
please reset the booktitle DaoistTxPA8K 20231218092329 91

In a serene small town surrounded by rolling hills and meadows, resides Lily Smith, a young woman who embodies resilience and determination. Having faced more than her share of hardships, Lily's life takes a tragic turn when her parents die in a devastating accident. She went into prostitution as It was the easiest and quickest way to earn money for herself but it was also dangerous as she could get STD but she was willing to take the risk after all its a win win She gets pleasure and money simply by satisfying men. However, the prostitution got her quite the fortune she anticipated if not more as she became a well known Prostitute and makes her clients satisfied. She never fails to deliver, living in luxury and getting lots of money while doing what she loves doing best 'Fucking'. However her life took huge turn, Stay tuned so you won't miss out on the huge change in her life. Lily stood outside the opulent hotel door, taking deep breaths to calm herself before entering. This was just another day at work, she told herself repeatedly. Another day to pay her bills and put food on the table. She adjusted her short black dress, revealing her smooth curves beneath. Her high heels clicked against the polished marble floors as she made her way towards the elevators. As the doors slid open, Lily stepped inside, pushing the button for the top floor. She glanced around nervously, feeling exposed despite the few other guests present. As the elevator came to a stop, Lily took a deep breath before stepping out into the hallway. The soft carpet muffled her footsteps as she made her way towards Room 2012 - James' favorite suite. Her palms were sweaty as she knocked on the door, her heart pounding in anticipation. A moment later, it swung open, revealing James standing there in a black silk robe. His dark hair was wet from the shower, glistening in the dim light. His face was angular and handsome, with sharp cheekbones and full lips curved into a smirk. "Ah, you're right on time," he purred, stepping aside to let her enter. "I've been waiting for you."

DaoistTxPA8K · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

He stopped finger-fucking her and went down to lick her pussy, teasing and making her moan in pleasure. "Ahh, oh yes don't stop, mhmmm." She cried out in pleasure. This made James happy that he is able to satisfy her, he didn't understand this strange feelings but he brushed the thought out if his mind to focus on what was in action. He loved the taste of her pussy and wanted more of it. Lily's mind was blank, she was fully submissive to his every whim and command. He pulled her closer to him, their bodies entwined as he thrust his hips forward, finding purchase within her tight entrance.

His movements were fast and forceful, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the room. Lily arched her back, her voice escaping her throat as she cried out in ecstasy. James grunted in response, feeling his own release building within him as he drove harder into her welcoming body. Their skin slapped against each other, creating a rhythmic pattern that filled the room with its fervent beat. He looked down at her, watching her features contort with pleasure as he continued to thrust into her. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes half-closed as she rode the waves of pleasure crashing over her. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at seeing her like this - so completely lost in the moment, so utterly dependent on him.

It was exhilarating, knowing that he held the power to reduce her to such a state of submission. And yet, as he watched her writhing beneath him, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness too. Because no matter how much he tried to pretend otherwise, he knew that she would never truly belong to him. That thought only served to fuel his passion, however. With a low growl, he began to move faster, his hips pistoning furiously as he sought to drive himself deeper into her. Lily gasped aloud as she felt him pierce her womb, filling her with his heat and weight. The sensation was indescribable - like nothing she had ever experienced before. It felt as though he were branding her very soul, marking her as his forever.

As he moved within her, James reached down to grab her breasts, pulling them apart roughly as he savored their fullness. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, eliciting gasps of surprise and delight from Lily. Her body trembled beneath him, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps as she struggled to process the intensity of what was happening to her. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, running his hand down her abdomen to rest on her flat stomach. His touch ignited a fire within her, making her squirm uncontrollably as she tried to get closer to him. He pushed her gently onto her back, hovering over her as he trailed his fingertips down her legs.

His gaze settled on her exposed neck, and without thinking, he leaned in to kiss her there. She responded eagerly, tilting her head back to give him better access. He felt a rush of warmth spread through his chest as he kissed her, the sensation growing stronger with each passing second. It was a strange feeling - unlike anything he had ever experienced before. But before he could fully explore what it meant, James's phone buzzed on the nightstand beside him. He cursed under his breath, irritated at the interruption. He picked up his phone and as he did his anger subsided.

There was a message from one of the companies he wants to collaborate with, agreeing to the contract he placed and also asking for a meeting with him. James quickly got down from the bed "Lily, I'll get back to you later, for now I have attend a really important meeting." He said while grabbing his underwear and suit from the closet. Lily nodded in agreement. "As for your reward, I'll give you at dinner in a restaurant tonight, send me an address I'll come pick you up." He said, already dressed up. Lily was puzzled at his sudden behaviour, he had never offered to go out on a date with her rather he always asked her to meet him in an hotel and tonight he's picking her up.

'What the fuck is going on' She thought to herself still she nodded in agreement. He grabbed his wristwatch at the table stand and leaned closer to lily and gave her a peck on the lip then stared at her for few seconds. "Put on something nice, okay, I'll pick you up at seven sharp." Lily didn't say anything rather she just laid on the bed perplexed and unsure of what was going on. See got down from the picked up her clothes from the floor, then went into the bathroom to freshen up.

She got out of the bathroom with a white robe and her hair dripping with water on the floor, she walked towards the stool close the sofa where she left her hand bag, she dipped her hand in it and brought out her phone, she searched for James number and sent him her address through text message. After sending the message she wore her short black dress back and waited for her hair to dry a bit before stepping out of the hotel suite. She went shopping for the date she was about to have that night with her sex lover. After shopping she went home to get ready and waited patiently for James to pick her up.

She tied her hair up in a tight bun leaving some strands of her hair falling unto her face curled up. She had put on a short red sexy gown showing a lot of cleavage, she knew she had to look good for him especially for tonight. He soon reached her apartment and led her into his car. They didn't say anything to each other on the way to the restaurant.

As they entered the restaurant, heads turned to watch them pass.

I'm deeply sorry for updating late. I've been extremely busy lately. Please bear with me, next week is another busy week of mine. But I'll try my best to keep up. I hope you like this one.

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