
please reset the booktitle EvilcatCoco 20231218092329 84

People say that love is eternal and stretches far beyond the boundries of time and space but the question always remains, how far will you go for it? Alex an ordinary man with a bleak life had only one reason to live his life, that was the love of his life, but what happens when you lose your reason to live? Do you accept defeat and let go of everything or strive to find it again even if it takes everywhere and anywhere. A/N: This is a multiverse story with the main charachter searching for his loved one so for anyone who was thinking this was another harem story sorry. AND bear in mind the mc is a bit broken in the mentality department so expect some dark shit in this fan fic, you guys can suggest to me the worlds that you want the charachter to go to and if i like it i will include it. this is my second novel, i hopr you guys like it but if you are expecting the same things that are in other novels like the heroes always winning then biy are you in for a ride.

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Chapter 1- DARKNESS

In a warehouse out near the docks at the outskirts of Nebraska, there were dead bodies lying in on the floor with all kinds of wounds with expressions of fear and unwillingness. In this warehouse sounds of grunts were heard as a person constantly punched another lying on the ground on the face again and again.

The cold eyes of the youth doing the deed were emotionless as he continued to punch the other's face repeatedly to the point that even his knuckles became bruised but he seemed to not care. The dark haired youth stopped for a brief moment as he sensed that the other wanted to say something.

The man lying on the ground despite his mangled bloodied face managed to sputter out a sentence, "i-it…..was…..an accident."

The image of the man beaten to pulp was reflected in the dark blue eyes of the youth but he didn't show an ounce of expression.

"I know." The man said as he started strangling the man as he struggled for fresh air. The youth watched as the light faded from the man's eyes. He let go of the man's now dead body and groggily stood up and took a deep sigh.

"finally ...….it's over" the youth said to no one in particular. He then winced due the multiple bullet wounds on his body. He limped outside the warehouse and got into a car as he knew he didn't have much time.

He started the car with difficulty as he struggled due the shivering of his bloodied hands. He started driving towards a remote house on a lush green hill, one he had once built with much care.

The youth's name was alex, he was like the rest a normal everyday citizen paying his everyday taxes worrying about the future every day and lived a mundane life. He felt that every day of his life was the same…..dull and colorless. But that all changed when she entered his life.

The moment he saw her he felt that time had slowed as everything became brighter….more beautiful. He courted her and was rejected but he didn't lose hope and he tried again and again to win her favor and eventually he did.

They started going out and soon fell hard in love and got married. Alex felt at that time that maybe this life was worth living after all.

But there is a saying 'nothing lasts forever' and he often wished it was only a saying.

His wife had one day been the victim of a shootout between rival gangs, and was just a victim of tragedy. He was there, he saw her as she fell and the look of desperation she gave to him in her last moments. He was shot too but 'unfortunately' survived and was later informed at the hospital that his wife had died.

The moment he heard the news it seemed that something broke inside him and all the colors of the world faded once more and it became monotone. He guessed it his mind that broke or his heart, it didn't matter ,he realized he was broken.

He had seen the people involved in the shooting he tried to justify against them in court and have them get what they deserved but life was unfair to him once again. the judge was corrupt and so were the police. The gangs weren't simple gangs but large cartels and the shoot out they had was 'just' a small scuffle.

At that moment he felt unbridled rage and fury as he almost ran over and took the gun from the nearby officer to shoot down the gang members that were giving him smug smiles as they were leaving the court as free men.

But he stopped, closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he calmed his emotions. When he opened his eyes again he was no more the same person.

He then spent the last 6 years to kill every person involved in it with his own hands with cold calculation, he thought it would give him satisfaction but it did nothing, rather with each person he killed he became more and more hollow inside. He realized that the only reason he was still alive was for his revenge, that was his only motivation to live.

Alex finally arrived at his destination although he almost blacked out on the way here due to the blood loss. He made his way to the house with unsteady steps as a trail of blood was left behind him.

He opened the door as flashbacks came to him of a life that once was. He went ahead and sat on the couch in the living room disregarding the disrepair in which the house was. He took out a photo from his pocket as he looked at the woman in it with an emotionless face but the eyes expressed what he was feeling at this moment: lonliness.

"My love, I am sorry for keeping you waiting so long, I .....I killed them all...I know I was wrong to do so….but...I hope…one day you will understand ....that it was all...for you" Alex started become light headed as he looked around the house once more and sighed with grief at the loss of a beautiful future.

Since the future was no more, neither should be the past. Alex took out his lighter and threw it at the corner of the room. Soon smoke started rising as a fire starting building up. Alex watched with an expressionless face .

The fire soon started raging around in the room but alex was calmly sitting in the middle. He didn't know if he would die of blood loss or the fire, he didn't care. He just wanted to end it, he was tired of it all.

Alex closed his eyes, it seemed he went into a slumber as the fire started spreading on his body and consuming him but he showed no reaction. The man who lost everything now and had spread terror among the cartels of the country had now departed....towards...…towards!?....….@!#@!#@!#.

so this is the first chapter, and also the novel will be slow updates so i hope you you dont mind, and please do tell me what you think of the first chapter

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