
please reset the booktitle Karma200 20231218092329 48

Regan Cavaille is about to graduate from college, starting the next stage in her life as an independent woman who managed to break away from the past. Everything is fine up until the moment she's falling through a portal with her best friend that lands them in a world filled with magic, horrid creatures, and dangerous people hiding their true intentions. Cornered by plots and mind games, Regan must survive or drown in the chaos that comes with power.

Karma200 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 7:

It was the noise of people that caused my eyes to open, blinking slowly in confusion at the sight of people dressed in thick furs or strange costumes in front of me. One quick look told me I was in an ally way... in the very pajamas, I'd fallen asleep in.

Okay... don't freak out.

We just need to breathe and not panic...

Shit... where am I?

"Are you alright, little missy?" The voice of a young woman made me jump a little as I turned to see a lady dressed in a leaf-like dress and strange pointy ears.

"Uhm... I guess I'm sleepwalking?" Was my hesitant response, taking one more look at the outfit that I'm realizing was pretty thin compared to the other women walking around. While they covered their arms with long sleeves and legs with lengthy fabric, I was practically wearing a towel. Unlike their firm-looking corsets, mine is way softer as it held a white dress close to my figure. The sleeves were barely shoulder length and it even fell off both shoulders.

Ha! Now all I need to do is wait for someone to call me a harlot.

"A weird night, is it? Strange things usually happen on the nights of Skaro, the moon is quite powerful," Her genuine smile pulled my attention away from the things happening, a distraction I'll definitely welcome. Looking up when she pointed into the sky at the full moon. Instead of it being blue it was a hypnotizing purple.

Nights of Skaro is a full moon? Is this something I should remember?

"Come, I've got furs for you," As she spoke, her hand motioned toward someone that I couldn't see and I couldn't help but halt in the step I'd almost taken.

"Please, don't be shy. It's just my little brother giving me my coat... here, put this on and maybe I can help you find your home?"

Shy? Me? Yea, that's not the word I would ever use to describe myself with but I do know what stranger danger is and that's definitely a reason for me to act weary.

The woman took cautious steps toward me as if I would act like a wild animal and freak out.

I mean, with how fast my heart is beating I'm not surprised if I looked manic.

"Thank you," My voice sounded small to me, any more of this and they really will think I'm shy.

She nodded her head in response while putting my hands into the arms of the long jacket. There was fur all around the neckline, stopping just below the breast line.

"Luck is on your side that you've run into a nymph, styling hair is my specialty... I'm Neenah, by the way," Delicate fingers reached toward the hair I had left tied up, taking it down with ease before there was the sensation of water rushing through my scalp.

It took only seconds before my chocolate hair fell into half of my vision, the length going past the shoulders.

Thanks to the hair moisturizer I borrowed from Lavinia it should be fine but a part of me worries that leaving it down will make it dry out. Which would suck since I've just learned that my chances of going home are practically a zero.

"We've finished, my beautiful goddess of magic, shall we get going? I'm hoping to catch a glance at the crown prince!" Neenah squealed as she looped her hand through my arm and pulled me out of the dark.

She had us standing in the middle of what looks like a festival, making me realize that with the fake pointy ears that Neenah is dressed up as an elf. Wait... did she just call me a goddess of magic? This means she knows I'm a witch... making me realized I don't even know how to get back to Lavinia's cabin.

"Here in Kharakar we celebrate the living and the souls of the dead on the moons of Skaro, would you like me to bring you home or would you mind accompanying me for the night? It would be much better hanging out with someone my age instead of a child," Neenah placed her hands on my shoulders as she stood behind me, turning me around to show me all the people dressed up for the festival as they danced or walked under twinkling lights just floating in the air.

It reminded me of Lavinia's magic except hers seemed to have more of a reaction to it, as if there's more to it than just a light.

"Hey! It isn't like I wanna be out here with you anyways, the boys were meeting up at the river but I ran into my stinky sister!" The voice of a young kid had me look down to the left at a little boy in a fancy-looking suit that looked casual yet way better than the clothes Lavinia had worn earlier.

