
please reset the booktitle Carrots123 20231218092329 25

I died and was reborn. An impossibility that occurred but now offered me so many opportunities that I didn't have before. Power was open for the taking and I was going to take it all. Everything I desired would be mine and nothing would stop me, not this time. Just a quick warning, this is a story with a mass harem. If you don't like that then don't read, it is as simple as that.

Carrots123 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

First Gladiator Fight

All of this it was so very familiar to me. Memories, words written upon paper and the drawings that accompanied all slowly began to return to the forefront of my mind as I stood within the arena. Around me, crowds cheered, their excitement at the battle to come rising.

"And now, citizens and oligarchs…" If I remembered correctly, the pretentious prick that was talking was a governor on Sakaar. The very same who had captured me, I'd return the favour in the future but for right now, it only raised questions for me.

One thing that had become very clear to me since arriving in this world was that it was far more in-depth than what the comic books showed. Comic books, cartoons and animated shows, they didn't show the true depths of a planets internal infrastructure and political system. It only showed what it was at face value, giving hints to something more but never fully developing the idea further.

Sakaar was no different.

There was a King, the Red King. Then there were governors, but how many were there? And what was below governors? Was there anything below them or was that it? Not only that but how powerful and how vast were the armies of Sakaar?

All these little details and more ran through my mind quickly, but I pocketed them for now. 'I can't focus on things like that just yet, surviving is what I need right now. Hulk destroyed it very quickly but I doubt I'm that strong, even before my battle against Conquest and Tyrany'r. It's more than likely that with my recovering powers that I could die.'

Not to mention the recovery of my powers would be slow also, after all this sun was weak. At one time it must have been strong and full of life, ravaging this planet and ridding it of all life. But since then, it had weakened to a point that now life could live on this permanent desert planet.

That meant that the recovery of my own powers would be slow.

'Oh well. I would have lost to Thragg because I didn't know how to properly mix my martial arts with my powers. Not only will fighting in these arenas help me with that. But also, I can develop them further.'

Was I angry and frustrated at my defeat? Yes, but right now, I needed to be calm and focused, my mind already going through the motions as I fell into Torquasm Vo. I allowed myself to run upon instinct and emotions when conquering the Vrangs and Viltrumites, I had plans long-term but I was only thinking big picture. What I failed to do was think of the small picture and that led me to where I am right now. I wouldn't make that mistake again.

This arena, this entire planet was a golden opportunity to increase my power and skill. It also represented a basis for a new army, one far more loyal to me than the Viltrumites and Vrangs could ever be. Hundreds of thousands of slaves were freed and fighting for the man who gave them freedom.

This planet was an opportunity ripe for the taking and all I needed was to reach out and take it.

"-feeding habits of our planet's most ferocious predators!" The Governor proclaimed much to the joy of the crowd.

Shifting along the sand, hand gripping the blade of my sword tightly, I looked at the sand warily. 'If I remember correctly, the creature that attacks comes from the ground.' Taking a moment to calm my breathing, I focused purely on my senses of touch. The sounds of the crown blocked out all other noise. My sense of smell was filled with the smell of the city. I could even taste it, so foul did this city smell. But touch, that was the only thing unencumbered by my surroundings.

There were light vibrations from the stands as the crowd stomped their feet in preparation, but it was hardly distracting or very noticeable.

But every now and again, there would be loud vibrations. No one else but me noticed them, however, they were there and they were numerous. No doubt the tentacles of the creature burrowing up through the ground in preparation to strike.

'It's coming now.' As I allowed my mind to fall into the hyper-focused state of Torquasm Vo and Rao, I listened to the final parts of the Governor's speech.

"The Cavaranthus Mazorus, more commonly known as the Great Devil Corker, thrives in the plains and deserts upper Vandro, where the natives live in fear of its lethal tentacles…" As if on order, tentacles sprouted up from the ground, latching on to numerous bugs. "And it's spiked projectile tentacles."

"For the Hive!" I'll give the bugs this, they were brave if nothing else. But as always, there's a line between bravery and stupidity. I think they not only passed that line but left it way in the back.

They charged at the large maw of teeth, the concentration of tentacles and spiked ones far more numerous. As soon as they got close, they were instantly restrained in place, only for spikes to pierce through their chests in an instant. It was quite an effective way to deal with threats and it beggared the question, how did they catch it?

