the leaf and the sand are ally's.

[Total exp gained 42,000]

I also killed a bunch of sound ninja.