Earlier... would that be considered earlier if I don't even know what time it is? It had literally been the death of the night when I had closed my eyes.

"What's your name? You won't believe how excited I am about finding a witch- oh, oh! Don't you worry, I won't tell anyone your secret... if you make a promise with me," The woman that had called herself a nymph gave me a hopeful gaze in those whiskey-colored eyes, practically begging me to stay with her.

"Depends on what the promise is," Cause I'm not about to agree to some stupid shit.

"We are to be friends, it has been a long time since I've met someone with a kindred spirit like yours. Are you hungry?"

"What makes you feel like we're alike?" I asked her, not being able to move off from that.

Neenah stopped our walk, looking straight into my eyes as her brown ones began to glow a pale green color.

"Lost... broken... unaware of her own power and abandoned so many times that you've already let go of certain relationships before they even start falling apart," Her words made my heart feel as though it was being exposed for a second and I couldn't help but slowly take a step away from her.

Yea... I'm just trying to get home, not find someone to psychoanalyze me.

"I'm uh, pretty hungry..." Which isn't a complete lie.

Lavinia had made some soup that I had originally thought was gumbo but the moment I had eaten it, I'd almost spit it out. But the old woman made me eat it, saying that it would help my connection to magic be a smoother ride.

"Wonderful! I can pay for anything you'd like, let's go to the buffet first. I've got a table already so there won't be a wait," Neenah started walking off, completely ignoring her little brother who was calling her all sorts of weird names before storming off into the woods.

Like, nothing but fucking trees... by himself... how old is he, like 12?

I know that Ada had freaked out the first time I'd brought her to the cabin I'd been raised in with by my father. When I'd left to get us some food for the night, she'd freaked out because I'd been in the woods all alone.

We'd only been 16 years old but at that age, I guess you could say I had already gotten a bit used to her overprotectiveness. Adanya would've whooped her little brother's ass if he'd ran off into a forest all alone... if she had one.

As Neenah guided me through the throng of people dressed up extremely beautiful or in the costume of weird demons, it had taken a while to get used to the smells surrounding me. There was the scent of delicious food being cooked but some people smelled like they hadn't taken a shower in weeks.

Even Neenah seemed a bit disgusted but much more used to it as she guided me toward a large building. At the top of it was a large balcony that looked difficult to get to but as we went inside, the entire place seemed like you'd need to be special just to enter.

"We welcome your patronage, Ms. Thiose," A man in a shiny black tuxedo bowed his head forward when we walked up to a wooden podium, I'm guessing he's the host of the restaurant. Okay, at least some basic things are still relatable.

"Bring me and my friend to our table, has the performance started yet?" Neenah picked up her skirts with her empty hand, refusing to let go of my arm with the other one as we followed the man deeper into the building.

The delicate light brown tables with elegant carvings in them were lined up all over the place with customers filling the seats to almost all of them. A tell-tale sign of how popular this place actually is despite having such an expensive look to it. On the ceiling hung a small crystal-like chandelier that shined with an amazing light that expanded all over the place from just one area.

No need for anything else to be used as lighting or it would ruin the aesthetic of it not being too much.

"You have yet to miss anything, the manager does wish to talk to you with the details of the next festival, whenever you have the time. Also... some are saying they've seen the Crown prince and general of Khorakar just a couple of miles away from here,"

"Of course, tell him that we'll schedule a meeting within six days in the same spot. I'll be able to find an opening after I meet with the duke of Khorakar, I'm sure of it. Now, let us hurry to our seats... uh," She finally gave me a questioning look at the realization of not knowing my name.

"Call me Regan or Reg... is it cool if I call you Nene?"

There was a sparkle of happiness in those enchanting eyes as her pixie-like face seemed to take on a softer expression.

"I've never had a nickname before... yes! Call me whatever you like, we're girlfriends at this point," Neenah squealed happily, yanking me into a strong hug despite her petite body. When she pulled away we continued the long trip up at least six flights of stairs, making me think that everyone in this world has to be physically fit. There's no way you lack any sort of stamina in a world without elevators.

