
Chapter 2

Will, the owner of Wilson's current body. He is twenty-one years old this year and is only in his first year of college. Based on the fact that he had to repeat three years of schooling before he was admitted to M City, which is considered to be an ordinary university among the key universities, it can be seen how bad Will's brain is. He has a miserable white face and feels like a "struggling" student who never comes out of the classroom. At the age of twenty-one, he has the appearance of a high school student, simply because he can't afford to eat, so he's curbed the best time to develop.


  Wilson looked up at the sky and sighed," God, if you want to allow him to be born again, you can not choose such a young guy. He is really afraid that not long after this child will die again. It's just, it's just! A sluggish mind, and insecure Will's body, since Wilson received it, naturally decided to give him a different future. As for the special way, naturally, he is good at it and this stunted bean sprout is not good at it. Wilson is not the kind of person who sits in the classroom and plays the role of a good student with other students, relying on learning to gain the upper hand. That kind of thing is not something he would do. Moreover, it's not something that he is accustomed to, but he will get what he wants in his way.


  Though, the process was a lot harder than one would think.




  Coming from a small country, with an average working-class family and another student to support, Ron decided not to burden his family and relied on his hard work. Will was in a similar situation, and because of this, the two of them lived together. The rented house is much cheaper than the school dormitory, which saves a lot of money.


  How hard it is to be Will, Wilson has learnt. In the past, he lived a life of great wealth and clothing, but when it comes to this brat, everything needs to be earned. It wasn't that he hadn't suffered before. It is just that those days have been too long, and people most easily buy clothes and food, gradually developing inertia, which will also feel bitter.


  However, it was nothing to be merely bitter.


  "Will, you walk slower, don't steal customers from others." RON, who is a cohabitant and also a classmate, faces the angry gaze of a fellow part-time student.RON is a bit afraid of him, because since that incident happened, Will is like a different person, obviously cowardly and only biting his fingers, but suddenly stood up his chest and swore that he wants everything that makes him unhappy to die an ugly death.RON was a bit afraid of him, because since that incident happened, Will was like a different person, obviously cowardly and only biting his fingers, but suddenly stood up his chest and swore that he wanted everything that made him unhappy to die an ugly death.


  RON was black at that time, suspecting that this guy was not smoking epilepsy. Originally repeated a few times older than himself, a few years is a generation gap, and now he has suddenly transformed so radically, simply adding another layer of the generation gap.RON doubts, is it too much stimulation will directly lead to epilepsy. Otherwise, where did that coy person go? That usually shrinks in the last row of the classroom. Will we only be able to write quickly where to go? Is the person ... who is now on his feet and desperately trying to solicit customers Will? He wanted to cry so much.


  "RON What are you up to, pulling more people into the shop so we can earn more commission, can you earn money just standing there?" If there was a moustache, Wilson must have blown his moustache early, money money money, now is the biggest problem in front, no money, no tuition fees, no living expenses, no utilities, no rent, helpless ah helpless.


  "... er, good." RON was depressed, the many eyes around him were jealous and resentful, watching Wilson make trip after trip to pull customers closer to his shop, while they always got nothing. His poor self, for following Wilson around, was always given to be the innocent target of venting.


  Wilson was very good at recognizing people. He could tell in his face who was determined to buy something and who was just strolling around. This is also thanks to his business career over the years. A pair of eyes, even if it is not perfect practice, is considered to be not bad at all.


  Someone! A family walked over from across the street, Wilson hurriedly went up and asked, "May I ask if you need to look at the bathrooms? Now our shop in the activities, the whole ..." In such a paragraph, he has said no less than a hundred times, dry throat and how, but also have to do it.


  It doesn't matter, he used to go this way, step by step.


  At lunchtime, Wilson and RON squat on the ground with the boxed lunch. Wilson has unambiguously fat meat in his mouth, he is tired, if it is a normal situation, his mouth would not like to raise the grippy, but now he is like a dog in the water, which he can be used to disliking.


  "Will, why are you suddenly working so hard? In the past, you always just handed out flyers and didn't dare to go up and talk to people at all. ah?" RON continued to wonder about Will's.