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Simon was reborn as the second son of a marquis, even with little magical talent he had a rare unique ability, he could see a person's potential, he then recruited many talents in the slave market, gave freedom and dignity to everyone but the life was a joke, and almost everyone betrayed Simon if they swore loyalty to his talented brother, including a beautiful elf girl who Simon rescued from slavery, Simon went into depression and then left along with his only servant who didn't leave after 2 years, he somehow became the owner of a city that was about to be invaded by orcs, luckily a system appeared and he is able to summon characters of fate, at first he recruited the super hot Minamoto no raikou (Astolfo will be in the harem too, although trap is hot)

hussar · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Jon Coldshore

Simon ordered some city workers out to start stripping the corpses of armor and then burn all the dead to avoid plagues.

The townspeople almost fought each other to get this job, because the salary Simon gave was 5 silver coins.

All over the continent there is unified money, they are copper, silver and gold coins, in addition there are also paper notes that have the same function as paper money but are only used in large negotiations between countries or great nobles, common people use copper and silver, while gold coins are for the rich

It is no exaggeration to say that 5 silver coins can support a commoner family of 5 for 3 months, Simon gave this high salary because he considered the job of caring for dead bodies to be disgusting.

This made him realize even more that his new territory is not in good financial condition, luckily the empire created a law that prohibits the northern territories from having more than 30% tax because otherwise all the poor would freeze and die.

It is precisely because of this fiscal limit law that the entire northern territory does not have a single duke or marquis, the greatest nobles are earls with no influence in the capital and have no choice but to administer the lands of their ancestors.

"Husband, what reward are you going to give me? I worked so hard, I'm tired" Raikou hugging Simon said

"what reward do you want" Simon

Raikou smiled

She approached Simon and whispered

"I want... your baby..." Raikou

Simon heard the tempting voice in his ear, a heat in his heart and pants appeared.

Simon hugged Raikou's waist and pressed her against his body.

"in that case, let's do one tonight" Simon

Raikou smiled, she then kissed Simon's mouth

After a while, the two parted ways and went to continue organizing the city.

Simon was happy, he now had 3 random draws and a 5 star draw

the bedbug town was in a peaceful climate...but the northern border was not good


frosty dawn city

This town is a little bigger than the bed bug town, it has a population of 50,000 people

or at least had

the city went up in flames, female cries for help rang out, but no one helped

thousands of humans wore iron chains on their feet, children, adults, men, women and the elderly, even dogs and cats were trapped

The orcs took the city, the territory baron fled but the few soldiers that remained fought bravely.....for 5 minutes before being massacred

city ​​Donatelo, free city Samala among others, in all 10 cities of the northern border were attacked, 9 destroyed and about 200,000 humans enslaved

This is the greatest humiliation the Bonfront empire has suffered in recent centuries.

Orc Zone, near the border with Bonfront

At that moment in a large camp, some orcs were meeting with a human

The human was 30 years old, handsome and had a big mustache, he is Jon Coldshore son of the current leader of the Lunar Chamber of Commerce

"Young Jon, your plan worked, that stronghold leader actually abandoned the defense just because we kidnapped his daughter hahahaha" an orc laughed

Jon smiled as he sipped wine, but the distaste for the orcs in his eyes was hidden.

The one who created the plan to destroy the border defense fortress, with bribes, threats and kidnappings brought down the fortress and made the orcs take the blame

The reason? he received a big order to buy human slaves from the elven empire, but time was short, so using the poor north of Bonfront was easy

"I'm glad, when I receive the slaves I will personally order the delivery of lots of food and grass to your tribes, furthermore, I suggest you retreat as far as possible, the empire's revenge must come soon" Jon

"revenge?hahaha humans can't stand the northern cold, even if I came we'll kill them all" random orc

"hahahahah" the other orcs laughed

Jon looked at this and his contempt grew even more.

'idiots.....the majesty of a millennial empire is not something your shitty tribes can handle, I'm going to get out of here as soon as possible' Jon thought


King Crystal City - great capital of the Bonfront Empire

this city is gigantic and beautiful, its wide streets fit 5 carriages side by side, with its population of 5 million people decorates the city with an atmosphere of movement and prosperity

But at this moment, several horses were running quickly in an urgent fashion, all carrying a purple flag that symbolized that they were royal messengers.

Everyone rushed to the crystal palace where the empress resided.