We passed by tables filled with people who clearly had a lot of money to spend based on the fancy tuxedos and gowns being worn. As their eyes watched me wearily, it was clear that I didn't belong. The only nice thing about me is this jacket that was long enough to hide my pajamas and that isn't even mine. I could feel a bit of anxiety crawling up my spine as the eyes following us only grew larger, each of them starting to feel as though every move I make is being analyzed.

If I make a mistake, what will they do? Will it be gossip about some strange and unknown girl or will they try to actually say something? If someone says something I know there's no way I can stop myself from snapping, which is what I want to avoid. I'm still not sure what sort of world this is.

I mean, come on! I'm supposed to be sleep right now! My heart feels like someone is squeezing it and the longer the eyes lingered, it got tighter.

"Here we are," The host moved a large dark green velvet screen that led us toward a large balcony that had two single chairs sitting on what looked like an attached stage.

Clearly, it's for us to look over at the entertainment but it amazed me that the balcony was large enough for the large cushiony green and white couch that was accompanied by a dark brown coffee table. There were a lot of potted plants and flowers around as well, so much so that the vines seemed to grow out of their containers, wrapping down underneath the foundation that must cost a lot to rent.

"Let's eat some food before we go take our proper seats, let us talk about ourselves. That's how people do it, right?" Neenah had a genuine look of curiosity on her face but I have no idea what she's even talking about. A quick clap of her hands made me realize that the host who had followed us in was already gone.

Despite that, it only took seconds for several servants to bustle onto the balcony with several trays covering food that smelled fucking delicious. But I'm not about to trust this shit so easily cause that's how I got, got with Lavinia's fake gumbo.

"For the main course, we've prepared roasted monoofi with boiled osliper, a glazed kepie that's been stuffed with vies and sperry. The appetizers on the side will be biscuits with kramon pieces placed in the center of a fluffy creme of each biscuit. The chef decided to pick cocire berry mash inside sweet leoxee wraps for dessert tonight, he has also ensured that you'll have the best wines available to your balcony," It was a pretty and small young lady that spoke about things that I just couldn't even remember.

Monoofi sounds like a damn monkey and there was probably a hand full of words that I actually understood. It helped make it clear that some words we use from my earth are used here. Like dessert, wine, and even how they were talking about the full course meal.

"Thank you Kady, my friend and I appreciate your services tonight," Nene smiled at the servants as they placed the silver platters on the table in front of us, quickly taking off to tops to expose the food. It looked... good. But I think the idea of not knowing what any of this is, is what's making my stomach form into a rock.

This is why I hate my stubborn ass stomach.

Even if I'm hella hungry, not even the nastiest shit could look appetizing even though I really want to eat.

"Monoofi is a delicious type of fish that my village treats as a delicacy because of how beautiful their scales are, see?" Neenah picked up a silver platter of flaky white meat that had steam pouring out of it, it most definitely looked like fish. The rainbow-like scale that Nene picked up off the edge of the plate to shine under the moon, creating a beautiful reflection of colors bursting in front of us, told me it was a finish I could never find on my earth.

It was the scent of strong herbs that caught my attention and while some of them didn't smell as though they particularly belonged on fish, it was still more appealing than Lavinia's gumbo.

"Osliper is just a vegetable found deep in the forests, only the most daring gatherers have ever been able to pick them as they hang off delicate cliffs not designed to hold the weight of a person," Those pretty fingers gently picked up a large leaf-like ball that reminded be of Brussel sprouts... ew.

"If you're into meat, kepie is what your people would call a wild boar," Neenah's explanation caused me to freeze in surprise, spinning around to look at her warily.

She knows I'm not from this world and what a wild boar is... is she reading me with magic or something?

"Oh... I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" She asked with a slight waver in her voice, as if worried about my reaction.