"Bug." I directed towards, Miek, both of us gripping our weapons as we watched them get killed. "Running will not get us anywhere. We have to stand our group and cut down the tentacles as they get close. If we reduce the number of tentacles, especially the spiked ones we can get in close and finish it off."

Miek didn't seem overly pleased with that plan if the look on his face was anything to go by. But I wasn't going run around and show my back to this beast. Pride, it was a useless thing, yet it was something I held in great abundance.

A fatal flaw, I know.

However, it was not something I could just switch on and off. I would not flee, I would not show my back, I would face this creature and kill it while using this to gain every bit of experience I needed.

"Run if you wish." I continued, sword cutting through the air and slicing through a couple of tentacles that attempted to get in close. Even a dull blade like the one I used when swung with enough speed and force could cut through something. They weren't clean cuts by any stretch of the meaning, but so long as the job was done, it was enough. "But you'll only be running to your inevitable death. Fight like a warrior and you'll live. Only by fighting can you survive in this cruel world. Fight, grow stronger and eventually, you'll stand on top of this world."

My heart was pounding rapidly, my mind whirling and my muscles tensed yet also relaxed. This was how I felt every time I knew I was pushing myself to the limits. It was how I felt when facing the vast legions of the Vrangs when I was a soldier of Krypton. It was now I felt when fighting against Doomsday. It was how I felt when fighting Thragg. It was how I felt when fighting against Tyrany'r and the Viltrumites.

This feeling, the knowledge that your life was on the line. That just the tiniest mistake could cost you your life, it was a strangely exhilarating feeling. The knowledge that either you surpassed your limits or died, that was what my mind and body told me.

There was only one way to escape this arena alive and that was to kill this beast before me and I would do just that.

And as more tentacles shot towards me, most meant to restrain my movements. I also picked up numerous spiked tentacles hidden between them. My eyes picked them all up and I shifted my stance, one foot sliding back as I gripped the sword in one hand.

Releasing a low breath, I waited just a moment before swinging.

-X- Line Break -X-

"Ho," the Red King murmured as he leaned forwards ever so slightly in his seat. "He's quite an interesting figure isn't he?"

Beside him, Denebo Aruc III, governor of the Wukar province smiled as he saw this. When he had seen the figure fight back in his lands, Denebo had been shocked. There was power there, but also guile and skill. His strength of course paled in comparison to the Red Kings champion, as did his speed. But his skills might very well be a match and an idea had formed in his mind then.

The Red King always enjoyed fights in the arena and his pride was his champion. The figure was strong and ferocious, skilled and powerful. But he was overwhelmingly so and no figure had stood a chance. Since then, the Red King had found all following fights lacklustre. All the strongest warriors of Sakaar had been put in the arena against the champion and killed. Sometimes even dozens at a time, but all met the same fate.

However, Denebo had seen a chance to gain a foothold with the Red King in the form of this slave. And so he had taken him and what he was witnessing below was proof that he was right.

His eyes hadn't lied to him.

"If we give him a little time, your grace," Denebo spoke. "Allow him time to train and gain more experience. If we build up his number of fights, eventually we could build his legend to a level similar to your champion."

The Red King looked to him in thought and Denebo could see that he was considering just sending him into the arena against his champion right now. That would not be a good move for him, it would only end in the figures death.

"Imagine the attention a fight would draw between two champions of the arena. It would be like the days of old. Two undefeated and powerful champions facing each other in the arena once more." Denebo then targeted the one thing the Red King enjoyed a great deal. "The money we could earn from such a fight and the fame and prestige would all fall upon you, the Emperor who brought such an amazing showing to the people of Sakaar."

"Yes, that could work," Angmo murmured in thought before turning to the warrior women who stood beside him. "Caiera, what do you think? Should I wait and allow Denebo to train our new fighter up or shall I simply send him in to fight against my champion now?"

"I would not presume to know," Caiera answered quietly. "But if it is fame you desire. Allowing Denebo to train him would be for the best."

Though as she looked upon the figure that slowed marched forwards, sword cutting through all the tentacles that came his way, she doubted Denebo could teach him anything. His skills were a rival for her own and therefore, a rival for the champions. The only thing he lacked was strength.

Without those, he would never stand a chance and only death would await him.