
please reset the booktitle DaoistTxPA8K 20231218092329 91

In a serene small town surrounded by rolling hills and meadows, resides Lily Smith, a young woman who embodies resilience and determination. Having faced more than her share of hardships, Lily's life takes a tragic turn when her parents die in a devastating accident. She went into prostitution as It was the easiest and quickest way to earn money for herself but it was also dangerous as she could get STD but she was willing to take the risk after all its a win win She gets pleasure and money simply by satisfying men. However, the prostitution got her quite the fortune she anticipated if not more as she became a well known Prostitute and makes her clients satisfied. She never fails to deliver, living in luxury and getting lots of money while doing what she loves doing best 'Fucking'. However her life took huge turn, Stay tuned so you won't miss out on the huge change in her life. Lily stood outside the opulent hotel door, taking deep breaths to calm herself before entering. This was just another day at work, she told herself repeatedly. Another day to pay her bills and put food on the table. She adjusted her short black dress, revealing her smooth curves beneath. Her high heels clicked against the polished marble floors as she made her way towards the elevators. As the doors slid open, Lily stepped inside, pushing the button for the top floor. She glanced around nervously, feeling exposed despite the few other guests present. As the elevator came to a stop, Lily took a deep breath before stepping out into the hallway. The soft carpet muffled her footsteps as she made her way towards Room 2012 - James' favorite suite. Her palms were sweaty as she knocked on the door, her heart pounding in anticipation. A moment later, it swung open, revealing James standing there in a black silk robe. His dark hair was wet from the shower, glistening in the dim light. His face was angular and handsome, with sharp cheekbones and full lips curved into a smirk. "Ah, you're right on time," he purred, stepping aside to let her enter. "I've been waiting for you."

DaoistTxPA8K · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Lily stood outside the opulent hotel door, taking deep breaths to calm herself before entering. This was just another day at work, she told herself repeatedly. Another day to pay her bills and put food on the table. She adjusted her short black dress, revealing her smooth curves beneath. Her high heels clicked against the polished marble floors as she made her way towards the elevators.

As the doors slid open, Lily stepped inside, pushing the button for the top floor. She glanced around nervously, feeling exposed despite the few other guests present. As the elevator came to a stop, Lily took a deep breath before stepping out into the hallway. The soft carpet muffled her footsteps as she made her way towards Room 2012 - James' favorite suite.

Her palms were sweaty as she knocked on the door, her heart pounding in anticipation. A moment later, it swung open, revealing James standing there in a black silk robe. His dark hair was wet from the shower, glistening in the dim light. His face was angular and handsome, with sharp cheekbones and full lips curved into a smirk. "Ah, you're right on time," he purred, stepping aside to let her enter. "I've been waiting for you."

Lily felt her stomach flip as she crossed the threshold into the spacious living area. It was decorated with tasteful furniture, including a plush gray sofa facing the fireplace, which crackled merrily. A half-empty bottle of champagne sat on the coffee table beside a crystal flute.

The scent of sex hung heavy in the air, reminding Lily of their last encounter. Though it had been weeks since they'd met, she still couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right. He always seemed too eager to please her, leaving her uneasy with his intentions.

James led her over to the sofa, where he deftly unclasped her bra and tossed it onto the nearby armchair. Her breasts spilled free, heavy and swaying.

I had to change the plot and go straight into her present life I hope you like it. There will be more, Add it to your library so you won't miss any upcoming chapters.

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