"How did you know that I'm not from this... world?" I was careful in what question I asked, checking to make sure that the servants had all left and that the curtain was closed. Not that it made me feel secure in people not hearing out the conversation but hopefully with how heavy the thing is, it comes with some soundproof qualities.

"I'm a nymph of the woods... a daughter to all living things connected to the core of the world. If there is knowledge about the earth and creatures that walk on it, I will be one of the first to know. Every world is connected to one another so it isn't hard to pry and find things. Reg... please don't be upset with me," It was the watery voice that made me realize the tears in her eyes at the fear of me being mad at her.

I don't understand why it would even matter seeing as how we just met and at first, I wasn't quite sure what was happening. Instead of questioning things any further, I pulled Neenah into a hug to calm her down. It was the wet feeling of a tear dripping onto my neck that forced a course of information to soar into my head.

What Neenah said about being connected to the earth was true but it was the strong connection she had toward me that surprised me as if it was a bond that we've had for centuries. It felt like it was Neenah but I'm not sure if it's her or just her magic bonding with me.

"Okay... okay, I'm not upset with you Neenah but now that I know you know my problem, I need you to tell me anything you can to help me go home," I pulled away from the pretty nymph and held her hands, a new determination to find out more information beyond Lavinia grew. Who knows if there's another way out that she doesn't know about?

It couldn't hurt to at least hear other options if there are any.

"Go home? What are you talking about? You are home," Neenah's words made me freeze, thinking that she might actually be a little crazy. But that clear look of certainty as she grabbed my face in her palms made me feel scared about what my future is going to hold.

"You've never belonged to that earth you were taken away from... the world of Eayedore has always called to your soul, even when you'd been forcefully displaced," It wasn't the sad tone that had got me but the fact that this isn't even the first time someone has taken me away from a place I was should've called home.

And that this realm is what I had been born in. Not in some cabin in some beautiful forest miles and miles away from civilization in a city far more advanced than the ones I've seen here. So... that would mean that my dad... might not be my actual dad.

Not that there's a problem with that but I've never really felt as though I had belonged there, even after his death and I had been forced to live in several different states and cities. But now it means that the reason I've felt like that is that I actually don't belong there. Yet... it doesn't fix the feeling that I have no right to be here either.

"Announcing his highness, the crown prince of Khorakar! Prince Alrik and general Khal'han!" A voice boomed all around the night sky filled with stars as Nene began piling up food on two separate plates, squealing excitedly at the broadcast I don't think anyone really needed to know. Well, this is some kind of royal life thing so maybe they actually do.

"Let's go take our seats, Regan," She rushed, and before I could overthink anything I just grabbed the large golden cups then followed her toward the little stage on the balcony with two seats and a small table.

Putting down the drink, I sat down before picking up a tiny fork to start eating.

"Wait, aren't you going to pray to your god before eating?" Crap, is she Christian? Is that even a thing here? Not that it would matter, I'm sure Neenah knows what a Christian is.

"Do you guys do that here?" I asked her hesitantly, looking at the meat and vegetables I'd stabbed onto the fork.

Shit man, I just wanna eat.

"It is usually customary for witches to pray to their god before taking part in a meal, if they're listening it can come with a few little gifts if you can find them," So, what? Am I supposed to just ask for something?

Hesitating, I put my palms together and looked at Nene for some sort of confirmation before closing both eyes.

"Now, remind me how the people from that other world pray to their gods,"

Oh, okay. It's just that simple? I then grabbed Nene's nearest hand, closed my eyes, and bowed my head.

"Uh... so, I'm not sure who's listening or who exactly I'm supposed to pray to but whoever it is that's been protecting me so far... I appreciate everything you've done from the bottom of my heart. I'm not gonna lie, I am sorta questioning how you managed to let me fall into a whole other world completely unprepared but I won't touch on that subject. If you can, I ask that you continue doing your best in protecting not only me but Adanya as well, wherever she is. And, uh... thank you?"

Finished with my prayer, I opened my eyes to see a look of horror on that cute face of hers.

"They do actually dare ask for things in their prayers, don't they? No wonder they were abandoned by their gods," Neenah sighed with a shake of her head as I shoved the food into my mouth.

Surprisingly, the fish was soft and flaky with the skin of it being thin and crisp. There was a spicy tang to it that didn't quite go with the soft texture of the fish meat as each bite tasted too strong.

Which I guess is where this amazingly sweet wine comes in. I'm thinking the goal of eating all this food is the alcohol part.

"Look, Reg! That's the crown prince I mentioned earlier, isn't he just so adorable?" She practically swooned as she put her elbows on the edge of the balcony, looking toward a tall man with a dark brown fur coat that was far more extravagant than the one Nene is letting me borrow. I had already assumed this was as expensive as it got. But no, not with the clear white face of a wolf that had been sewed perfectly into the coat. It looked both fierce yet gentle all at the same time but something told me that what you see is exactly what you get.

A wolf.

The man looked handsome with the short cut brown hair as those pretty brown eyes seemed to glint a purple light in them every time the moon shined on them just right. But that isn't what caught my attention, it was the hazel eyes that changed to a golden color beside the crown prince.

That large man beside the prince walked with such dominant energy around him that would've made me think he was prince instead. Luckily Neenah had gave pointed out the prince, who she clearly had a crush on.

"What was his name again? Calan?" I asked her in a low voice as I watched the thick black braids bounce in that make-shift bun every time he took a step forward.

Compared to the prince, this general guy was much taller with a wider upper body. A lot of his outfit was covered by a black cloak a golden thread used for his wolf instead.

As if he could hear my question, the large man turned his head in our direction with a smirk of amusement on that handsome face of his. Before he could find me though, I was quick to hide my face with the veil of my curls. Usually, I prefer it out of the way but this is completely fucking useful.

For some reason, I feel like I shouldn't look into his eyes.

What if he takes it in the wrong way and decides to hit on me? I'm not in any position to even be thinking about a man.

Especially one that looks like he'll break me in two.

When the two men disappeared into a separate building, probably one just like ours, I let out a breath of relief.

"Hm, what'd you say?" Nene looked over at me with a dazed expression and I couldn't help but laugh a little at her obvious feelings.

"The man beside the crown prince, what's his name?" I asked her, feeling as though I said it completely wrong the first time. He had smiled at me... like he was going to laugh at me, I'm not going to cancel out the chance the man heard me.

Hold on... why am I making thoughts as though it's normal for someone to be able to hear me from three stories down? He had to have been laughing at something the prince had said.

"Khal'han, not only is he the childhood friend of the crown prince but he's also the general of the country as well. Whereas I am in charge of this noisy city of Zanca, I've actually been working for Khal'han ever since the king gifted him with authority over three major cities. This one included," Which confirms my theory on Nene being an important person. Especially with all this treatment, she's been given.

"I haven't properly introduced myself to you, I am Princess Neenah of the Haran village made of all kinds of nymphs," She explained with a big smile on her face with a cute little wave toward me.

What exactly is a nymph? Cause all I really know is that they're water creatures, right?

"We nymphs are connected by nature and the elements themselves,"

'I am what you would call a dryad, an old creature of the forest' The voice that floated in my head made me drop the silver little fork in shock, looking straight at Nene since it sounded like her. Before I could even respond, my eyes zoned onto the building not too far from us as a pair of golden eyes watched me.

Like a predator.

It felt almost enchanting as I took in that rugged handsomeness that only got better when I noticed the little scar running down from the bottom of his jaw only to stop somewhere beneath that cloak.

Wow, I guess scars really do make the man.

"Uh, looks like someone is waking you up," Neenah sounded sad and I couldn't help but frown.

I didn't have time to reply to her before suddenly my eyes were opening.

As if they had been closed this entire time.

In front of me stood Lavinia with a knowing looking on her face.

"So? How was it? Astral projection, I mean,"

This is pretty lengthy so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. I'll be going over the chapters eventually anyways so please, put up with it for now <3

Karma200creators' thoughts